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History In The Making

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Say, my :ph34r: , you ain't got a leg to stand on, nahwhaimsayin :ph34r: . Me and my :ph34r: s have lived through slavery b/c of "whitey"(proper usage), we been through Jim Crow b/c of "whitey"(proper usage), "whitey"(proper usage) killed Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey, Gabriel Prosser, MLK, Malcolm X, Biggie, Tupac, Arsenio Hall's career, my :ph34r: from Run DMC, and jello when you stopped letting Bill Cosby do those great ads. 250 years of " :ph34r: this"(proper usage), " :ph34r: that"(proper usage), "go get the horses, :ph34r: "(proper usage), "I'm Thomas Jefferson and I'm going to imrpegnate you, :ph34r: "(proper usage)...so yeah, you damn right I'm gonna scream if your honky ass says " :ph34r: "(proper usage).

Double-edge sword my ass.

I think you meant :shuriken:

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Emmitt, you throw out the work "Whitey" likes it no big deal but you'd be the first to scream and cry if someone used the N word or any other derogatory term for a black. Racism is a double edged sword.

Yes, that's it, Emmitt's a racist...moron. Obviously, if you knew Emmitt beyond this message board, you wouldn't be posting this. I'm really starting to think a trip back to high school English class may be in order for you...so you can learn about things like "context", "irony", and "basic comprehension".

Oh, and CBL...that...was...classic.

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Yes, that's it, Emmitt's a racist...moron. Obviously, if you knew Emmitt beyond this message board, you wouldn't be posting this. I'm really starting to think a trip back to high school English class may be in order for you...so you can learn about things like "context", "irony", and "basic comprehension".

Oh, and CBL...that...was...classic.

F you Jaydub you cry baby bastard. High school? like Gainesville High, the place you got made fun of constantly and couldn't get laid if your life depended on it?

I'm Jewish so if you want to talk about ancestors getting treated like shit, lets talk, Mo Fo!

Edited by GreenMachine
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I am a quarter Cherokee... My ancestors are forced to reservations and forced to deal blackjack to old retirement tours and church groups. Then after that massive beating they have to deal with the weekly performance by the Bellamy Brothers or The Gaitlans. You wanna talk oppression and mistreatment call my Great Uncle. That man jas lived through some sh*t

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I am a quarter Cherokee... My ancestors are forced to reservations and forced to deal blackjack to old retirement tours and church groups. Then after that massive beating they have to deal with the weekly performance by the Bellamy Brothers or The Gaitlans. You wanna talk oppression and mistreatment call my Great Uncle. That man jas lived through some sh*t

I do wish we would do something more for the remaining tribes. Maybe better land for starters. Oklahoma? Really?

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F you Jaydub you cry baby bastard. High school? like Gainesville High, the place you got made fun of constantly and couldn't get laid if your life depended on it?

I'm Jewish so if you want to talk about ancestors getting treated like shit, lets talk, Mo Fo!

I never got laid in high school, so I created a gay internet persona and dedicated my life to seeking out the warm musk of the elderly embrace I never felt as a childhood. Will one of you adopt me and give me the TLC I never had?

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F you Jaydub you cry baby bastard. High school? like Gainesville High, the place you got made fun of constantly and couldn't get laid if your life depended on it?

I'm Jewish so if you want to talk about ancestors getting treated like shit, lets talk, Mo Fo!

Getting a little personal eh? Cheers.

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