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  1. OPERATOR: He's running. Which way is he running? ZIMMERMAN: Down towards the other entrance of the neighborhood. Fucking [unintelligible] OPERATOR: Are you following him? ZIMMERMAN: Yeah. Zimmerman told the operator he was pursuing Martin. Are details important to you? You keep getting them wrong. Here's a video of Trayvon's dad retracing his final steps to the spot where he died: http://video.msnbc.m...nation/46828740 He was on a sidewalk between two rows of townhouses 70 yards from home, not by a road.
    3 points
  2. And its absolutely trippy for me to even comprehend that. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthvideo/9168817/James-Camerons-first-footage-from-the-deep.html
    2 points
  3. It doesn't affect what happened that night but it can affect someone's emotions and point of view when reading a story. The killing of a child creates stronger emotions than the killing of a grown man. Children are seen a pure and defenseless. He is just pointing out they have a particular story to tell that incites strong feelings in the public. This is also likely the reason they use the mugshot for Zimmerman instead of a driver's license photo or something off his facebook page. People have a stronger negative perception of people in mugshots than they do people in just standard photos that anyone would have. They are just trying to sell newspapers, advertising, and create webhits. They are doing their job, for better or worse.
    2 points
  4. Kennedy is known for playing devil's advocate and asking tough questions. I wouldn't put too much stock into his actions today.
    2 points
  5. I believe that he has admitted guilt in killing Martin. Whether he deserves punishment for that is what is at issue.
    2 points
  6. How are the two tied together? Is there a such thing as looking like a burglar? Was he wearing a balaclava and have a canvas sack with a big dollar sign on it over his shoulder? Did Zimmerman know that Martin had broken into school lockers? I could care less if Martin is being portrayed as a saint or a satanist-rapist. It is entirely extemporaneous to this situation. The fact is that Zimmerman tailed this kid and then got out of his car to confront him despite the police telling him not to implicitly. If there is any self-defense argument to be made at this point it's on the side of Martin so I'll say again if Zimmerman got his ass kicked it's his own damn fault...but it doesn't justify shooting the person with whom you pecked a fight.
    2 points
  7. UNT is up to 34th in the Golfweek / Sagarin rankings...4th in the state behind Texas (1...sick squad with Speith and Frittilli, the top 2 players in the individual rankings), Texas A&M (15) and Baylor (27)...and ahead of TCU (35), SMU (40) and Texas Tech (42)...also tops in the Sun Belt with Middle at 44th being the only other conference team in the top 50.
    2 points
  8. Well, they can't commit to staying in a league with Houston and SMU . . . I doubt Rice alone makes C-USA more enticing for UTEP than the MWC.
    2 points
  9. Auto insurance = only liability is mandated; mandated for the protection of third parties. The state could care less whether you buy coverage for your car. Also, if you do not drive a car, you 'll never be required to buy auto liability insurance. Just call the mandate what it is - socialism and be done with it. Why is that so hard? Just say you wish America was socialist. Look, we hear about people who have all of these problems with insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals, etc. And, we hear that we have to take care of them. Why? Why do people who can afford to pay their own health care without insurance have to be forced to participate? The state doesn't say to automobile owners, we are going to force your to buy Comprehensive and Collision coverage because if your car is totaled it might cause you hardship such as not being able to drive to work and make a living. So, for the good of society as a whole, you are now forced to buy Comprehensive, Collision, Uninsured Motorist/Underinsured Motorist (liability and physical damage), Towing and Labor, and Rental Car. It doesn't matter that you may not want to cover a car due to its age. It doesn't matter that you have enough money to buy another car without insurance proceeds from your totaled car. It doesn't matter that you realize how infrequently you'll use the Towing and Labor and Rental Car, if ever at all. None of that matters. You are now required to buy all of this auto insurance, in addition to the auto liability.
    2 points
  10. I think after hearing Anthony Kennedy, the "swing" voter, we can safely assume that Obamacare as we knew it is over.
    1 point
  11. WAY COOL...welcome to the game...really happy to have you back again...wouldn't be a game without you there! Thanks...you are always there to support these projects..you are appreciated, Sir!
