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PLAYGROUND Sun Belt, Western will miss Didd


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We could win the Sun Belt in football 10 years in a row, but if we still have average basketball teams who on their best nights get 3000 in attendance and average in the low 2000s, we are going to stay on the bottom rung of the conference food chain.

That sounds like SMUt and Rice, except without the football wins, yet they still received CUSA invites. I agree we need better basketball attendance, but I think adding baseball and a new football stadium will get us that invite to CUSA even faster. 1-A conferences are formed based on football. Football facilities, attendance, budgets, potential, and image first, then all other sports next. Gonzaga is a Top 15 basketball program but they get no interest from any 1-A conference.

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I saw the same game on the gridiron against FAU, and I'm glad I came back anyway...

I listened to almost every Bball game this year and heard the same thing. At least with football I'd seen us out play and out hustle someone.

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Guest JohnDenver

Basketball isn't holding us back. It isn't the REASON we aren't in CUSA.

1) We only had a budget of 9 million ... ouch.

2) Facilities blow (blew?).

3) No baseball.

4) Can't host events for tournies in any sport except basketball.

I say basketball attendance isn't a concern. SMU doesn't draw well. Rice sure as hell doesn't draw anyone in.

Your argument is weaker than a bounce pass from a UNT point guard. (oh they were ugly tonight!)

We are well on our way to fixing these problems ... you continue to rant about the pathetic attendance and rail on the "die hards."

I am sure we can one up each other (all of us) all night long, but what does that accomplish? Nada. "die hards" support their AD in many more ways than just attending ONE sport.

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I don't know how to tell you this ... but I think it is completely valid to dislike a college sport and still love your university. It doesn't make you a bad fan, or bad alum, or bad person to not attend a sporting event. I don't know why you can't see that.

A good fan should support whatever interests they have. There are many ways to do it. Donate to your AD, donate to the general scholarship fund, bring friends to the events you do enjoy, return the donation forms that come in the mail when you are an alum, buy merchendise and wear it out in public, talk up your school to fair weather fans, get HS aged kids to consider UNT when applying, etc etc etc. So if a person can check mark HALF or even a FOURTH of that list, I think they would fall into the 'good fan' or 'die hard' category.

How many jazz fests have you gone to lately? Have you even seen the 1 o'clock band? Have bought any of their CDs? How many times have you been to the Murchison center for a performance? How many ACS  programming contests have you attended? How about the North Texas Robotic competition at the Superpit? Did you get to that? oh, how about the Vagina Monologues? Did you go see that? Do you go see the dance recitals that go on every other week? Have you ever made it out to see our championship level debate team in action?

Are you bad student for not completely supporting ALL your university? I don't think so.

You may think CS students are amatuers and can't design code worth a damn. You may not like jazz. You may not like music at all. You may not like watching women in tight fitting clothes bounce around on stage .. I can't judge you.

Personally, I find college basketball to be boring. Hard to keep up with 300+ Div1a teams. Sloppy play. Teams rarely get to gel because players always leave or transfer. High turnovers. Lower free throw percentages. Low scoring games.  Rules are slightly different than pro level and that makes it annoying to watch.

We all have reasons ...stop casting judgement on people. If  someone who doesn't like college basketball (or SOFTBALL for that matter) and they decide to make it to the tourney ... then you should be happy they made the effort to come to an event they normally don't enjoy. They can still be a "die hard."

You have my word. I will never call you out for not coming to the robotic competition at the Superpit -- as much as I love it.  wink.gif

You know what, if you don't like the sport, which you have so nicely proven for us, then don't post here. If you don't want to support it, you have no business criticising it.

I understand your comment about being a "good fan". If you are going to back it up, then be a good fan. Too many of you flip side as soon as one thing goes wrong with the basketball team. You make fun of the people calling for Dickey's head, then you go out and rage againts the basketball team.

Jazzfests? 2 out of the last 3 years. 1 o'clock band? I've seen them before. Murchison? 3 or 4 times. Robotic competition, no honestly. Vagina monologues, nope there either. Dance recitals, not a clue. But you know what? I don't claim to support them neither do I use them as a measuring post for how big of a fan I am.

I completely agree with your point about not being a bad student for completely supporting ALL the University. However, I disagree with your attititude of naming off everything you have been to or you can think of as a way of making everybody else feel bad for the fact that they may not like classical music or may not watch dance recitals.

You state your opinion about college basketball, how you think its boring. Which is perfectly acceptable. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but you use this whole post as a tool for bashing those who do enjoy it and support it.

You claim you will never call us out for not watching a robotics convention when really thats the point of this whole post.

You can't still be a die hard basketball fan if you don't like basketball, and you can't sit here and tell other people to support everything and relax when you yourself call out basketball fans when you shouldn't be posting in the first place.

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Guest JohnDenver


That post wasn't TO the general basketball fan. It was to e-bone.

However, I disagree with your attititude of naming off everything you have been to or you can think of as a way of making everybody else feel bad for the fact that they may not like classical music or may not watch dance recitals.

I have never done any of these things either! I was just making a point that they are a lot of things that go on with this Uni that need/get support without their fans calling the other fans out for being bad. To a certain extent it happens between Music and Football. If you like Football, how dare you support the Music school! We all know that the Music school unfairly steal donor money wink.gif (read the sarcasm)

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but you use this whole post as a tool for bashing those who do enjoy it and support it.

Re-read the whole thread and not just my one post to e-bone. I apologize, I should have targeted who my post was to directly. I wasn't saying that anyone needs to share my opinion on college basketball. Nor did I come over here to say that people are fools for liking college basketball. I somewhat enjoy UNT basketball games. I liked watching Chris Davis. Hopkins has always been a favorite of mine. I really route for their personal successes ... I saw Davis at the game lastnight BTW. I am not a avid fan that will sit in an hour traffic to go see it. I did make the tourney game ... and watched them on TV this year and even listened to one game on the internet.

Edited by JohnDenver
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