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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2012 in Posts

  1. i mean... i know the game wasn't that well attended last year, but the word got out on where UNT and Middle Tenn stood next to each other last year, right?
    3 points
  2. Kelly Green is pretty vague. Heres the exact colors ,which you can have matched/made The official green is Pantone Matching System (PMS) 356. The four-color process (CMYK) equivalent is 100 percent cyan, 0 percent magenta, 100 percent yellow and 33 percent black When printing on uncoated paper such as newspaper, use Pantone 355.
    3 points
  3. what is the official shade of green that we use? I'm making Cornhole boards for tailgating this year and need to get them painted.
    2 points
  4. I don't think Karl Benson understands the playoff system
    2 points
  5. I like that, at my Office we have about 25% that are Cancers.
    2 points
  6. Emmit, thanks for your hard work. What bothers me is that our AD does not do this kind of work. Emmitt holds down a full tome job, yet he can find the time to distribute football posters. C'mon AD, use some of your payed employees to do this type of work.
    2 points
  7. If SMU is this great with so much support and money why have they embarrassingly sucked the last 20+ years? Look the RV to SMU thread was only posted because the only thing SMU has is lots of cash to money whip people to come there and that is apparently not working out that well because they just got a bball coach who will pass on to the next plane any moment and a football coach who was dying to get the hell out of there but had to stay when his would be employer shunned him in the last minute. You can tout SMU all you want but it is quite laughable because you make it sound like SMU is light years ahead of UNT...it is pretty clear you have this grudge against us and I don't know how or why that is but I encourage you to come out to our games and enjoy the tailgating and get to know us. Hopefully you'll stop being this bitter little biatch and get that stick out of your ass.
    2 points
  8. High School : Arlington Grace Prep ( Formerly @ Plano West) AAU: Athlete's 1st RIVALS SCOUT Contacted by UNT staff. Under the rader prospect right now due to the fact he plays(ed) behind the likes of Emmauniel Mudiay & Jelon Hornbeak. Should see an increased role this year with the Hornbeak off to OU. His stock should rise as Grace Prep will be one of the better teams in the nation with Mudiay & Jordan Mickey returning
    1 point
  9. I got NCAA Football 13 in the mail today. I haven't played since really NCAA 13 2004 about five years ago. Apogee Stadium looks terrific but still no UNT fight song. I played one quick exhibition game and was matched up with Arkansas State. UNT jumped out in front 12-0 (took me awhile to figure out how to kick). ASU got a touchdown but we came back with a field goal right before the half to make it 15-7 at the half. The third quarter was scoreless but half way through the fourth we kicked our second field goal to make it 18-7. With about three minutes left ASU got a short touchdown run but missed fired on the try for two, 18-13. We took over and got one first down but had to punt, pinning ASU inside their 20. However, two big plays and they were at the UNT 40. Then we had the play of the game with under a minute left. ASU completed a long pass down the middle of the field but the receiver was stripped of the ball inside the five yard. We then kneeled once to run out the clock. Final: UNT 18, ASU 13. Now that I've got to learn how to actually play this game. The real point of this thread is this: Apogee Stadium looks terrific (complete with wind turbines) but still no UNT fight song.
    1 point
  10. The next time would be the first time...
    1 point
  11. Lack of institutional control. Reached to the top of the administration and was complicit with the football leadership. It is the most heinous NCAA violation in the history of college athletics. Shut it down and fire or reassign everyone in the AD or offer retirement package to those with merit. Others complicit should go to prison after FBI gets involved. Open transfers for all scholarship athletes, or full scholarship to PSU but no football.
    1 point
  12. At least we have a seat on the bus !
    1 point
  13. i noticed they really cut FIU & UNT media time and spent a whole lot more time with Georgia State & Texas State. They were also passing out 2013 maps of SBC. very odd Benson though it was really cool how many games they were getting with ESPN 3, How can you get excited about that? We cant get to CUSA quick enough
    1 point
  14. I had no idea that smut and Baylor were state universities.
    1 point
  15. If there walk ons then they get no aid. I doubt if Penn State has no unworthy transfer players and if they do Penn State should have to honor the scholarship.
    1 point
  16. i believe the term is 'Opportunity Games' guys
    1 point
  17. Tristian left the Toros. I talked to him about it on twitter and he said he wanted to take a year or so off. This was last fall.
    1 point
  18. Its fine and dandy to say "let all the players transfer" but what about the walkons and non transfer worthy guys? They can suck it right?
    1 point
  19. I thought we were on the internet, not TV.
    1 point
  20. i haven't missed one at western in years. i almost didn't go last year because of mcdummy. but i wanted to see all of the new kids. yes...we usually piggyback onto a volleyball game. there are worse things than watching the volleyballers. western's ladies are usually pretty good and usually pretty nice to look at. (perv points for me) the only thing i don't like is they combine the womens program with it. call me a hater. i couldn't care less about the womens team. after about 20 minutes of their slow motion pseudo hoops the men play a short scrimmage. we've had dunk contests in the past and 3 point shooting contests. they actually do get quite a few students out for it. i have no idea what chuck norris....i mean ray harper has in store for this year but i'm sure i'll be there. if i can go when mcdummy is our coach i can certainly go now.
    1 point
  21. I'm just glad we're not on ESPN 8 - The Ocho.
    1 point
  22. I understand that somebody should be punished for all of this but I don't quite understand how punishing current players and students (who were in elementary school at the time) with the death penalty accomplishes anything. It doesn't change what happened, it doesn't take away Paterno's wins. It doesn't put Spanier, Curley, or Schultz in prison. It doesn't relieve the pain of the victims or inflict any pain on Sandusky. If schools like Ohio State were receiving harsher punishment for genuine athlete-related improper benefits and coverups, I could understand dropping the hammer on PSU. Currently, the NCAA is lax at best in enforcing its rules on larger programs and I don't see how Paterno covering up for Sandusky gave PSU a larger competitive athletic advantage than Terrell Pryor "borrowing" nice cars did for OSU.
