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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2012 in all areas

  1. I really used to like Ted Nugent. I used to pay money to go see him play his guitar whenever he'd come to town. What a waste of time and money I now realize it all was. The whole North-South thing is stupid. Arguing for the South is like arguing the benefits of Soviet Communism and Nazism. Here's the bottom line - in the South, humans with one color of skin owned and abused humans with a different color of skin. And, yes...I fully understand that Confederate flag waving idiots today - some even (surprisingly) with advanced degrees - try to gloss over this point with other garbage. I was born and raised in Texas, and have never lived anywhere except Texas and Oklahoma. Both were members of the Confederacy. The southeastern part of Oklahoma to this day still calls itself "Little Dixie." I could care less about the Confederacy. Let's cut through the crap and get down to what is really happening in America: white Americans - mainly old, white American males (like Ted Nugent) - are really having a hard time with the huge demographic shift that has occurred since the 1980s. I listen to my 70 year old dad rant about politics quite a bit. Everything's going to hell in a handbasket. Mexicans. Blacks. Welfare. Blah, blah, blah. It really gets old to listen to it. If you can't adapt to the world as it is in 2012, please shut up except in the company of your other, equally "lost in the 50s tonight" friends. No one, except the most right wing of Republicans and Ron Paul nutcases, want to hear it. Everyone else is making a living and trying to get along. Old people have this mistaken view of history that says America is the greatest country ever and blah, blah, blah. They've got it all mixed up with God and Jesus because of the Founding Fathers...a group of elite, rich, white people who went to war against their mother country because they didn't want to pay taxes. So, to war the elite, rich. white people went. They perserved their colony...and kept their bootheels on the necks of their black-skinned slaves. Yes...some of them "bravely" wrote against slavery, but didn't flinch when accepting a Constitution stating the they weren't whole people, but property to be counted for their white owners. Some of these "brave" writers even fathered children with their black slave women. This document, the Constitution - written by those rich, white, elitist bent on saving their own assets - people still piss and moan about to this day. I'm a former Republican who attended the 1984, 1992, and 1996 Conventions. I no longer vote because there are no parties worth voting for: Republicans - confused about the role of God in their (and your) lives. They'd have you believe Jesus would have wanted you to at least "vote for the lesser of two evils"...which they say is them. However, I don't recall Jesus teaching that, in spite of all of their shortcomings, choose either the Sadducees or Pharisees, whichever one you consider to be the lesser of two evils. The notion of Jesus participating in a Democracy at all and choosing the lesser of two evils is wholly laughble. The Jews were under the bootheel of Rome during Jesus' day, and he never talked politics. This group of political inbreeds, regrettably, purports to champion Jesus...the man who told the parable of the Good Samaritan and said, "Love your neighbor...oh, by the way, everyone is your neighbor...even the Mexicans." And, just for good measure, Jesus would be the last person telling you pledge your allegiance to a flag and Republic. He said, all along, pledge your allegiance to God, not man. Flag and Republic are of man. Democrats - confused about so many things it's difficult to even fathom a complete list. The constant knee-jerking about the environment. The whining about some people having more money than other people. The constant pushing of the gay agenda - if you really believe people's personal, bedroom business should stay in the bedroom, then shut up and quit making such an issue of it. No one gives a damn that you are confused about the physiology of the human anatomy and the role biology has played in Evolution. Libertarians - confused about, well...everything. We teach our kids to share and get along. Somewhere along the way, in spite of our best efforts, Libertarians sprung up. No sharing at all, or going along to get along. Roads and infrastructure would just mysteriously get built and maintained privately to this special brand of political idiot. It is 164% appropriate that these people fawn all over the atheist Ayn Rand and her selfish, pointless scribblings. Back in the day, I wasted four or five days plowing through "Atlas Shrugged." Instead of steeling me in my then-right wing beliefs, it made me want to get as far away from people of that mindset as possible. There is no more self-absored bunch of lunatics than the Libertarians. Greens - Just infantile. These people will believe anything you throw down the pike about any insect, plant, animal, fish, bird, fart cloud...you name it. No theory is too "out there" for this bunch. It is wholly fitting that they are led by Ralph Nader, and man so confused about the world that, but for the existence of Ron Paul, he'd be the most mistaken man in the world. My four and six year old children have deeper, more advanced thought processes than your run-of-the-mill Green. Here's the bottom line for me: Shut up and get along with the people who are here now. Don't politick me about Jesus, sex, taxes, or the environment. None of it. Shut up, Ted Nugent. Shut up, (insert name of any Democrat here), Shut up, Ron and Rand Paul. Shut up, Ralph Nader and Al Gore.
