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  2. Oh, I'm sure he will do a ton for the College of Music, College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Business. And tell us that enrollment rising is the key to our future. Basically, the same recipe we always see.
  3. It really seems foolish to just hand over money to people who have no accountability to where and how those funds are spent. Let that sink in.
  4. All it will do is make the coach get fired sooner...at places that can afford to buyout tens of millions of dollars to make sure a coach never coaches their school ever again
  5. Today
  6. I think a financial statement should be provided to every doner that includes annual and YTD balances and how much is paid out and to whom. As a doner, I think I'm entitled to that information. Additionally, who makes the decision as to how much we pay a player? The coaches? The AD? Is the a cap as to the amount any one player can receive?
  7. If they are trying to be transparent why not tell us how much they raise? We need to know what impact our contributions are doing, not just throwing money into a void.
  8. No, it is not a "necessary evil". College football was just fine before this NIL bullsh*t.
  9. Been a Mean Green fan for well over 50 years. Like many of you I have green blood flowing in my veins. But I must admit that if I were to win a $500,000,000 (cash value) lotto I would not contribute or donate one cent to UNT Athletics under the current system in place. ( NIL, Portal) Not one cent.
  10. Coming soon....a TV ad from some lawyer like Jim Adler ("The Texas Hammer") where he asks...."Do you have a NIL case? You may be due huge money".... Just kidding.....but not really.
  11. Be happy that he thinks highly enough of UNT to list them with everyone else. Some recruits only list P4 offers, as in the could have 20 G5 offers and Vanderbilt but only talk about Vanderbilt.
  12. And I still haven't gotten a satisfactory answer as to why we have two collectives. Is one football only and the other for basketball and everyone else? Which one serves the greater good?
  13. I think that McCarney’s exit just burned the decision makers here to ever pay for a name coach with actual experience as a successful FBS coach from a previous stop. Like I’ve always said, this place needed a head coach that would galvanize the entire UNT Family. Make us want to follow him because we have seen that he can do something. Make us believe that we aren’t just some spare place on the CFB map, like most media and fans think outside of gmg.com. But the portal and NIL sort of burns all of that up now. When you can’t keep talent because it can be bought away at any time, the coaches at a place like this can’t afford to miss on recruiting, development, or coaching hires. It makes it really hard to build momentum in any fashion, knowing that your players and coaches are bought the moment that a Power School calls.
  14. I also give to the collectives and would like my money back from every athlete that transferred. I know it doesn’t work that way though. After losing ALMOST all of our good players from the football team AND basketball team to the transfer portal, I do question why I continue to give to the collectives. The answer, I guess, is that maybe it helps us attract new players to replace the good players that we used to have who left us through the portal. That is the only reason I am still giving. Anyone have any other reasons to help justify it?
  15. Name an upside...any. I wanted litrell gone more than most, but we settled for thrift store coach instead? Sure, he speaks instead of mumbles, but there are no results
  16. I have given to Harry's collective as did others and still saw our roster decimated by other poaching schools. I realize this is a necessary evil, but it's discouraging to give hard earned money when an athlete is going to leave regardless.
  17. Yesterday
  18. The UNT athletic department is headed for tough times in the near future...
  19. You're going to run out of coaching candidates if every time one doesn't work, you exclude future candidates who meet the same criteria as failed ones.
  20. My friend who is really into golf....tells me that the Saudis will keep supporting it. I'm not sure. I know the Saudis have billions.....but no one likes losing money. And they're bleeding money. Spending millions and millions......and they can't be taking in that much. I told my friend....that watching was akin to watching the UFL/XFL compared to the NFL. It's like the fans that are that......are really trying to get into it......but they're almost kinda faking it.
  21. I am not a fan of their format, loud music, shotgun starts, etc... but I also want Ortiz and Munoz to do well. I thought the same about the gallery. It is amazing how much money is being thrown at that tour and they aren't drawing flies.
  22. To be blunt...if you do not donate, if you do not buy tickets and if you do not follow the Mean Green, we are not interested in your thoughts. Enticing fans of other programs to join us is far fetched, as they already have an agenda and that agenda is to demean North Texas and poke fun at those who do care about North Texas and its future.
  23. This came out today https://meangreensports.com/news/2024/6/10/general-from-the-desk-of-jared-mosley
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