    1 point
  12. Right. Which is why he backed McCain in 2008, no? If Obama had unchecked power over the Senate they wouldn't be debating mandates on the Supreme Court right now, it would be single-payer, or at the very least, a public option.
    1 point
  13. Quite possible as Kennedy is definitely the swing vote here, but "it ain't over until it's over"...and even if the Court rules against the mandates...which Constitutionally they should in my opinion...the whole Obamacare legislation needs to be repealed ASAP! Travesty of a piece of legislation..... Keeping my fingers crossed regarding how the Supreme Court will rule, but i am not at all ready to "call the vote" at this point....do hope, however, that you are 100% correct!
    1 point
  14. Yesterday was really not so much about the mandates and Obamacare but rather a very narrow point of law regarding whether the Justices even have standing to hear the case at this time....seems to me the majority felt it to be a slam dunk that they do indeed have standing to pursue the case...yes, not the best day for Obamacare, but nothing more than some very fine and technical legal wrangling...real stuff starts today. One question...after listening to the day...one question...Is Justice Ginsburg really alive? Or was it just a recorded voice being played by someone acting to be Ginsburg? Wow...can you say old? Maybe there really does need to be an age limit for Supreme Court Justices...just sayin..... Am hearing that today did not go well for Obamacare either. Solicitor general seems to be over his head a bit at this point, but it's still early....
    1 point
  15. He is guilty of the act, yet to be seen if he is guilty of a crime.
    1 point
  16. Well, herein lies part of the problem: there is much finger-pointing among insurance carriers, hospitals, and Medicare. Seems like everyone is asked to bend - except doctors. To me, doctors have always been the X-factor. As a seller of medical malpractice insurance, I know the rates used to be high because of the threat of lawsuit. But, since that was capped here, the market is much more competitive and healthy. Obamacare was a ridiculous waste of time and money. What needs to occur, in my opinion, is: (1) there must be national tort reform to drive down overhead costs for doctors, and (2) there must be a tax incentive for individuals and families to purchase their own insurance. Without these two elements, time and money is wasted.
    1 point
  17. Larger arenas or not, they still outdraw both. So much for a sport that no one watches, eh?
    1 point
  18. There was a photo circulated by Stormfront of a black teen flipping off the camera they said was Trayvon. But it wasn't him. Several online sites spread it, unfortunately, before realizing the error. That's separate from other photos that have emerged from his social networking accounts.
    1 point
  19. take this for what it's worth, but rumor from the tech rivals board says that scotty young is going to end up with sonny dykes at la tech. let's hope that's wrong.
    1 point
  20. It doesn't, except to form a perception in the public's mind of an angelical little child being gunned down by a racist neighborhood watch person. Judging from your and many others posts in this thread, I'd say they were quite successful, wouldn't you?
    1 point
  21. Your right, I'm not syaing Martin had it coming. I'm saying what I have continued to say throughout this thread. People are making decisions on Zimmerman's actions without having all, or any, for that matter, of the facts. You do it right here, by ASSUMING Zimmerman pursued Martin. Even if Zimmerman had followed Martin against dispatcher's (not police) advice, THAT IS NOT A CRIME. What matters is what happened whent hey contacted each other. ZImmerman says Martin asked Zimmerman if he had a problem, Zimmerman said no, and Martin punched him in the face, jumped on top of him, punched him in the face again and began to beat his head on the ground. The physical evidence apparently jives with Zimmerman's story. Trust me, Zimmerman is not smart enough to create a story in that short of a time period where all the physical evidence would match his story. That includes bullet trajectory and many other crime sceen nuances that Zimmerman's story would have had to match. But, you know, those little details are not real important to many on here. The situation absolutely changes with the knowledge that Martin was previously in possession of burglary tools. It lends credence to Zimmerman's observation that Martin was acting suspiciously. Martin had been seen acting suspiciously on school surveillance cameras shortly before committing a criminal mischief. It's called a pattern. We are just now finding this out. Police have known this for weeks. Could it be that this angelic little baby was about to break into a vehicle? It is pretty clear that the angelic picture painted by the media of Martin is completely inaccurate. Like I said before. Patience. Sarcasm in place of facts? OK. But it still doesn't neghate the facts that are slowly coming out. Also reported by yahoo. Fair Enough. Now, what about the Miami Herald article? Again, you ASSUME Zimmerman tailed Martin and caused the confrontation. That has been reported as fact nowhere but in your mind. The more we come to know about Martin, it is entirely possible that he confronted Zimmerman as Zimmerman was headed back to his truck, but WE DON'T KNOW because we don't have the FACTS. People want to believe what they want to believe, and no one wants to admit they are wrong, or worse, were prejudiced against Zimmerman, which they were by the definition of the word itself. I had not heard it reported that Zimmerman was by his vehicle when the altercation occurred. If true, it is pretty clear that Martin initiated the contact.