    9 points
  2. The question seems to come up every time someone mentions the successes, no matter how minor, of any other school. What have you done for UNT? This invariably devolves into a series of oneupmanship until someone comes through having bought season tickets at the old field where Willis Library now resides. We all have our reasons for donating, but it really boils down to two things. 1) It's part of our entertainment budget, and it's a place where we've found comfort, friendship, and lifelong enjoyment. 2) We're contributing to the embetterment of the university, and by improving the athletic program, giving a few kids a chance at an education and handing the university a nice marketing tool by which it can recruit better faculty and students. We mostly suffer from a common syndrome too: I was here first, and it was better when I was here. I came to UNT four years ago. In these four years, I've lost my house and my wife. However, I gained an education, a new career, and was picked up along the way by a curmudgeony UNT fan who saw fit to give me enough employment while in school to keep my head above water. It hasn't always been the most rainbow unicorn journey, but I got through it, and I'm grateful to those involved. So here I am, a freshly minted member of the Mean Green club (although at admittedly nominal levels). Why did I choose to contribute? Because UNT gave me an opportunity, and UNT athletics indirectly provided me with the means to seize it. So I keep coming back, and I give back (although at admittedly nominal levels). And I sell it to others. Actively and aggressively. How? Think again about why we keep coming back. Reason number 1. It's entertainment dollars. Somebody who is considering coming to games, buying season tickets, and God willing, making a donation, needs to enjoy themselves -- at their own pace, and in their own way. That might mean having the wrong shirt, or sitting in the wrong section, or screwing up the eagle claw (something I never learned how to do). But if there's BBQ, music, beer, football, and everybody is enjoying it, then UNT football is one of the best entertainment values going. I view everyone who walks through that gate as a potential customer. Apogee and UNT is our store, and those are our potential clients. We talk to them, find out what they're looking for in a college gameday experience, and we provide it. The correct shade of green, the alma mater lyrics (which I never learned), the hand gestures. Those things come organically with time. The bitter memories of derision and feeling unwelcome after 100 posts about who did what wrong after every game? Those are instant and permanent. So here's my challenge to the mean green nation this fall. Let's try being the kinder, gentler curmudgeony crowd. People will come to check things out. Let's give them a beer and a rib. Answer any questions they have. Get to know them. Invite them back. And if it's really a burr under your saddle, buy them a t-shirt in the shade o' green of the week. Get them coming back, and start soliciting more commitment, but always as a benefit to them, never as an obligation or challenge to "be as good a fan as I am." Also always keep in mind that what they perceive as benefits may vary wildly from you perceive as benefits, so listen and be mindful of this. We all love this program. Let's project to others why and share it with them.
    7 points
  3. I thought he was joining his Dad at Marble Falls? Either way, good luck to Riley. Regardless, what people think, Riley gave it his all while wearing the green and white of UNT.
