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Pack The Pit


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Here are a few of my ideas: All intended to show fans a good time, and make them want to come back. Make the basketball game an event, and the fans will start coming out. We really need to concentrate on building our fan base since we are hosting the SBC tournament this season.

Dollar hot dog night. Have a lot of fans out and show them it's not only fun but economical to bring the family to a Mean Green basketball game.

Award the Sun Belt Conference Football Championship Trophy during halftime of the TCU game. Inviting the football team to BB games always brings an additional 100 loud and spirited fans. Have video highlights ready to show on the jumbotrons.

Have the entire Green Brigade at the game. The Super Pit rocks when the whole band is in there, and it has been about a decade since the whole Green Brigade played a basketball game.

Send (yes, for free) a set of good basketball tickets to the TCU game to every person that has a set of North Texas football season tickets. That target audience is clearly defined, and many of those football fans haven't been exposed to North Texas basketball in decades. We've got to win back those fans that were lost from the Tommy Newman through Vic Trilli eras (or errors as some might say). Those fans will come to a basketball game if they are familiar with the opponent, and hopefully we can keep many of them coming back. If not, we really didn't lose anything, and gratitude was shown to the fans that supported North Texas throughout the football season. Those fans will also love to see the football team receiving the trophys.

Do an IFC half court shot contest for $1000. Each fraternity gets a chance to shoot a half court shot quarterly throughout the game (each fraternity getting 4 shots on the evening). The $1000 prize will be split equally between each chapter that makes a shot, and between all chapters equally if none make the shot. This keeps their members involved for the duration of the game.

Get FOX Sports to award the Moneypenny Trophy to Jamario (assuming he gets it) at halftime. This will be an additional reason to invite the Dallas/Fort Worth media to the event. A few succesful events could change the Metroplex media's perception about North Texas sports being "small time".

Throw out gazillions of beads and tee shirts to the fans at the basketball game to help promote the New Orleans Bowl trip. It's good promotion for the Bowl, and the fans love it.

Make a concentrated effort to promote the game to the TCU season ticket holders, and have a loud, concentrated TCU section at the game. Many of those fans will make the trip to Denton if they plan early enough. TCU has always been very classy in it's relations with North Texas and it's fans, and it would be good to return the favor. Maybe this could become an annual game, or better yet a semi-annual non-conference basketball game like NMSU has with UTEP and UNM (they play home-and-home in every season). It could happen if it's profitable enough for both schools, and there's no reason it shouldn't be.

Put Skytracker quad-unit searchlights on all four sides of the Super Pit before the game. It might not do anything for the game itself, but it sure looks as though something huge is going on there.

These are just a few ideas, and I believe basketball at North Texas is ready to take off, and that we have the right people in place to make it happen.

Go Mean Green.

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I like it!!!

I will preface this by saying: I am not a Coach, and I have never coached before, but I am a fan.

I think that this year is a prime opportunity for the basketball team to become "entertainers". What I mean by this is; if we are up and winning then the players need to be able to get the crowd going by waving them on and making plays that are "energizing" and that put on a "show" for the home crowd. Dunks, crazy passes, alley-oops, steals, etc...

On the other hand, if we are behind, or there is a point in the game that Defense needs some help, the players need to be able to "ask the crowd for help", and invite the crowd to scream.

I think that we have the team to do this with and that we should utilize the opportunity that we have.

Once again, I realize that I am giving unsolicited advice, and that I am not a Coach, but I do beleive in this team and it's ability to perform.

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It's not really fair to the people who show up to the games consistently and support their school to give the frats 4 chances each to win $1000. I thought these were supposed to be the model students, and here we are trying to bribe them with beer money to come to games.

A better way would be to scan each student ID at each game, and during the conference tournament let a few students shoot a half court shot for free tuition. The more games you go to, the better chance you get at being selected. And most importantly, advertise it.

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It's not really fair to the people who show up to the games consistently and support their school to give the frats 4 chances each to win $1000. I thought these were supposed to be the model students, and here we are trying to bribe them with beer money to come to games.

A better way would be to scan each student ID at each game, and during the conference tournament let a few students shoot a half court shot for free tuition. The more games you go to, the better chance you get at being selected. And most importantly, advertise it.

Now that is a really good idea. Promotes people to attend more then just the game that has the "shoot for free tuition."

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Adler, I like your style.  A lot of work to be done.  PLEASE forward your ideas to Villarreal....they are all winners.

The TCU game would be the perfect marquee event to get some of these people (and the local media) sold on North Texas basketball. Less familiar opponents wouldn't pack the same promotional value.

One other idea, actually it is borrowed from ULL, is a 1 carat diamond ring giveaway to the female students in attendance. ULL did this in their football games and it was quite successful. In the first half of the games, 50 names were chosen at random from all the female students that entered the game, they gave out 50 gold rings, 49 of wich had a 1 ct Cubic Zirconia, and 1 with a 1 ct Diamond. During the fourth quarter they had all the ladies on the field and announced which had the diamond. The same type of promotion could be done for a basketball game with fewer rings.

Anybody that would like to pass these ideas on to anyone, please feel free to do so.

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One other idea, actually it is borrowed from ULL, is a 1 carat diamond ring giveaway to the female students in attendance. ULL did this in their football games and it was quite successful. In the first half of the games, 50 names were chosen at random from all the female students that entered the game,  they gave out 50 gold rings, 49 of wich had a 1 ct Cubic Zirconia, and 1 with a 1 ct Diamond. During the fourth quarter they had all the ladies on the field and announced which had the diamond. The same type of promotion could be done for a basketball game with fewer rings.

That is a great idea, I'm sure that would fly real high with us ladies, sold me on the idea! I'm sure we can make this work some how, I mean we did have a mustang at a football game biggrin.gif

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