    1 point
  22. Did you really just cite the Midland Newspaper to refute a government agency?
    1 point
  23. Took it away again. Just sayin.
    1 point
  24. EXCELLENT...Got you down and welcome to the game!
    1 point
  25. Silver lining is that Brek Shea will be with FC Dallas for many more matches now. We need him badly too.
    1 point
  26. I don't know man. If Martin was high on pot and carrying a long screwdriver.... Zimmerman probably had the right/need to tail, innate contact, and fatally wound the kid. Plus are we not better off with one less foul mouthed twitter account out there?
    1 point
  27. If congress can tell you as a condition of breathing in this country that you MUST purchase a product or face a penalty or a fine, where does their power end? If they can force us to buy health insurance, can't they force us to buy hybrids? Can't they force us to buy pink bunny slippers? Can't they force us to chew only peppermint gum? I don't think there is anyone on this board who thinks the existing healthcare system is hunky-dory and doesn't need some major changes. ...but there is real disagreement as to what those changes SHOULD BE. ...but I'm shocked that anyone who is of reasonable mind who has watched our government in action during the time he or she has been alive can come to the conclusion that its going to be OK for our Government to make this power grab and that it will end here based simply on their track record. Today the Supreme Court will hear arguments that will argue exactly this point, that Congress IS acting within its Constitutional limits by forcing you to buy a product or pay a fine. When the Federal Government has that type of power AND control over the system that regulates your very life and health, you are no longer free. This, to me, isn't an argument about health insurance but rather about something far more basic.
    1 point
  28. So you're saying Martin had it coming? Maybe he and Zimmerman had beef from a drug deal gone bad a few years back? I'm having a real difficult time understanding exactly why Martin's past has anything to do with this situation. Zimmerman initiated simply by tailing this kid and then getting out of his car...if Zimmerman got his ass-kicked after that, it's his own fault. If anyone thinks that popping 2 in the chest of anyone is justified by losing a fight you started then society is truly effed.
    1 point
  29. And Trayvon's juvenile record can not be released under Florida law. It would be interesting to know if he had any previous assault charges on his record. But here is the thing. Whether or not Trayvon had that criminal history, and whether or not Martin used a racial slur (sounds like he did, but he could also be saying F'n Cops) does not matter. What matters is exactly what happened when the 2 of them contacted each other that night, and how that contact came about. I do think we will continue to slowly learn that young Trayvon was not the picture of innocence presented by the media. The background information on he and Zimmerman can help investigators determine each of their personalities, but not what happened that night. The interesting thing will be the toxology report on Trayvon. None of us know what it says, but WHAT IF it says that Trayvon had a drug in his system. Does that change things? And of course all the pictures of Trayvon make him look small and innocent, the pictures were given to the media by the family's lawyers. What else would you expect . Take a look at Martin's Twitter account Paint's just a little different picture of Martin than the media has given you. Also, you have not and will not see that picture in the media, as it doesn't fit with their neat little theme of miscarriage of justice. Again, patience people. The investigators (who have had Trayvon's twitter and Facebook this whole time, by the way) are doing and seems have done their job. Whether you like it or not.
