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Your worst nightmare experience in class


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Haven't read the ones already posted, but I have the topper. In swimming class, A ONE HOUR CREDIT, the teacher had to pick someone for a vendetta, and they chose me. The CSRR rep said he would remove me out of class to resolve the conflict, but that was not good enough. the instructor continued to create false accusations, even involving someone in the class who I had thought to be my friend. The CSRR rep would not do anything further to me, so the insructor continued to harass me until I mentioned lawsuit to the CSRR rep. Nothing further was said, but the semester long ordeal sent me into a depression, and extended my stay at NT a full year.

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I knew a few TAMS alumni: they were/are mental cases. "serious to the next level" does not apply to them, as they are in their 6+ year of undergrad, too lazy to go to class, and don't know how to handle their money worth a darn. They were just people that ALWAYS seem to have a problem: sleep, family, money, relationships, etc...everything was wrong.

That's just my experience with them (TAMS).

Can Cool Beans be considered a class experience? I got kicked outta that one on my 23rd sad.gif

How about a Music History TA that was one year removed from Taiwan, and was learning 'Engrish' as we went along. I swear half the people that failed that class wouldn't have if there was an English prof. Nice girl though blink.gif

I can't think of any college disasters right now; just countless hours of nodding off from sleep deprivation. I'm sure there are some in the back of my mind, and I'll post it later if this thread hasn't died.

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Oh i can give a strange experience actually, although it didn't involve me being scared or embarrassed.

In my Emergency Management Terrorism class our professor said something to the extent that "most terrorists currently are Islamic Terrorists, but please make sure you know that 99% of Muslims don't have a drop of terrorist in their blood". Some girl raised her hand and was like "yeah I remember when I was on some boat in the navy that all of the men (Arabic descent) were weak, and that whole race of people are just a weak people".  blink.gif  unsure.gif

The whole class was basically in shock and it was at the end of the class so we just kind of dismissed from there. Very shocking that someone with that much ignorance was in the same Senior-level class as I was.


wow that is ignorance especially in the college level, maybe she was a part time student at UNT and working at fox news laugh.gif

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My math requirement was a 5 hour Trig/Pre-Calculus class. I dropped it once, and failed it once. On the third try I went to math lab every day, and really busted my butt to learn the stuff. As our instructor was passing out the final exam he held up a little drawing of a skull and crossbones, written underneath it it read, "You can run, but you can't hide from Math 1610". Nice and calming, huh? I struggled through the test, then got to the last page and didn't understand a damn thing on the page. I filled out what I could, then wrote a nasty little note about not learning the last page of material.

Thinking I had flunked again, I walked out of our classroom situated on the 3rd floor of the language building, kicked a chair down the hall and yelled out , "F....................". They probably heard me outside.

I made a 'C'. It's the happiest 'C' I ever got. The strange thing is, I really like math. I'm horrible at it, but I like it.

On a side note, my required PolySci class was a taught by Dr. Bush. He said on the first day of class, "I'm going to teach this class with a republican bias. I encourage debate, so if you have a problem with any of this I suggest you find another prof." It was one of the toughest, yet fun classes I ever took. I got to go in and debate politics with my prof for 1 1/2 hours every T/Th. This class is the only place I ruined a curve on a test. It spurred me on to make polysci my minor, and I took a couple more of his advanced classes. I made a 'B' in that class, and went back to ask for an A. A cocky thing to do, I know, but I thought, "You never know unless you ask." He said no.

Edited by EagleD
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Algorithm Analysis. I get a 100 on the first test and a 97 on the second. The professor called me into his office and said that I didn't belong at UNT (that I should go somewhere better). Going into the final, I needed a 64 to get an A (I had slacked off on the homework assignments). I walked out of the final feeling better about that test than the previous two, but I got a 53 and got a B. I asked the professor if I could look at the exam, but he said he would be gone over the entire holiday break. I ended up just letting it go because it didn't really matter, but I did look at everyone's grades (he posted them all online), and the average test score on the final was 17 points lower than the previous exams.

Eventhough I "should go somewhere better", I am in as good a position as any of my co-workers, and I think better prepared than the average person for real work.

My feeling on Computer Science is that it does not matter much where you go for your undergrad, but this professor convinced me that I did not want to get a graduate degree at UNT (if I were to ever get one).

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Wow, this brings back memories.

1. My first Accounting class, it was ACCT 201 then, but anyway, we had a Post Grad teaching the course. I worked my arsh off in the course. The first test came and went, and I felt pretty sure I did well on the test. The guy passes all of the exams back except for mine. Finally he asked me to stand up. I stood up in front of a class of about 50 people. The following question comes out of his mouth: "Why did you sign the sitting chart Tony, and sign your test Anthony?" I really didn't have a good reason why I did this, except for the fact I did this on tests when I was feeling really confident. After about a 5 minute interogation in front of my classmates he gives me back my exam (I made a 97). My friends that were in the class confronted me after class and told me that I needed to go and talk to somebody. Why I asked? "He thinks you had somebody take the test for you, stupid!" My friends tell me that they remember our conversations before the exam because I clarified a few things to them that helped them. Well, the rest of the semester the guy nitpicks my exams to death. He even came up behind me several times during exams and just stood looking over my shoulder to freak me out. I am certain that I had at least a B in the course EVEN with the crap the guy pulled. However he cut me a letter grade and gave me a C.

2. Had a real winner in the second part of Business Statistics. The guy got joy out of flunking a good 75% of the class, and then beratting them in front of the class. A real nightmare. Had a F going into the departmental final. Made an A+ on the final to pull the grade up to a C.

But anyway, I would like to balance this off with this: I had many wonderful moments at NT. I had many teachers that meant a great deal to me. I made tons of friends that I will never forget. We all run into jerks in life, and the best thing we can do is to learn how to manage them. cool.gif

The good stuff:

1. Dr. Coombs in the history department. I still have several essays that he gave back to me that had a red A+ written on them. If you ever had Dr. Coombs you know what kind of an accomplishment this was.

2. Getting a grad student in Intro. to Algebra that finally taught me the algebra skills that I didn't get in secondary school.

3. Dr. Smallwood also in the history department asking me to read my essay in front of the class. I thought my heart was going to explode. Then he exclaimed that "THIS IS THE WAY I WANT YOU TO WRITE!"

Edited by tonyhuntoon
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