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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2013 in Posts

  1. Went up to the ticket office today, picked out my seat, and got season tickets for the first time for UNT football. The recent grad (im a 2010 grad) made it a really good deal. Im going to be in section 205. Where are others on this board sitting? Pumped for the season! Go Mean Green!
    7 points
  2. -- Maybe that is fairly obvious by reading some posts here... hahaha. We are in the bottom 10 of 50 states on that issue in public schools.... and maybe it shows. So you think state colleges should kick up the tuition even more... it has tripled since Perry walked in. Most third world countries spent less and they are third world because of it. We could cut more... some small schools have eliminated all sports and UIL activities (no funds) ... So you think reading, writing and rithmetic is the way to go... cut band, choir, art, football, baseball, basketball, absolutely foreign languages (Real Americans should speak only English) , that is exactly what charter schools do (Perry loves them)... also maybe those infidels that teach science classes that don't believe the world started in 5000 BC etc. ....then education would cost less....... He seems to want people to quit traditional public schools and go private... and pay, instead of using tax money ... pretty much back to what was happening in 1776 .... a true conservative .. no change ... our forefathers didn't play football etc. we should do as they did ). We didn't even have public fire departments until that radical left-winger and British-traitor Ben Franklin started one.
    7 points
  3. I think we ought to be all cocky and Buckeye about it and call ourselves "THE University of North Texas." I think that would be fun. -- Franchise
    5 points
  4. I think he'd do well having someone like Kyrie Irving throwing him lobs on the fast break.
    4 points
  5. Not saying I like it but... Eagle Claw The eagle hand sign is our universal sign of pride and unity. To display your pride: Hold up your fist. Make a "V" for Victory using your pointer and middle fingers, Extend your thumb and curl your fingers slightly towards your palm. Read more at http://www.unt.edu/traditions/
    4 points
  6. I can't believe we are spending 70 some odd million of MY TAX DOLLARS on some artsy-fartsy building when that money could be MUCH better put to use in buying out Benford's contract, expanding Apogee, or fixing the lighting in the Superpit!!!! I am outraged!!! <sarcasm>
    4 points
  7. 14 years in office is way too long.. (he will be when finishing this term .. and apparently wants more time ) . Rylander, K.B. Hutcheson or any of the Democrats he defeated would have been far better. He continues to veto so much money for education that had been passed by the legislature and wants even more tax cuts for business ($1.6 billion more now) despite the fact Texas is about 46th or 48th in state taxes per capita. But NO tax cuts for most of us ... sales, tobacco, gasoline, or alcohol..just for business, besides when he cuts taxes for a business it is not passed on to just Texans ( if it is passed on) but to everyone nationally or internationally. ... so we Texans get to pay even more local property taxes in for schools etc. and get nothing in return. He wants none of the education money cut from last budget returned to education. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/state-politics/20101003-perry_s-tech-fund-aided-firms-with-ties-to-his-donors.ece Article in DMN and other papers is about how much money he is getting kicked back... maybe legally but sure not ethically. Only two other Texas governors have served as much as 8 years.. Bill Clements (of SMU fame) with two split terms and Allen Shivers back in the 1950's. Perry is hoping for 18 years apparently (many Kings didn't get that many years)
    3 points
  8. I believe Bill Snyder's Kansas State Wildcats were ranked in the Top 10 when the Mean Green played them in this game last September. A game that was quite close for much of the game with North Texas even making a 4'th quarter bid to pull it out. Many TCU fans all over their tail-gate areas at Amon Carter Stadium were watching this game in a bit of disbelief as reported on this forum were pulling for the Mean Green to pull off the upset against their new Big 12 foe...the KSU Wildcats. (Thanks for the support to our neighbors in Cowtown). Can Mean Green QB Derek Thompson put it all together his senior year like he had it together for the Kansas State game? Most of the key North Texas RB's all returning this Fall, too, along with Purdue transfer RB, ie, Reggie Pegram. Can this team with all the positive new additions put it together like they did during the SBC first year of football operations when the Mean Green went bowling that year? There really are some things to get excited about in this YouTube video about who we have coming back this Fall. Enjoy...
