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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2010 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. Rick, you're probably the most recognizable supporter of UNT athletics period. The respect for you is there my friend. You've been on the block much longer than I have (BA '05), so you know the history first hand. To me it's history, and I really appreciate history. For me, Patrick Cobbs is the best RB I've seen here at UNT. Brandon Kennedy is the best D-Lineman I have seen at UNT. My appreciation of history tells me that maybe Abner Haynes is the best RB ever, and Joe Greene is the best D-Lineman ever. That doesn't diminish my thoughts of Cobbs & Booger. It's not a lack of respect by any means... I just didn't see those guys. I'm sure other 'youngbloods' are the same as me. We love the guys that we saw play!
    3 points
  3. They just did what all good Louisianans do.... they lied their asses off.
    2 points
  4. 5,600 Of which about 2,000 kids are related to T-rock and StanR in some fashion.
    2 points
  5. just to throw a cog I. The whole thing...... Democratic senators want to keep Toyota in question to boost gm sales thanks to UAW contributions?!?!?!? http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/UAWs-invisible-hand-behind-the-Toyota-hearing-going-on-right-now-85208332.html
    2 points
  6. I don't know about the future of UNT-D, nor do I much care. As far as advice on where alumni support should lie, well I think it's fairly obvious: UNT Denton. If you need precedent just look at the UT system. UT-Austin people don't give a crap about UT-Arlington or UT-San Antonio. About it being the flagship: there is some benefit to having a flagship university in a major city, so that would be cool if they decided that. But UNT is Denton, and holds a lot more sway here than it ever would in Dallas. So there ya go. My 5 cents (inflation you know)
    2 points
  7. Hey Everyone, just wanted to remind everyone that the thursday game is huge and that we have to pack the pit. The basketball team and coach Jones really need our help and our bball team plays so much better when the pit is packed and loud. So please tell your coworkers, other out of town alumni and your classmates to come out, we have a special team this season and it really has no limits. Even Lee Jackson will be there, so if you dislike him, yell at him, if thats your thing. GO MEAN GREEN
    2 points
  8. http://web1.ncaa.org/web_files/stats/football_records/Attendance/2009.pdf
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Nope. All for Tort Reform, as long as gross negligence is not capped. There has to be consequences for improper behavior that cause injury and loss of life, whether you are an individual or a company. Apparently you don't get fact specific. That means each incident that caused deaths in the Toyota case have to be looked at and examined individually to see what facts are specific to those cases. Maybe they aren't all Toyota's fault, maybe they are. Without complete knowledge of all the facts, you can't just scream "lawyers suck" and bury your head in the sand. Are there frivilous law suits? Of course there are. Are all lawsuits frivilous? Of course they are not. Many look frivilous upon reading the headlines, but then when you look further, you find that the specific facts involved in that specific incident make the case anything but frivilous, like the McDonalds Coffee case. When you come on here trying to denegrate an entire profession just to make a point, you really do come off as a guy who is just regurgitating what he hears on talk radio, and I'm on your side of the political spectrum. And no, I'm not an attorney.
    1 point
  11. Assistant Coach Minimum Qualifications - Bachelor's degree and two (2) years experience combined coaching at the NFL, NCAA, or high school level required. Preferred Qualifications - Masters degree preferred; three years experience, ideally at Intercollegiate Division I level. I guess the position hasn't been posted for 17 days yet?? At any rate, I'd assume we'll have hired someone before spring practice starts. Anyone know exactly when that may be?
    1 point
  12. Well, how do you think the whole "Kids Korner" became a failure? Most of my kids were sick that day.
    1 point
  13. For the purpose of this post...lets say that Lee Jackson does want to make the Dallas campus a heavy player...challenging the Denton campus as the flagship? I honestly want to know what effect that has on the Denton campus. What are the ramifications? Does this kill sports? Hold us back in athletics? My impressions are that they would never have athletics. I am not trying to be a pot stirrer, just honest questions that I do not know the answers to, and I am hoping someone does. I am pretty much in the dark concerning all of this UNT-Dallas v. UNT-Denton talk.
    1 point
  14. I hope the pit is jam packed with green a good rowdy crowd will make a huge difference in this game
    1 point
  15. Actually Perry changed the bill from what it was voted on by the students, so screw Perry and his time limit on the debt service for the fee.