    1 point
  30. UTEP's 2012 recruit class. 17 of 22 are from Texas, mostly from the Houston or DFW areas. Appears that Houston & DFW are prime recruiting areas as well as having quite a few UTEP alumni.
    1 point
  31. Here's and article from the El Paso Times that cites UTEP President Diana Natalicio's stance on C-USA vs. MWC membership: http://elpasotimes.typepad.com/utepsports/2011/01/utep-at-houstonmountain-west-talk.html UTEP president Diana Natalicio told me Thursday that UTEP is committed to stay in a league with Houston, Rice, SMU - the western C-USA. A Texas school (UTEP staying with Texas schools is key, she said. Yes, there are some advantages to playing schools in your own state. Exposure in Houston and Dallas helps recruting (does it?)
    1 point
  32. If the merger doesn't pan out and the two remain separate in whatever capacity, I believe the better fit for UNT (if we are invited anywhere) would be Conference USA. The Sunbelt has been good to us, however, Conference USA offers us more in the way of getting people involved. Rice every year would be great. Tulsa, UTEP, ect... They are closer to Denton. Conferences were meant to unite regional teams in order to breed competition, rivalry, and maybe some fun for everyone involved well before ESPN began destroying college sports.
    1 point
  33. Yeah that makes sense ... but I think he thought he was insured.... and then after the tests came back he wasn't. Plus he knew he wasn't too far from medicare... I just don't know details that well... He was the father of one of my son't friends... --You are really hung up on everyone that disagress with you being a sociallist and liberal... pay attention. The last administration was the most liberal spending ever with the budget.... despite claiming to be conservative.... What is your explanation for what happened ??? ... [running up the debt as much than all presvious 200 years combined.. that was conservative??? ] Granted they were religious conservatives ... just not financial. ..
    1 point
  34. I really had little opinion about either FAU or FIU before reading this thread. Now I definitely prefer FAU.
    1 point
  35. Great news. If he was absolutely declaring for the draft, I doubt he would be keeping up with studies and grades. Staying one more year would be in his best interest, and great for UNT fans, also.
    1 point
  36. what... you wouldnt want this on the sideline?
    1 point
  37. TM is a smart dude. He must declare in 2 weeks and he's still going to class & study hall's. I'm not saying, I'm just saying...
    1 point
  38. I hope Coach Stracke wins his first conference title this year. In fact same with Womens Golf. Both programs seem to be doing well.
    1 point
  39. I don't know man, those Deniaites are a-holes.
    1 point
  40. I hope Coach Stracke stays at North Texas forever.
    1 point
  41. Everybody ridiculed them for pursuing the Big XII. They didn't hit the home run, but a solid stand-up triple in a Big East invite. Who knows, this might work out the same way. At least everyone knows they are looking to be a serious player.
    1 point
  42. Actually, it is completely different. The U.S. Constitution explicitly states which powers the federal government may exercise. All other powers not delegated to the federal government fall within the purview of the individual state governments. By extension, a state such as Massachusetts can require it's citizens to purchase health insurance but the federal government's attempt to do the same is questionable legally.
    1 point
  43. Glad to see Texas Hall gone. I read a lot of hype about that place and how cool of a venue it was. I ended up going there this past season. Needless to say it was horrible and a joke.
    1 point
  44. Congrats to our good friend KajunRaider on the arrival of the newest BlueRaider. Garrison Forrest. 6 lbs, 15 oz. Delivered just in time to watch with his daddy and cheer on the Blue Raiders against Minnesota in the second round of the NIT tonight at the Murphy Center on the Duece. Pretty baby boy my friend. Y'all did good! Rick
    1 point
  45. It's 70 miles away. It would be more like saying that Denison is in the Dallas market. And according to your links, Ruston is in a separate TV market from Shreveport.
    1 point
  46. There is a big difference between La Tech and UTEP. UTEP is in a much better market and has a much better BB program that is always at the top of CUSA. I am also pretty sure that UTEP's attendance smashs la tech.
    1 point

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