    3 points
  9. I'd say he showed up to as many or more games than Benny this season.
    3 points
  10. Where do you live/family: San Diego/Camp Pendleton (Afghanistan for the time being), married an Aztec Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2002-BS Emergency Administration and Planning Favorite NT Memory: The last party we (Theta Chi) had after we got kicked off campus, not really knowing how I ended up at Fouts Field parking lot in my cap and gown 3 hours before graduation Favorite NT Sports Memory: 2001 New Orleans Bowl- yeah, we got stomped by one of my senior officers in my battalion (starting center John Van Lant who won't let me hear the end of it) but that run at the end of the year was epic.
    3 points
  11. No problems here with any UofH discussion, but that guy could use a lesson in presentation. He isn't exactly choosing his words to make friends.
    2 points
  12. You have a bright future as an SID or HR department spokesperson Harry.
    2 points
  13. If DT can throw the ball like he did in this game all year, especially the pass at 4:45, then we should be fine. These are some big "ifs" but I have faith.
    2 points
  14. Not sure if anybody knows this or not, but if you're not in the students' section, it's very, and I mean very, hard to hear that part of the fight song. The only thing I heard from that section the one game that I wasn't there, was the occasional shouts of Noooorth! Texaaaas! and the cheer of bullsh*t! every now and then. But regarding the fight song, I didn't even know that there was anything added in the first place, until I sat in the students' section and there were people saying it. So I don't think there's any point in talking about how little kids might hear cusswords, because they're most likely not going to be in the students' section. And just as some extra info, I was talking to one of my friends who's in theGreen Brigade, and she said that Dr. Williams might want to keep the fight song the way it was at the end of last year, until people just kind of "forget the whole thing ever happened". Which of course, will not work at all. People won't just forget all about it, unless you keep it out for many generations.
    2 points
  15. Dear Football Season , Please get here soon Sincerely , NT03
    2 points
  16. One of your best snipes in a long-line of quality shots.
    2 points
  17. Must've been a hard hit. He forgot how to do the talons correctly.
    2 points
  18. Nice cake! Happy belated!
    2 points
  19. Thrilled to see the Art school to get the funds for a new building. Long overdue.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. No wonder we have trouble with attendance...no one lives around here! Where do you live/family: Coppell. Married for 26 years to a UTA Movin' Mav, 2 girls Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1986 BS Accounting/Business Control Systems Favorite NT Memory: Graduation Favorite NT Sports Memory: 2002 New Orleans Bowl Win over Cincy
    2 points
  22. Has already picked up their 3rd commit for 2014 http://olddominion.247sports.com/Season/2014-Football/Commits
    1 point
  23. Good idea, and I might just go ahead and send him some video anyway. We are a very small school, so we arent going to be on the radar much. But this kid can play and is a heck of an athlete. His brother plays LB at Rice and this kid still has room to grow as well. Would look great in the slot or DB for UNT.
    1 point
  24. .. Very little... I am retired....(plus own land) .. I now teach two classes (mostly for something to do except watch TV) and pay isn't a lot and it doesn't mean that much anymore to me.... it does to my friends. Like I keep saying you don't understand me at all. I am conservative financially but not so much otherwise...Don't run up debts ( see start in 2001) or have useless expenses but pay for things that needs to be paid for. Plus the wife is public school retired but teaches in a very expensive private school so nothing the state does has any effect on her... except drive people away from public school and to her..( not a bad thing for her ) We just get to pay more local taxes. You make way too many assumptions about things .... often about subjects you know nothing really about. Plus I am not one of these idiots that walks in and votes straight party without knowing why they voted for anyone. .... granted I do lean more one way that the other... but it is more about what the candidates believe, say, and DO. There are turkeys on both sides and some good ones also. I am very open about what I do .... I have no clue what you do but you spend a lot of time on this site to be supposedly working. I am even guessing you have no kids in school either since you claim two hometowns and a girlfriend.... so you care nothing about education. ..