    1 point
  16. Strange that this post by Emmitt would get "demerits", when it's a valid question. Actually, a very important question. The Faculty Senate needs to be encouraged by all alumni who care to keep up the pressure on Jackson and the BOR to get answers to 1)why Dr. Bataille was removed 2)to provide a clear outline as to ALL immediate and future plans of the System impacting the Denton campus and 3)ensure they are involved in vetting potential replacements or raise holy hell. Who knows what else might be coming down the pike given the stealth relocation of the System Admin. to Dallas, the last minute amendment that ceded the law school UNT-Denton had been planning since 1980 to UNT-Dallas (governance is the main issue, NOT the location downtown), and the centralization of shared services (I.T. & H.R.) with little to no input from the Denton campus community? Speculation and conspiracy theories, regardless who it annoys, is actually healthy right now. The campus community deserves answers, and the explanations for all the events cited above provided by the Chancellor purposefully lack substance and border on ridiculous.
    1 point
  17. Spoken like someone without a grasp of the history of our great school. In my opPinion, the discussion begins and ends with Mandrake the Magician and his lovely wife Narda...though there are those who would make a case for Phantom b/c he had a horse. I can tell you one thing with certainty, though...its not the Green Lantern.
    1 point
  18. If Steven Bartolotta ever tires of MGS he's got a job waiting for him at Bleacherreport.com.
    1 point
  19. Rob - The conclusion that the temperature is higher not a fact, which is the whole point of this article. The author states: "But that's the intellectual state of the union these days, as evidenced by all the people who still don't believe the president was born in Hawaii or that the planet is warming" ...the evidence that points to the planet getting warmer, which has been debated in other threads and really doesn't need to be rehashed in this one, can be countered by reasonable doubt as to why much of the evidence points that direction, and further is contradicted by evidence that parts of the planet are actually cooling. The actual numbers that track global temps during the period of time that we have been tracking such statistics is very much in doubt. So even in this thread, here's you stating something is a fact that can be debated, and here's me debating it. We can all agree the climate is changing (because that's what it does - and it did it for millinia (sp?) before we showed up 'round here - but to conclude its doing any one thing based on the evidence available today is a bit short sighted. ...in my OPINION.
    1 point
  20. Flash Gordon??? NEVER HEARD OF HIM. But Batman is hands down the greatest superhero North Texas has ever had!!!
    1 point
  21. He wants to show you a magic trick. He's going to make a fantastic University President disappear.
    1 point
  22. 6 is due May 5. We are very blessed and doing our part to fill the stands at football and basketball games.
    1 point
  23. Ya, and the nerve of those people in Southlake, whose family members, no doubt, will be suing Toyota in the coming year because thier entire family was killed by the accelerating car that they had taken to the dealer several times to complain about... unexplained acceleration, only to be laughed out of the dealership. Oh, and the President of Toyota America testifies that he brought the issue up to his superiors at the company, who told him it was a finanacial issue and that they just chose to ignore it, hoping there would be no claims. Yep, no need for lawyers there. It's kind of like there is no need for firemen. Everyone knows all they do is hang around the firehouse, practicing thier cooking, working out, watching TV, typing on GMG.com... Until there is a fire. Here is an idea. Let's debate the whole spilled coffee in lap McDonalds case all over again. All cases are fact specific, and you don't know the facts in any of them.
    1 point
  24. If there is one thing I wish would come back from "my day" at NT it's the green Greek shirts. Every chapter had a green shirt that simply said "UNT Greek" and then had their chapter letters on it. Looked great at games.
    1 point
  25. The 2'11" girl would thrill me...I'd go nuts over her! On the other hand, the 8'0" girl would be bad for me...I'm afraid I would be sticking my nose into her business all the time.
    1 point
  26. a promotions department smackdown from the biggest koolaid sipper on the board, wow! a lot of negative mean green vibes there for a kram post. way to tell it like it is.
    1 point
  27. Would this be a good idea for college football????? Over the next 10 or 20 yrs or so or even 50...how about college football mandates every school plays every other DIV 1 school. Ok this is a bad idea and would never happen. Its just I have been dying to see Fresno State vs North Texas....Penn State vs North Texas....Akron vs North Texas.....Ark State vs Notre Dame....La Tech vs New Mexico would be a big one!