    6 points
  4. Will he bring the Westlake coaching staff with him?
    6 points
  5. I am anxious to hear from Connor today. This morning at 6 am, the new freshman class began conditioning.
    4 points
  6. actually they are not a big fan of me over there they don't like the idea of what I said in this thread specifically.....they seem to think that if unT gets rid of RV that things will pick up when the reality IMO is that would be a huge mistake because the only thing that has stayed the same while meaningful change has taken place has been RV the M&G crowd is the worst about wanting little hand written notes and chocolates on their pillow at night for their donations....they are the wrost about not understanding that programs that have sustained success have a full university committment to athletics from the BOR, to the chancellor (if there is one) to the president and on down RV can't go out there and force people to donate and often times it will not be RV that is even the front man on getting large donations even for athletics....at a very few (probably 10-15 max) universities the athletics department might be the front man for their own donations at the rest of the 110+ schools the university advancement department is in the lead.....the AD will be there to work a donor, to steer them in a direction (once athletics has been specified as to where they want to donate) and the AD might be there to give a major part of the close, but the rest of the advancement staff will be there as well look at TxState, UTSA, CSU, Tulane, UH and on and on their presidents and chancellors are right out in front on their athletics and stadium advancement and athletics is a major part of any capital campaign they have going on and often a specific listed part of that......unT has not had a campaign since RV has been here that I recall.......there is mention of some psudeo 150 million dollar campaign that happened back in 2000-2002, but I never recall it being published, I never saw any stated goals for it, I never saw athletics or any specific program or department listed, and then suddenly it was "done" and a "success" mainly IMO because there was a desire to have a much larger one and that fizzled so they stopped at the end of the planned "silent phase" with what they had and "success" the M&G forum is a lot like this one except they place 99% of the blame on RV, they get much more worked up about the "perks" for their donations, and they make fun of the members on here and some of the spin (that is a bit of a stretch or really a huge stretch so often) the AD of a university can't change a crisis of leadership that starts at the very top and flows down and RV has been hung out to dry IMO enough by that crisis and who can blame him for pulling back on some public comments.....VLR is a good leader, but IMO he will be gone much sooner than later and it will be back to someone elses grand new vision and who knows if that will include athletics and if RV had been out there makign some new plans and there is a change....RV gets hung out to dry again al the idiot hung RV out to dry on purpose right from the get go....Dr. Pohl was fighting a losing battle moving up from being a long time "insider" and he saw that and left......Dr. B. was busy executing her grand vision for the campus and then clashing with lee the idiot and trying to save her own job.....VLR is doing ok, but he is not here for the long term and that is specifically why lee the idiot decided on him without a search for anyone else......and clearly VLR is not goign to get in the way of the dallascentric focus so that is perfect for lee because he can get that done before another change is made the M&G board if buffoonery
    3 points
  7. What makes me want to quit donating? Is threads like this. Who gives a flying f-ck. This program needs money and more fans. Neither of which hinge on whether fans can attend practice. I read threads like this and think to myself maybe it is time to quit throwing good money after bad. We will always be small time. Unfortunately for me I have some sort of addiction to the hope of better days for the Mean Green. So I keep sending out the checks. On a side note. My wife and her entire family attended Ohio State. My father in law and I give about the same amount of money to our respective universities. He gets a bumper sticker and the right to buy 4 nose bleed seats on the 50 yard line. That's it! What have I recieved? Well I get the right and do buy four club level seats that cost less than his nosebleed seats at the horseshoe. I have attended multiple events in Houston for donors and prospective donors. I have had dinner with the university president. I have had drinks with representatives from the athletic department in Houston. Not to mention the usual gifts from umbrellas to grill sets and so on. As I said before. I don't donate that much! Especially when compared with major universities. Yet here we are discussing the 5 fans that want to see a practice and at what giving level that should be. Instead let's discuss how being a Mean Green fan and donor is the best deal in college sports and according to the attendance and donor levels no one seems to give a crap. I could care less about open or closed practices. What I do care about is that at some point we either hit critical mass or people get tired of trying. Ok that turned into a rant, sorry. Dear God please let this be a winning season This post has been promoted to an article
    3 points
  8. For a minute reading your post I thought we lost a RB already...glad for us it was just a backpack
    2 points
  9. Obviously, the previous GA saw the writing on the wall and quit.
    2 points
  10. I don't see why we can't just put the old fouts field bleachers on top of those concrete pillars. I'm just throwing another idea out there for attempting to re-use the bleachers that permeate this board.