    1 point
  25. very cool. im either row 7 or 9....dont remember lol
    1 point
  26. I'm in 205 as well, just above the entry portal.
    1 point
  27. Any school can get early commits from borderline players. The trick is getting commits from players higher up on the recruiting list. With NT record and seemingly relative poor ability to recruit against other schools, it may be in their benefit to wait till they can demonstrate that the program is getting better by winning games next year. Of course, if the record doesn't get better there is no hope that recruiting is either unless there is a coaching change.
    1 point
  28. I was more excited and my heart was beating faster when golfingomez and I were jumping up and down hugging and screaming in the hallway on the 6th floor of West Hall when the Astros won the 2005 NLCS than I was at my graduation...
    1 point
  29. Why not! Its just a stone throw away from San Antonio and many Runner fans would make the trip. I would except a truck load of UNT fans would make the short trip to Little Rock.
    1 point
  30. Does this mean your leaving? I have had the pleasure of meeting a number of students and thankfully none have been like you. Oh wait, you always tell the truth, so you must be right.
    1 point
  31. Simple answer the NCAA should require conferences to publish their transfer rules. 1. No in conference transfer. 2. No OOC opponents on the teams schedule for the next 4-5 seasons.
    1 point
  32. Couldn't we just make the "stairs to nowhere" go up an extra floor or two?
    1 point
  33. I think it's in the best interest of all to lock this thread.
    1 point
  34. Saw this on SBNation, but..... Robot Sphincter.
    1 point
  35. If Flash admits to "cruising" then so be it. I don't think any of us were as critical of Mitchell as this basketball writer, and he is a paid professional.
    1 point
  36. it will take much more than just getting an endowment of 400 million dollars for the Denton campus to reach the metrics for NRUF funding (and yes DJ Plum Plum I know what the metrics are I am stating that it will take much more than just a 400 million dollar endowment) like 45 million in restricted research VS 16.5 in 2012 and meeting more than two of the 6 metrics which is all north Texas met in 2013.....freshman class and member of PKP north Texas in Denton lost out on any potential law school for sure which is probably really a good thing since the law school will most likely not be very successful and there is little if any chance that it will produce the type of graduate that will have the resources to make a large donation (or pay off their student loans and live a decent life) anytime before the vast majority if not all of the members of this forum are pushing up daises and there is a possibility it has cost the Denton branch campus the opportunity to have a pharmacy program as well since that is probably going to be split between dallas and Fort Worth.....there is a chance it would have gone to Fort Worth alone without dallas, but with dallas in the picture the Denton branch campus never had a chance as for private dollars Fort Worth is horrible at raising private dollars and Fort Worth existed on their own before being forced against their will into the north Texas system to begin with so they were always there competiting for private dollars and as for dallas so far only a million or two has gone to dallas that would have gone to Denton.....there was a Denton branch campus accounting grad that made a donation to the dallas campus a few years back.....that probably would have gone to the Denton branch campus if dallas did not exist but that is about it also these are interesting comments in light of how the bill that has passed both legislative branches and is now waiting on the signature of the governor reads this is how the bill USED to read http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/83R/billtext/pdf/SB00016H.pdf#navpanes=0 56 million flushed down the toilet for the law school 73.6 million for the "artsy fartsy stuff" as it was called 56 million for part timers in dallas to have "success" and check out books (that is money flushed down the toilet that could have possibly gone to Denton for sure and really so is the law school cash) and then 66.6 million to Fort Worth here is how the bill that has passed and is awaiting the governors signature now reads http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/83R/billtext/pdf/SB00016E.pdf#navpanes=0 25 million