    1 point
  28. Back in my day we didn't have a mid-major top 25, in fact nobody ever heard the term mid -major, we didn't even have a top twenty five we had a top twenty and we liked it, we played real basketball against really good teams and if someone was bleeding we didn't stop the game like we do today for the wimpy panty waists, we didn't have a fancy three point shot and some players still averaged 30+ points a game, we wore real shorts and not these baggy draws that hang below the knees like they do today, and only the top 32 teams went to the NCAA tournament, it wasn't like today where everybody gets a trophy and they whine and want more teams in...etc.
    1 point
  29. A plus one and a virtual school ground fat lip for the smartassing. Rick
    1 point
  30. Just goes to show how little people around here give a bleep about our history.
    1 point
  31. Everyone on this board wants NT to be big time...are you big time enough to show up?
    1 point
  32. Everyone hates attorneys... Until they need one.
    1 point
  33. Something we can somewhat agree on, but for very different reasons. I think you will see Bayh challenge a very weak Pres. Obama for the Dem nomination in 2012. This smacks of a political move, especially with his statements after leaving. Until true term limits are enacted, I want to see the congress split 50/50 and extremely adversarial. This would ensure that very little legislation (see: spending) gets through congress. As far as "issues that citizens have to endure in this country", just be glad we didnt get the nationalized health care system the libs wanted. You, too, would have had to wait 5 months for a MRI for a painful back injury just like by Canadian friend described to me last week. Last sentence kinda makes it seem like you are living in Haiti, not the US. Just a little overdramatic, don't you think?
    1 point
  34. Texas couldn't beat Florida, LSU, or Bama. Texas loses to Boise, BYU, & TCU, on a neutral field.
    1 point
  35. I'll give you a hint: It involves an exit sign, a swinging door, a size 14 boot, and a rear end with a bullseye. Can you come up with a scenario, now?
    1 point
  36. the title of this thread has me scratchin' my head. Dodge does indeed "deserve" something. Another year as HC of our beloved NT isn't it, IMO. Anybody care to guess what it is?
    1 point
  37. Now TCU is only a private school with ~5k students, right? Unlike the 35k+ we sport.
    1 point
  38. Sad to hear Tobe going out like this. He was one of the few bright spots in such a dim Dodge filled era. I'm wishing him the best from here on out.
    1 point
  39. The entire staff goes when Teflon Todd is axed. I don't think anyone assumes any of this staff remains in any scenario involving Dodge leaving. Take care of the problem at the source. Dodge is the HC and deserves all the blame with all parts of this program (and all the credit if it were in a positive state).
    1 point
  40. Good idea, but it wont happen. How embarrassing would that be for TD to be demoted by the AD to OC. He would have to be moved to another part of teh Athletic Department where he couldn't even sniff a football field. That's teh only way reassigning him would work.
    1 point
  41. LMAO!!! Funniest post I've read since the board's have been back up!! Sorry, Quoner but your hilarious thread was just bumped to #2.
    1 point
  42. You knw what? I remeber a GREAT chicken fried steak meal at the Hickory House here in Denton (University Dr.) for 79 cents! I was really sad when that place closed. Talk about a tradition!
    1 point
  43. The nerve of these people, wanting to exercise their 2nd amendment right.
    1 point
  44. You guys might want to check in to all the Federal gun-control legislation the Democratic party is working on with regards to gun ownership & ammunition and then you might realize that there is a real reason for all this. From every bullet will be registered, to all out ban of guns. Never say never In Congress is House Resolution 45, a federal license to own guns. It is pretty intrusive and obnoxious. Plus talk of the only legal ammo would have to be registered with a serial number on each bullet with a per bullet tax. That means old ammo becomes illegal as well as all reloading. Those are two of the things I know is going on.
    1 point
  45. That may be the worse comparison I've ever seen. Emergency workers don't go out and create the emergency. They solve them without demanding 40% of the take in return. But in regards to Toyota's situation: http://stossel.blogs.foxbusiness.com/2010/02/24/the-parasite-circuit/
    0 points
  46. Voted republican for the first time (68 year old Democrat) strictly as protest to Perry. Randy
    0 points

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