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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2011 in Posts

  1. We don't run Houston's offense. So your point is moot. The offense Chico runs is designed for a mobile QB. Just go look at his days at South Florida. But I do agree that our QB situation is fine. If they're gonna put a QB in to strictly run the ball, we have this guy from Cedar Hill named James Hamilton that needs more touches. IMO, he should be used in that situation.
    5 points
  2. On behalf of bamachine, woollyal.com, and all of Bama Nation, I would like to personally apologize for allowing Altie out of his cage. I will have to talk with bamachine about that later. Altie is our resident xenophobic retard and isn't usually allowed in public. That's our fault. We're going to try to round him up. In Altie's defense, suffice it to say that he has had a tough life. His mother was an alcoholic who beat him daily and burned him with cigarettes while raping him with her double dildo. Accordingly, we've attempted to offer him refuge at woolly and give him certain latitude with his antisocial tendencies while keeping him locked away from the world. If we're to be honest, we probably do that specifically to shelter you all from him, rather than out of any real concern we have for him, but I digress. Please don't take this as complete defense of his actions. We accept and make excuses for his xenophobia, his psychoses, and his mollusk-on-a-crack-binge-level IQ. None of us accept his sex offender status or his record of pedophilia. Be warned, he does have a rape van and isn't afraid to use it. Please keep all children and small (or sometimes large) pets away from him, especially if they are unwary of strangers. Again, I'm sorry and embarrassed you had to meet him. Please PM me if you have any info regarding his current whereabouts. As for the game, I'm looking forward to it. Hope some of you get to make the trip to Tuscaloosa. It's really a great experience. While there, you may want to sample some girls and BBQ because ours are the best in the world. This is just an undeniable fact. Enjoy the trip and hopefully both teams can make it through the game injury free.
    5 points
  3. UNTMike81 has already guaranteed a tournament berth GrandGreen. I always try to keep my expectations reasonable, because it's better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed. And I'm certainly not gonna have incredibly high expectations for a team that has mostly all new comers. We might very well win the West. I certainly don't expect it though. We've never seen most of these kids ever suit up. UCLA had the #1 recruiting class in the nation a few years ago. They also never did anything and mostly scattered within a couple of seasons. I don't care how "talented" we are on paper - until we see them on the floor - I am not gonna expect NCAA wins, Sunbelt Championships, or even Division championships. Hell, we don't even know if we can beat UTA.
    5 points
  4. I have spent the last several hours thinking about your posting and I have come to a conclusion: Sir, that is about the dumbest posting I have ever seen on the GoMeanGreen board in my three + years of reading it and I have seen some lulus. Most people would accept that one’s ethical makeup is displayed on a daily basis in all situations. Therefore, I can only conclude that the lack of ethics displayed by you on a sports fan board reflects the lack of ethical behavior that you also display in the business world. You have essentially said that the objective/goal for North Texas is to win even if it requires cheating – and that cheating will bring in more fans (might we call them “customers”) and greater contributions (might we call them “profits”?). Given that your ethical compass has lost its way, please tell us what business you own, or what company you work for, so that I for one can avoid ever purchasing a good or service from your company. All of us that support the University of North Texas athletic program, especially football, want to win and I want to win as much as anyone associated with this program – guaranteed! But it is loose cannons like you, with questionable ethical values, that create huge problems for college and university athletic departments and scare athletic directors to death.
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Think I might wait until a QB not named Dodge wins a couple of games around here before I start accepting any lumps.
    2 points
  8. Stumbled upon this website a few minutes ago and was giving it a quick one over. Liked what I saw and decided I'd post a message here. After reading these boards, I realize that you have realistic expectations for this weekend, but I just wanted to wish you all good luck. If you're looking for any news on 'Bama leading up to the game and want a place where you won't be trashed by rude members, check out http://www.BamaNation.net Again, Roll Tide & Good Luck!
    2 points
  9. UR2 stupid. There is no way Riley or his skillset had anything to do with the offense's/Lance's surge late last year. Have you forgotten how short and related to the old coach he was? Stupid.