flushed on the law school 48 million for science stuffs in Denton (hey UNT90 you really do have some pull haha) 70 million now flushed away in dallas for a "success" center for part timers and checking out some books and 66.6 million in Fort Worth so the Denton branch campus does get some "tier 1" (NRUF) benefits in the form of science stuff over the artsy fartsy that UNT90 got killed, but the total dollar amount spent on the Denton branch campus took a 25.6 million dollar hit while the dallas campus picked up 14 million and the law school was put back in line as a part timers school in some upper floors of the UCD for the time being instead of trying to piss away 56 million on the old dallas muny building it would be my opinion that the artsy fartsy stuff was too expensive for what the system was in line to get as a whole so it was cut for the less expensive option to free up that BADLY needed cash for the thriving dallas campus.....that or UNT90 just has that much pull really in terms of "tier 1" (NRUF) the research building is a better deal, but it was clear that artsy fartsy was a priority over that until artsy fartsy became too expensive to cover both that project and the needs of the highly successful and rapidly growing (-9 student growth rate over 4 years!) dallas campus or UNT90 pulled the plug on artsy fartsy, but could not find a way to get the remaining 25.6 spent on baseball, firing the BB coach, and lighting a fire under DMac
    1 point
  37. As long as you keep them away from weed and don't make them think you have their flatscreen tv they're just fine.
    1 point
  38. Come on man. How many people could use the Super Pit at one time? 10,000 maybe? And let's not even get started on Apogee. I mean AT MOST 31,000 at a time. An art exhibition though...now that might draw (no pun intended) SEVERAL dozen.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. A list of Texas High School Kids who have already committed - http://texashsfootball.com/2014-texas-hs-football-college-commits/ Really like what Rice is doing , espically Jenkins
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Mac won't see .500 until at the very least, year 4. I think he will get a 4th season if he goes 2-10.
    1 point
  43. Where do you live/family: Denton with my wife of 17 years (also a UNT grad) and two sons Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1987, BA English; 1994, MS Biology; 1998, PhD Microbiology Favorite NT Memory: Wow - too many to decide from. I guess I'll go with my "famous people" whom I've personally encountered while on campus: George W. and Barbara Bush, 1984; Dr. Ruth Westheimer, 1987ish; H. Ross Perot, 1987 Favorite NT Sports Memory: Listening on the radio when we beat Texas Tech in football in the late 80's, win over SMU (and front row seats to the big halftime fight) in 1990, 7 overtime win over FIU, 2002 N.O. Bowl Victory over Cincinatti, taking the kids to meet Johnny Quinn on the field after football games when he was playing here
    1 point
  44. I grew up in lower middle neighborhood in south side of Ft. Worth[south of hospital district],and never went to school with a person of color until I enrolled at NTSU in 1961. There was a 1 hour blow off class called "coaching in football 'that I took my sophomore year,and sat next to A.D.Whitfield, our star running back,who was black.I wanted to crawl under the table when an old assistant football coach teaching the class starting rambling on about making "n----r shooters" as a kid. You just had to be there.
    1 point
  45. i could not imagine living in that time...with the freedoms that we have today, it'd be weird not to have them and have to 'fight' for them, per se...
    1 point
  46. Where do you live/family: Kingwood, TX (soon to be Austin again); Married into an OU family Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2009 BBA Marketing Favorite NT Memory: Playing basketball/raquetball at the rec, anything Fry St. related, and constantly making new friends. Favorite NT Sports Memory: Win over SMU in '06 (I think that was the year). Woodie Wilson was my hero for a week.
    1 point
  47. So anytime a black man points out inconsistencies in positions it must be to serve some sort of "there's a Klansman around every corner" hysteria? Now that, my friend, IS racist.
    1 point
  48. Thank you for turning out program around and leaving it much better than you found it. Good luck in Utah.
    1 point

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