    1 point
  23. There are some rough spots but I'm hoping for a patch to sort them out.
    1 point
  24. I was noticing that the UNT football uniforms look great on NCAA 13. Then I realized it's because they are slightly darker than what we actually use. I wish our real uniforms were this shade. In other news ... last night I wholloped SMU 42-28. We got two defensive touchdowns after causing the quarterback to fumble. SMU recovered consecutive onside kickoffs to make it even that close at the end.
    1 point
  25. Well, well...looks like the SMUt boys have a real Hart on now.
    1 point
  26. and I quote.... "SMU will name Tennessee-Chattanooga athletic director Rick Hart to the same post, a source with knowledge of the situation confirmed Sunday to ESPNDallas.com"
    1 point
  27. awesome work grayeagle! check your pm.
    1 point
  28. This is a good sign. Two area top 100 players and we're not even halfway through June. The CUSA jump hasn't changed things drastically but it certainly helps, and I imagine we'll win over a couple more recruits with impressive offer lists. Still not sure how Tulane is dominating everyone in recruiting right now.
    1 point
  29. Mag,Tasty & I made the trip to check the OFY Super 64 this weekend and check out Birt and a few others. Nothing really stood out about him other than his bright shoes. He has the look of a very legitimate DI prospect. 6'5 , pretty well built and can handle the ball. I believe it was was his very time playing with Shoytyme so I'm willing to cut him some slack. Big E's squad was pretty stacked with talent.
    1 point
  30. http://southcarolina.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1385399 PF Soma Edo, 6-foot-5 Richardson (Texas) Berkner 2013: Edo is far from the most skilled player at the Adidas Invitational. He doesn't have a true position as an undersized power player, and he isn't someone that the big schools are necessarily tracking at this point. But he is far and away the premier athlete playing in Indianapolis. The forward routinely made plays above the rim on Saturday, including an alley-oop finish that he caught and slammed home just a few inches from the top of the backboard. Edo brought the crowd, and even some typically reserved college coaches, to their feet in warmups as he threw down consecutive between-the-legs dunks; and then proceeded to produce a double-double on the court in a Dallas Mustangs' overtime loss to Dream Vision in the quarterfinals.
    1 point
  31. Manhattan did a great job, but they talk and write like Manhattan designed our stadium. HKS designed our stadium. Manhattan was the contractor.
    1 point
  32. Shouldn't this thread be in the "Gay" forum?
    1 point
  33. I usually don't go to all the trouble of a full tailgate. Usually a bottle of Jurgens, some cheetos and a quiet room will do.
    1 point
  34. How is playing the season with all of the firestorm that will surround it be honorable? The very thing Paterno and his co-horts fought to save was Penn State football and his reputation. Abused kids with difficult circumstances in their lives who had been drawn into Sandusky's web with Penn State football was, at most, a secondary thought to them. It's what they loved most and what they protected - so, take it away from them. None of these Penn State fans has done anything honorable. You'd think among their monied donors that someone would stand up and say, "Look, this was embarassing and wrong, and we need to admit it and work to get past it. The focus shouldn't be football right now, but on helping these victims." Have any of Penn State's donors offered to start a fund for the abused kids? Has Penn State taken the step toward reconciliation and begun to offer some sort of recompense for these kids? How about something beyond money? How about offering to pay for the abused kids college or vocational education...at the college of their choice? There are so many things that the "wheels" at Penn State could be doing to show that they give a damn about the victims. Yet, everyone there is still bent on saving the program and excusing deplorable behavior. I don't think reality will hit those people unless what they misguidedly cherish the most is taken from them. NCAA president Emmert made clear in his letter last November that Penn State was being investigated for, among other things, "institutional control." The report yesterday shows that not only did the institution lack control, it refused to acknowledge it. Money and cars for athletes and letting boosters run wild is one thing. Allowing an employee of your institution to use a football program and the power and draw of the Penn State name as a means to abuse disadvantage kids is another. Both should be, and will be, punished by the NCAA. And, I'm sorry, but many people believe that only the most sever punishment will do. What is the price of beguiling a child and stealing his childhood, then covering it up? And, doing so to at least nine other children?
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. If I recall, the DA at the time is now governor of PA. Wanna impeach him as well?
    1 point
  37. It took literally 2 hours to put a poster up in 30+ businesses. Only two establishments told us "no"....most gave a resounding yes. Talked to three differen people who seemed swayed to come to games this season because we talked to them face to face. Not on payroll at NT, yet the first people to walk through the door to ask if we could hang a schedule up.
    1 point
  38. No evidence exists that he had one prior.
    1 point
  39. Feeding the trolls causes herpes? Question, no info.
    1 point
  40. Do you know how to read? This is not ponyfans.com Seriously, how pathetic is your life that the only thing that gets you off is to come to OUR board to talk trash.
    1 point
  41. Or maybe it was because smu wasn't allowed to compete at ANY level for years. That doesn't really do a whole lot for the old win column now does it. Btw, that big victory over Northwestern State last year was quite impressive, and since your history is clearly lacking, we haven't played a down of 1AA (FCS) football in this century. Did you even beat anyone last season with a winning record other than the luck out win against TCU? Me thinks not. Quite the definition of a powerhouse.
    1 point
  42. Seriously, why are you here?
    1 point

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