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Complaint Box Forum


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** There are many things to complain about when it comes to NT athletics.

** Many on this board find the gmg.com website to be there only (or easiest) outlet in which to voice their complaints.

** Motives of those complaining vary:

Some think the best way to improve the program is to make said complaints public.

Some appear to have personal vendettas against those of whom they complain.

Some are frustrated beyond belief, have voiced complaints to athletic department personal without satisfaction and, in a last fit of desperation, lay out their gripes here.

Some offer solutions, some do not.

Some know how to eloquently present their problem, others come off as spoiled brats, pounding on their chest that they will take their toys and go home.

Administrators, would you set up a complaint box forum, perhaps in the VIP lounge? And it would also be nice to see the complainer proclaim his athletics donation level as part of each complaint.

Further assumptions:

** This post is a complaint.

** Donation level should not affect the value or pertinence of a complaint.

Edited by untcampbell
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I sure do miss Strother Martin.

As to complaints. I tend to agree that a viable solution should accompany any complaint posted on this board.

I used to have a supervisor who used to have a very effective method of dealing with complaints. When she heard someone consistently complain about something at unit meetings, would assign that person to head a committee to study the problem, and come back at the next unit meeting with some viable solutions.

Edited by SilverEagle
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