    2 points
  11. Could a marihuana test for the entire TA&M team be far behind?? In all seriousness, I wish this kid nothing but the best. Played his heart out here and left everything on the field. But that shouldn't limit the joke series.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. here are some ideas... - the attendance booster - lazy man's pass - you can stop your bit**ing now walkway or - the bridge to greatness.
    2 points
  14. I graduated on December 17th, went to work on January 3rd, got my signing bonus on January 15th and donated the entire amount to UNT athletics the next day. Can I join your pissing contest?
    2 points
  15. Second year I have bought season tickets, and second year I joined the mean green club. I have also been an alumni for 2 years.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. I have three season tickets, am a member of the MGC, am a MGC Representative, have already checked to make sure I can be an organ donor for RV, and got a tattoo on my penis that says "Go Mean Green" (when flacid it just says "Go Men"). Do I win the prize?
    1 point
  18. Silver Eagle - yes, I played a East Central University in Ada, Ok. Was small college but we had fun. Gray Eagle - yes, NCAA requires that the boys take a minimal number of hours...dont know how many.
    1 point
  19. We aren't either, so maybe you can stop coming here too.
    1 point
  20. It's not a high school plan. It's not a college plan. It's not a pro plan. It's a football plan.
    1 point
  21. Nobody's worked harder on the Apogee Stadium and the Mean Green Village than Rick Villarreal. GO MEAN GREEN
    1 point
  22. Congratulations to Riley and best wishes for every success.
    1 point
  23. I stopped by the pedestrian bridge site yesterday. The bridge is much wider than I had imagined. I didn't get out and mesure, but I think two golf carts could pass easily on this bridge. Both sides will have a perpendicular ramp leading to the bridge. When this puppy is lifted onto the supports over the Interstate I hope somebody can get video. I would think the placement of the bridge will be done on a Sunday when traffic is lighter. Cars will be backed up to Norman and to Waco. GO MEAN GREEN (ps Very nice catch MDH)
    1 point
  24. Not on gameday I don't think. I'd assume the golf cart shuttles will continue on their previous route.
    1 point
  25. I forget, so can someone remind me. Will this bridge accommodate golf carts?
    1 point
  26. Plat Eagle....I am sure that it will be along that lines of discussion. I told him that no amount of conditioning will prepare him for that first workout. All the same, anxious to hear from him.
    1 point
  27. Nah, that was the Sun Belt board. I always looked at the Sun Belt as stable. I prefered the stability of the SBC over that of the WAC. It was a good home for us when we needed it. I think a more accurate attitude of 90% of the posters on this board was "get us the heck outta here", while another 10% were supportive of the SBC but wanted CUSA/MWC bad. I honestly can't recall one poster much less multiple who thought the SBC was in any kind of position of strength and be able to "raid" CUSA.
    1 point
  28. You're just an idiot. No person on this board is going to take the time to actually read your posts anymore so just go away. Truly pathetic. Quit clogging the board with nothingness.
    1 point
  29. Of course, the rankings will change as the recruiting season goes along. Saw this on the other board and have no idea of the credibility of yet another recruiting service but they have a fairly decent ranking for North Texas as of today and at this stage of the game. http://247sports.com/Team/Ranking
    1 point
  30. Short arm players are all the rage these days.
    1 point
  31. And just as fortunate that SMU left CUSA for the Big East because had that not happened we would all know our present plight (and conference). Lady luck has not smiled often on UNT football or basketball for most of us older alum's lives but this is one time she did. We still need to do much more with Apogee Stadium than we did with the Super Pit in its first 4 decades of its existence, though. If ever we thought a venue would create a program we can always point at the Super Pit as an example that it doesn't. It still boils down to whose in charge and who is hired or replaced. We waited much too long for a Johnny Jones kind of hire and basically had a Cadillac basketball venue with Studebaker mechanics working on it decades before JJ's hiring. As most always....I digress but am at the age now to where I have an excuse. GMG!
    1 point
  32. The drug problem is worse than I thought.
    1 point
  33. Why do that when we can just attack the OP for not being politically neutral...though we all knw his political leanings, have no right to act shocked, and look even MORE ridiculous for pretending he's the only one around with a bias.