    2 points
  10. Well, honestly, LSU & Auburn right now. LSU because they have the talent, as long as Les Miles doesn't get in the way of himself they may be ok. And Auburn grew up so much in 2 minutes against Utah State that now they may be on a roll. Winning in the last few minutes can make a team grow faster than any other circumstance. Here's to no injuries
    2 points
  11. The reason I hate games like this week is that, in building their program into a winner, Kansas State didn't schedule a bunch of money games. They went with I-AAs and common strength I-As at home. It worked. I just don't see - and probably never will - the benefit to the mindset of a team like ours scheduling a sure loss. Winning helps the confidence of a team, no matter who the opponent is. We were sky high after beating Ball State a couple of seasons ago. Ball State! We need more winnable games. Houston and Indiana are fine. Alabama, Texas, LSU, Arkansas, OU, etc. - not so much.
    2 points
  12. I don't care if we run the Wishbone Triple Option as long as we start winning somehow. And, burn every last damn redshirt now. Winning helps recruiting. Recruiting helps depth. Win. We're not at a point and time in college football history for a mutli-year rebuilding job like you could do in the 90s or early 00s.
    2 points
  13. with the OL like it is, a mobile qb is needed. after this year, the line will be more experienced and be able to protect a pocket passer for the required amount of time. put the best players on the field...let mcnulty run loose if he makes the team better.
    2 points
  14. We are going to the sweet 16. Mark it.
    2 points
  15. Phelon Jones: Samir Notgonnaworkhereanymore:
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Let me be just straight-out honest here - and I hope the University of North Texas Athletic Department officials, coaches, AND the President of our university read this - and I hope they care: If the athletic department at this university should choose to operate a program that is based on cheating in order to be successful........I, along with my contributions to this program, am out of here! Pure and simple - no ifs, ands, or buts! We win with ethical behavior, pride, and class or this athletic program can follow your suggestion without me. GMG
    2 points
  18. Big XII schools generally don't care how many opposing fans travel. You have to fill your own stadium. Most of the Big XII schools don't have large sections available for opposing fans. Why would you if you can sell out with your own fans which increases season ticket sales and allows for mandatory donations for seats? Worrying about how many opposing fans come to your stadium is the same mentality UH used to have. We used to complain that no one in CUSA (with the exception of UTEP) brought fans to UH. Now we're finally getting to the point where if the opposing team brings zero fans, it can still be a sell out. Hopefully UNT gets to that point too. The stadium will help. Winning will help some too. Once you get momentum, it starts snowballing. One sell out leads to another. That leads to games selling out early which leads to higher season ticket sales. But don't complain about the number of fans your opponents bring. That just makes your fan base look weaker because your attendance depends on something outside of your control.
    2 points
  19. Will we ever be able to compete/win a game against an opponent like this? You know against the number 2 team in the country from the SEC with the nation's best defense? These weeks are like watching a train wreck to me... I watch cause I can't help myself, but I know the results are going to be horrible at best...Just no injuries... Anyways, Go Mean Green, and F the bottom 10.
    1 point
  20. Of course UH in their fan's eyes are multi-levels above NT. The truth is that NT is most like Tech and Houston in the state. Big state schools below UT and A & M with similar enrollments, standards and missions. NT is at big disadvantage never having been included the SWC and playing in the lowly Belt and until recently not even close on the commitment to athletics. Yes, UTSM, UTSA and perhaps even UTA could get to that level in time but are going to have to suffer years to get there. It is at least conceivable to me that in time there will be an alliance of like Texas schools. NT is going to have to get a lot better but at long last there is hope. As an aside, I though many of the UH message board comments about the new stadium were predicable but very juvenile. UH is going to build more expensive and bigger and therefore will be better, Maybe, maybe not; but that does not change the fact that NT has a great venue.
    1 point
  21. I have more interest in this game than in any other this entire weekend... I think it's going to be a great game and at the end one of these teams is going to be 3-0 and primed for a big time season... I watched the entire FIU-Louisville game, and though I didn't think Louisville was really all that I was extremely impressed by how FIU was able to use it's team speed against a BCS team and hang on for a victory... While Boston College may not be that great either, UCF didn't "hang on" for a victory against them... They obliterated a favored BCS opponent holding them to 7 first downs and 141 yards of offense... I can't wait for FIU-UCF... I really think one of these teams has a chance to do something special this year...
