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Leach Fired


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Poor baby had to stand in the dark and play on his iphone. Big deal. Tech used this as a reason to cut Leach loose, plain and simply. Adam James has accomplished name recognition, so I suggest he get on Dancing with the Stars or some such reality show, cause his miniscule football career is over.

Question for all of you that think Leach did something wrong. Please outline the discipline parameters coaches are allowed to use to motivate/discipline players like James, who, from all accounts, needed an attitude adjustment. I want to know what you think is OK and what you would do if you thought a player was bilking a concussion to get out of practice and showed an attitude about it. Standing in a room for a couple of hours seems like less than adequate punishment to me.

The only thing Leach really did wrong was give the Tech administration a half-way legitimate reason to fire him. They've been looking for a reason for a while now. To me, the biggest spoiled brat in this whole scenario is not Adam James but the Tech administration. I guess it only takes about 10 years to forget how far you've come. However, if Leach would have just sent him to the trainer's room, none of this would have ever happened. Needless to say, I think the administration will rue the day they decided to let Leach go.

In today's entitled society, even my little league/peewee and middle school coaches would be seen as abusive....give me twenty pushups you pansy!!!

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James was cleared by the doctor, what did Leach do wrong? This kid showed up to practice in sunglasses and said the light was bothering him, so he was put in a dark place and monitored. Leach expects his injured players to put their time in with the team at practice if they can, doing what they are cleared for. If nothing else just being on the sidelines. James could (cleared by the Doctor) but would rather screw off somewhere else. The whole standing thing is not true either, but who cares. Again the kid was released to be there. Wake up it is a pansy kid that got mad he could not ditch practice and screw off somewhere. He was not in any danger and the doctors attest to that.

he was not cleared by the doctor to practice. the doc wrote a statement part of which the confinement leach subjected him to would not further hurt him was what leach said. he could not practice then but was told to be at the practice by coaches and told by the doctor to wear the sun glasses for his recovery from the concussion. he is still not cleared medically to play or practice in the bowl game, it was in the paper today.

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Question for all of you that think Leach did something wrong. Please outline the discipline parameters coaches are allowed to use to motivate/discipline players like James, who, from all accounts, needed an attitude adjustment. I want to know what you think is OK and what you would do if you thought a player was bilking a concussion to get out of practice and showed an attitude about it. Standing in a room for a couple of hours seems like less than adequate punishment to me.

would you want your son recovering from a concussion subjected to standing in a dark space for any reason?

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Leach's big mistake was thinking he was bigger than the University. This is not an uncommon happening. We saw it earlier at K State, Bob Huggins at Cincy, and even back to Woody Hayes at OSU. The administration said they could not take the insubordinate behavior from any employee. I think Leach really thought he was above any type of supervision. I have seen people fired for lower levels of insubordination than this case seemed to concern.

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I think the point being missed by many is that the Tech administration wanted Leach gone. Regardless of whether he deserved being suspended over the James incident, filing against said administration for the TRO was seen as sufficient cause for firing by them, and they were probably told by their attorneys it was defensible. I kinda feel for Leach, due to having married into a Mormon family; it's not like he can go and drown his sorrows with booze. However, head football coaching opportunities at the D1 (and in an AQ conference) are not to be lightly dismissed. Some who sound great for on field accomplishments (Terry Bowden, Coach Fran, etc.), seem like they should be coaching at that level now, and are not. It's hard for me to see Leach as entirely victim in this, although he has the right to his day in court.

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he was not cleared by the doctor to practice. the doc wrote a statement part of which the confinement leach subjected him to would not further hurt him was what leach said. he could not practice then but was told to be at the practice by coaches and told by the doctor to wear the sun glasses for his recovery from the concussion. he is still not cleared medically to play or practice in the bowl game, it was in the paper today.

He was cleared to play the game a few days ago, and yes he was cleared to attend practice. And that was in the paper. Plus the sunglasses thing is just plain BS.


Well Adam James, son of ESPN's Craig James, suffered a mild concussion not so long ago that had him sidelined, but was recently cleared by his own doctor to play.

Instead, he showed up to practice wearing sun glasses (presumably because of the concussion he had been cleared from), and offered his own diagnosis to coach Mike Leach.

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would you want your son recovering from a concussion subjected to standing in a dark space for any reason?

Man you are over the top, this at its origin was a very minor concussion, second Leach just want James to put in his practice time same as everyone else, if he cried about the light he was put in a dark place this was not torture. I was not force into pads and used as a tackling Dummy. The room was not pitch black, there was plenty of light and there you go with this standing crap again, You really need to read.

Edited by KingDL1
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He was cleared to play the game a few days ago, and yes he was cleared to attend practice. And that was in the paper. Plus the sunglasses thing is just plain BS.


not what the dallas paper reports today.

