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From Fw North Side Hs

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I received this in an e-mail from a relative who receives a 'former student' newsletter from North Side HS in Ft. Worth. Below is a pretty incredible story, but it's apparently true, and illustrates how the inmates now run the asylum at most schools nowadays:


"I was very interested to learn more about NSHS VP Herbert Wilson from the latest newsletter. His

baseball career was news to me. I had heard only that he had been a boxer.

That surfaced through an incident that occurred during my time at NSHS; others may remember the incident.

One day one of our largest football players--well over 6 ft tall and going on 200 lbs) was sent to Mr. Wilson’s office.

(the VP handled discipline problems).

At some point in the interview, the football player called Mr. Wilson a S.O.B. It was reported that Mr.

Wilson (much shorter and lighter than his guest on the other side of the desk) took off his eyeglasses, laid them on the desk,

got up, walked around to the front of the desk, and decked the smart mouth with a single punch.

The incident was reported in a short paragraph (with Mr. Wilson’s picture) in the

Star-Telegram. I think the story mentioned that a letter of reprimand was placed in Mr. Wilson’s file.

That was the end of it. No complaints from student or parents. No charges filed. No law suit. No resignation or firing.

Everyone involved (and those not) understood that Mr. Wilson’s response was fair and square, consistent with the mores of the day and the locale.

Noble Herbert Wilson! and Ted Koonce, and Jerry Saddler, and all the other coaches and teachers

who wielded the paddles, cut off ducktails during class, and so forth, not to forget Miss Lena Beck who dished it out verbally, with wit, humor, and love.

How far our society has fallen since those days." :lol:

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I am certainly not one who believes in coddling...and I think a lack of real punishment and parenting is a serious issue in the U.S...but to be proud of and advocate violence is extreme. Where is the line drawn?

The Musers had a similar discussion the other morning. Junior told a story of a kid in his school (I believe it was first-hand, maybe not though) being told by a principal to cut his hair to conform with school policy that night. When he showed back up to school without aso much as a trim, the principal took him out of line, grabbed some scissors and cut his hair on sight. There was no excessive contact, and the message sent wasn't that all disputes can be resolved with a fist...just that there a consequences for not abidding to set rules.

I am by no means defending the NSHS student (as seems to be the idea so many get...disagreing with one side is not agreeing with the other). But the manner in which the principal handled the situation is completley unacceptable

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I thought the funny part was "one of the largest football players WELL OVER 6 FT and 200 LBS" 200 lbs is a bit on the small side for anyone who doesn't catch passes or knock balls down.

This is one point that people have forgotten (or never knew if they are rather young) -- Football players 30-40-50 years ago were nowhere near the size they are today..... at least weight-wise. My AAAA high school won state in football in 1960 with only one starter over 180 pounds. He went to A&M as a tackle and played as a sophomore. Granted we were bit small but even then, but there were not many 200 lb. HS players then and even then they were usually fat bubbas and usually not all that good. Almost no one lifted weights then. A lot of the stronger ones we had were the result of summer jobs at a rock crusher or brick yard or in one case his parents owned a dairy and he constantly handled weight while working.

Same subject.. different twist..... It is intersting to look at old photos of people (especially group photos) and some of the people we considered "fat" now look rather normal and would not stand out much. ... The world has changed.


This kind of behavior by the VP is why we are in the situation we are now. These type guys caused the over-reaction we have now where kids can't be "touched" and even suspension is difficult because of the students "rights".... and their "right" to destroy the learning environment for those what would do well if those guys who are thugs or don't care to learn anything weren't in the building. The largest difference in most HS and colleges is that classes are filled with who want to learn or at least know they need to learn ... and those who don't want to be there.... aren't ... at least not very long.. I have taught both places..

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