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Super Pit Music


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Before I get started, let me get something straight:

The music in the Super Pit no matter how bad will ever keep me away from the games. I am not bitching about it, I am being honest and looking for improvement.

Ok, the music at hoops games sucks.

These songs get way too much play:

Space Jam

Gettin Jiggy Wit It (both of these get played at least once a game)

that annoying Jock Jams song

I know we have a Will Smith on the team, and that may be why that song gets rotation, but how about change it up "I'm Coming" by big Will gets you way more pumped up, plus its not worn out. Big Will has countless other hits as well to play if thats the logic.

I have no idea why Space Jam gets played so much. I have heard it at every single hoops game I have been to. I am a junior now.

I have always wanted to hear "Gravel Pit" by the Wu and have some chick dub "Super" over "Gravel" every time in the song. It isn't that hard to do, and it would become an NT legend I think.

Also, last year the men's team had thier own song, what happend to that?

Zeke, CMJ, and others, I know I am forgetting a few songs, what songs are sick of hearing and what songs would you replace them with?

Overall, I think they need to take thier current database, delete them all, and start all over, it kind of wears on you after a few years. biggrin.gif

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Ohh man that Space Jam song gets over played. There was a time when they would play other songs...........but still way out of date. Now they play those 3 songs and well, that is about it. A friend of the teams had recorded a Mean Green rap song giving shout outs to all the players on the roster last year..................its was a good change of pace. The music is meant to pump the place up........Jock Jams worked in 1991, I can't say I even have the slightest inkling to get excited about any of the music played at the Pit now.

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