"Red Raiders players appeared to wear blinders during a midday practice on the campus of Incarnate Word. Players – including James, who will not be cleared to play medically in Saturday's Valero Alamo Bowl against Michigan State – walked off the field after practice smiling, talking among themselves and even singing."


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Man you are over the top, this at its origin was a very minor concussion, second Leach just want James to put in his practice time same as everyone else, if he cried about the light he was put in a dark place this was not torture. I was not force into pads and used as a tackling Dummy. The room was not pitch black, there was plenty of light and there you go with this standing crap again, You really need to read.

i read fine thanks. i agree that james was a problem for leach to have to deal with his dad but leach recruited james and knew who his dad was. if james was not fulfilling his duties as a student athlete then a ship can be revoked and not renewed. leach went beyond practical for the situation especially any type of suspected injury situation. it was not the lone incident that got him fired but any rational person can see it was not normal treatment of a student, especially diagnoised with an injury, minor or not.

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i read fine thanks. i agree that james was a problem for leach to have to deal with his dad but leach recruited james and knew who his dad was. if james was not fulfilling his duties as a student athlete then a ship can be revoked and not renewed. leach went beyond practical for the situation especially any type of suspected injury situation. it was not the lone incident that got him fired but any rational person can see it was not normal treatment of a student, especially diagnoised with an injury, minor or not.

I disagree completely, and find nothing at all wrong with Leach's action toward James. Second there is not a list of dangerous accusations appearing out of nowhere against Leach, I am no fan of Leach and I understand that this was just used as an excuse to be fired by a admin looking to fire him for a while now. Maybe Leach was too big for his own britches in Tech. I have a problem with cry baby kids, and obnoxious parents. If the kid can be on the side line doing anything that is fine with me even if it is just standing there. If a kid broke his wrist have him of a stationary bike until he can practice. By the way this is common in football from high school up.

I don't like that this situation because reinforces cry babies, and that a punk like James can cause such problems.

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then you would be fired too as a coach. the junction boys and woodie hayes days are over. take the scholarship away if he is a cry baby kid but you cannot abuse him.


Good luck back over the top, you go to extremes, a very minor concussion and you say he can't stand on the sidelines. Pampering most college athletes in not going to mold them very well. You do not seem the understand the difference between reckless endangerment and asking injured players to stay at practice to be part of the team even if it means just standing on the side lines. Get a grip.

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Good luck back over the top, you go to extremes, a very minor concussion and you say he can't stand on the sidelines. Pampering most college athletes in not going to mold them very well. You do not seem the understand the difference between reckless endangerment and asking injured players to stay at practice to be part of the team even if it means just standing on the side lines. Get a grip.

where did i say he can't stand on the sidelines? fine, make him stand on the sidelines. not in a dark garage. the days of the lawless pirates are over. too many good coaches like mack brown, jim tressel, joe paterno, etc don't need to send players to a garage. grow up.

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where did i say he can't stand on the sidelines? fine, make him stand on the sidelines. not in a dark garage. the days of the lawless pirates are over. too many good coaches like mack brown, jim tressel, joe paterno, etc don't need to send players to a garage. grow up.

That was the whole point, he was crying about standing on the sidelines, and had a history of wanting to screw off.

Fine Leach had the trainers take him to a darker place near practice, and he cried to daddy.

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That was the whole point, he was crying about standing on the sidelines, and had a history of wanting to screw off.

Fine Leach had the trainers take him to a darker place near practice, and he cried to daddy.

no. the doc told him to wear sunglasses to practice if he was to be standing outside to reduce the chance of headache. he never complained about standing outside that i read. leach was the one that told him if he needed dark then he would provide dark for him and had the trainers place him in a close by darkened enclosure to make a point./

Edited by LoveMG
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no. the doc told him to wear sunglasses to practice if he was to be standing outside to reduce the chance of headache. he never complained about standing outside that i read. leach was the one that told him if he needed dark then he would provide dark for him and had the trainers place him in a close by darkened enclosure to make a point./

I missed the whole sunglasses thing it is not in anything I read that the doctor said anything about Sunglasses. Several had testimonies directly from the treating Doctor. I did read several places that the sunglasses were Adam's own self diagnosis. I still see no problem with moving him to the rooms if he does not want it bright.

Statements contradict Adam James' version of events at Texas Tech

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then you would be fired too as a coach. the junction boys and woodie hayes days are over. take the scholarship away if he is a cry baby kid but you cannot abuse him.


Jebus H Christmas, being told to stay in a "closet" where you can play with your freakin cell phone is not abuse.

no. the doc told him to wear sunglasses to practice if he was to be standing outside to reduce the chance of headache. he never complained about standing outside that i read. leach was the one that told him if he needed dark then he would provide dark for him and had the trainers place him in a close by darkened enclosure to make a point./

If he is at risk for headaches, sunglasses alone wont prevent them. Not with being around all of the players yelling, singing, whistles, and the generic hype of a BcS practice. Hell, considering all of that, being in a dark quiet room probably helped his headaches.

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