    1 point
  34. Outside the kids we have listed from WV & Chicago, I found a few more ( that we have yet to offer) from Georgia,Arizona & California. This staff seems to be looking all over the country
    1 point
  35. Sorry that baston of Journalism truthfulness Fox New did not have a link on the story.
    1 point
  36. Had Stonewall not been shot down by his own men we'd all be speaking Confederate right now.
    1 point
  37. Shocking to see you qoute an MSNBC article. I think this quote from Teddy puts his comments in a more fair context than your title of this thread: The Detroit-born rocker and outspoken conservative activist writes in a new op-ed for The Washington Times of his fundamental fear of what he calls "Fedzilla," or a government with a social safety net. Triggered by Chief Justice John Roberts voting to uphold President Obama's Affordable Care Act -- but calling the mandate to buy insurance a tax instead of a penalty -- Nugent says, "Because our legislative, judicial and executive branches of government hold the 10th Amendment in contempt, I’m beginning to wonder if it would have been best had the South won the Civil War. Our Founding Fathers’ concept of limited government is dead." Check out the link to the original op-ed written by Teddy, which is in the above paragraph. I mean, if one was wanting to be fair, that is what one would have posted in the first place, not an ultra-liberal news network's slant on what Teddy wrote in the op-ed, but I digress. I think this particular sentence is dead on: "The bottom line is that Chief Justice Roberts‘ traitor vote will ensure more monumental spending and wasted taxes and put almost 15 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) under one of the world’s most bureaucratic, ineffective, incompetent and grossly expensive systems ever devised by man: our out-of- control federal government." And if one reads the full op-ed by Teddy, one would realize that the one sentence in which he mentions the nation being better off with the South winning the civil war was hypebole and said to make a point. The op-ed is about out of control federal spending and the huge effect Judge Roberts decision will have on the future of America, but that is not what Greenbat or MSNBC want you to read because it doesn't benefit eithers' political position.
    1 point
  38. No wonder there is a healthcare crisis in America. Touting the greatness of gas station food is disturbing.
    1 point
  39. ???? I think you are confused as usual. YOU are obviously scared to death of US! If you weren't, you wouldn't feel the need to hang out on our board and bash us on a regular basis. Why don't you just go back to your lying cheating home of the death penalty and leave us alone. Your spanking will come soon enough.
    1 point
  40. Na, it's college football hate. Not real, live hate. I'll be OK. And to be clear, I don't hate the fans of the program (well, not most, anyway), I just wish massive, massive failure on UTSA as a program. Like no winning conference record in CUSA for the next 10 years failure (which I think is a distinct possibility). Success should be earned, not given, and it was given to your program. Like I said, it may not be right, but it just is.
    1 point
  41. Because they have built nothing, accomplished nothing, and yet get rewarded simply because of a TV market. It's like the son of the boss who gets promoted to VP of Operations at the ripe old age of 17, ahead of those who have worked hard to earn the position (MTSU, Arkansas St., etc...). And not only does the 17 year old get that promotion, he then actually thinks he did something to deserve it (just view the CUSA board). Gag, barf, puke. I hate this program and always will. Fair or not
    1 point
  42. If you think someone who gives 100K to OU doesn't get to attend closed practice sessons, I got some swamp land to sell you. I'm upset, also, but I'm upset because all it takes is 1K to hit the sidelines in a closed practice. That is embarassing for all of our alumni. It just shocks me that people constantly b@#*& about not getting this or that for their donation (the yearly gripe about GMG club gifts come to mind, or the gripe about no party patio at the new stadium). Or, in this case, that people who donate a specific amount get a benefit others don't. If you want to stay a piss ant program, just continue down this merry path. After all, it has worked soooo well. It's a donation to the athletic department. I don't expect anything in return. That's what happens when you donate. I wonder if people on here demand social gatherings or pot luck Sunday brunch when they donate to their church. Jeez.
    1 point
  43. But mike gundy wants to know if she's a man?
    1 point

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