    1 point
  22. I'm totally with you on that. I think PG is definitely a shaky position this year. Josh White will be a HOF'er and Dominique Johnson was a great 6th man. Now, we're looking at starting Chris Jones with Norris backing him up? I don't know what Alzee's, or Walton's roles will be, but they could also play that combo guard role, a-la-Dom. Should be fun to watch though!
    1 point
  23. Some of these guys would make our friend in Euless look like Oskar Schindler.
    1 point
  24. I just want UNT to beat SHSU do I do not have hear about that loss again from my wife.
    1 point
  25. Last year's OOC schedule is the kind that we need to have each year. Clemson is a big time program with a better than average record the past 20 years where we'd generate some headlines with a win. It would still take quite a bit to beat them, but not nearly as much as an Alabama or OU. Rice, Army, and Kansas State are all very winnable games. I'm mostly curious about given the same schedule in year 4, could Mac go 11-1 or run the table? That's what it's going to take for us to begin recruiting athletes who actually would be competitive in games like this Saturday.
    1 point
  26. Sample size is a bit small thus far. 1st half of the houston game has been the only real evidence of this to me. I think this may just be some respect AND generic talk for dan from saban. He has to talk about something for this game.
    1 point
  27. September 15, 2011 National site uses UNT as a punchline, first in a series of Q&As 9:10 AM Thu, Sep 15, 2011 | Permalink Brett Vito E-mail News tips I keep mentioning what a long, tough road Dan McCarney is going to have to travel at UNT to pull it out of the hole that was dug in spectacular fashion over the last four years. I came across another example of why that is today. UNT is already in ESPN's Bottom 10 this week, and now CBS Sports used the Mean Green as its punch line in a story ... about Memphis ... in the lead. "Having followed North Texas for the past several years, I know a thing or two about bad football." Yikes. Here's a link: What does UNT have to do with Memphis?strong> Since UNT is playing Alabama this week and I am the only guy who covers the program outside of the student newspaper, I have been asked to be on two radio shows -- the first was last night -- and do a series of Q&As with the Alabama papers. Here's what I got back in my swap with Chase Goodbread, the fine Alabama writer at the Tuscaloosa News. If you want to check out his Alabama coverage, you can follow this link
    1 point
  28. What is your point here?
    1 point
  29. yes it is the money. I can't imagine that these games are any fun for you guys either really. This is like a bi-week that hurts your strength of schedule... anyways, the only good showing we have had(to my recollection) for one of these games in the last 15 years or so is when we held UT to a scoreless 2nd half...so we lost like 31 to 0. Our program has been bottoming out for the last 3 years or so, and an appy state recurrence in this situation would be the biggest upset in the history of college football... michigan wasn't very good(by their standards) and appy state was a very solid team at that point in time. lots of transfers from div 1 schools that helped boost their talent level. I appreciate the encouragement, but it is even more unrealistic than normal this year. no injuries.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Ok...let's look at it this way. We had an injury riddled team with a lot a talented seniors that went .500 in conference play (underperformed/injuries) and still won 3 out of 4 to almost win the belt and danced. Given our performance in the last 2 minutes of that game I probably shouldn't guarantee anything ever. Looking at it from a different perceptive ULAR had to have the Sunbelt ref's give them the game. If the championship game was called fairly no way ULAR wins. Even though we did everything in the final 2 minutes to give it away. I didn't mind not going to the NCAA's last year because once in the tournament we'd have been toast based on injuries. I just see this year being different. WKU has the sunbelt reputation, but they haven't been very good as of late, or played to most peoples expectation. I see UNT being able to play and win with anyone in the league and winning the SBC tournament. For those how say the belt is a 1 bid league to the NCAA's that true 98% of the time. The Sunbelt has sent 2 team to the tourney before. If our teams plays like I believe they will we could get knocked off in the SBC championship game this year and possibly still get an invite to the dance. All be it not a good chance. Now I've gone out on a limb twice for my team! I know we have something special here at UNT and I don't think we have to wait another year to see our team produce to, or above expectations. Based on how far our team has come under JJ I believe it's reasonable for me believe my team should go dancing this year. Time will tell and I can't wait for the season to start. I'm stocking up on some Green Kool-Aid now. Go Mean Green.
    1 point
  32. Eddie Lacy Martin Lawrence as Shenene
    1 point
  33. David Blalock Flat Top from Necessary Roughness
    1 point
  34. Guys, Memphis is horrible. They were 1-11 last year, and have a realistic shot at going 0-12 this year. Their coach, Larry Porter, was a position coach at LSU. He'd never been a coordinator anywhere. Memphis made the mistake of kicking out a guy who had taken them to five bowl games in nine years - five of the six in school history. He'd taken the Tigers to bowls the two seasons prior to his firing in just past midway through the 2009 season. It was a stupid move by a basketball school that gives little to its football program. Schools like Memphis deserve to have their asses kicked for firing hard-working coaches dealing with few resources, but who succeed most of the time anyway. I hope Memphis does go 0-12. What happened to Tommy West at Memphis in 2009 reeks of Rocky Long's departure at New Mexico and Jeff Bowers at Mississippi State - unrealistic athletic directors taking very successful head coaches at their money-strapped programs and replacing them with garbage. (Yeah, I know Southern Miss still makes bowls...but, their records and fate are no better off without Bowers than it was with him. Stupid. Fedora's first three years at USM have been 7 wins, 7 wins, 8 wins - Bowers' last three years were 7 wins, 9 wins, 7 wins. Stupid. Bower was 20 wins from becoming the schools' winningest coach, and had led them to bowl season in his final six seasons, and they tossed him out. Stupid. They deserve the mediocrity that remains with them.)
    1 point
  35. William Vlachos: George "Baby Face" Nelson:
    1 point
  36. Grant, just because you have ordered, it doesn't mean that you still can't look at the menu! Open your eyes fella...
    1 point
  37. Head Coach Nick Saban Texas Governor Rick Perry
    1 point
  38. CtrlAltDel, seems to me Tampax would be an appropriate company to sponsor a team known as "Roll Tide" with your red uniforms. Typical SEC smack. Without Texas you boys wouldn't be able to recruit enough high school athletes from Bama to field a starting eleven. Oh, and it is North Texas, but then again, what else would I expect from a moron with Bear Bryant tattooed across his back. I'm looking forward to an invitation to your 6th grade graduation. Guess you can walk the aisle with your son.
    1 point
  39. AJ McCarronn Cameron Frye, Ferrie Bueller's Day Off
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. we know that your school has a great fan base that will travel to road games, but unfortunately, the river won't drop you off at Apogee. thankfully, we were nice enough to come to your place.
    1 point
  42. You seem like a real classy guy. Best of luck to you guys on Saturday...Roll Tide!!!
    1 point
  43. [Yoda]...the Doucebaggery is STRONG with this one, yes.[/Yoda]
    1 point
  44. Definitely a good point and, seemingly, one that can be resolved fairly easily. I think calling the Mean Green Club (if you are a member) and letting those folks know might be a good place to start. Many Mean green Club reps and department personnel were asking for this type of feedback all night Saturday. If not the Mean green Club, just call the Athletic Dept. main number and give them your thoughts/ask who you can talk with. You seem to be reasonable in your approach and comments, so I think they would very much welcome your call. They don't know it's a problem unless someone brings it to their attention. Not the silly, petty stuff, but this type of constructive criticism is always a good thing to hear. Nice help here.
    1 point
  45. As I sat in the stadium and looked at the UH crowd I thought, perhaps, I was observing a really significant reason it will be difficult for UH to be invited to the Big 12 (should the Big 12 survive). I was surprised by the relatively dismal UH turnout for the game. Denton, Texas/UNT - about a 4 1/2 - 5 hour drive from Houston. UH - former Southwest Conference member; a Conference-USA member; a relatively large alumni base in the DFW area; a helluva exciting football team;; whipped UCLA in their first game of the season; and they bring only 4,000 fans to Denton. So, if you are the Big 12 Conference, are you going to take that heavily into consideration when considering which universities to ask to join the Big 12? Is that also true if you the Mountain West conference?
    1 point
  46. The D, with both corners out for most of the second half, was the reason we had a 14 point lead in the fourth. The most experienced guy on the field played the 4th quarter like he was 24 years old in his rookie year. You didn't see the same game I did. Rick
    1 point

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