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Everything posted by HoustonEagle

  1. I think the service academies struggle with the idea of being in a conference because, unlike most schools, putting together a good schedule is not as difficult for them. They are very much desired as an opponent. With that said if they are not in a conference what championships can they aspire to win? Its not like they have a shot at the NC.
  2. Someone forgot to tell that to McCarney
  3. I moved him up to an A- and that most likely will not change due to wins/losses from now till the end of the season. I have seen enough to know he can coach. Now I want to see if he can recruit. Pulling Mason Fine out of 3A Oklahoma along with some contributing jucos gives me hope. StilI, I want to see a top half of conference recruiting class for his grade to remain unchanged. Top quarter and I will move him to an A+. Bottom half and he goes straight to C.
  4. Best thing that ever happened to this program. Well, second best. Neal Smatresk being number one.
  5. But, but we have The Wren. We are going to be in the Big 12 by 2017
  6. Let's build a program first. After a couple years of winning we can be concerned about attendance.
  7. Doubt we win but I'll take NT and the points.
  8. have a drink on the River Walk but don’t eat there.
  9. In the end it always comes down to the money. Be it a coach, Dr., Methodist Preacher etc..... Why don't coaches stay loyal and build their legacy? Because schools don't stay loyal to them. Neither side is at fault for this, it's just part of the job.
  10. Not Brett's best performance. Btw how many reporters are at these press conferences? It sounded like two.
  11. The problem around here is we accept this notion that things need to take 3-5 years to improve. The rebuilding mentality. Coach can’t win unless he has “his team”. When you have the right guy you will be able to tell year one with the play on the field. In year one the recruiting will improve. I don’t think we should be playing for a championship but 4 wins and some great recruits rolling in would build my confidence that we have our guy.
  12. Granted only 3800 of those are undergrads.
  13. Many don't know there was a super bowl played there as well. I think of that each time I'm in the stadium and how much the NFL has changed and grown since that game.
  14. Back to the subject at hand. UNT did a great job with streaming the BC game. I have already paid my 6.95 for the Rice game. I would like to think a school with a 6 billion dollar Endowment can figure out how to stream the game.
  15. You have reached a new low UNTexas. For years you have been denying you snapped that ball as if Letterman and ESPN would just make up such slanderous allegations. Now you go so far as have JM come on here and claim it was him? I don't know what nefarious pictures you have of JM but you should be ashamed of these low level tactics to clear your name. Just own up to it..... you ordered the code red! Errr... I mean snapped the ball! Now nut up and admit it!!!!
  16. I live a stones throw from the stadium and can't go....... pissed.
  17. I have been a fan for for so long now that I forget how it feels to be naive to the college football landscape. MGM probably feels much like I did 23 years ago. That we are oh so close to being able to compete with the big boys. While we may be closer to being a real program than we ever have before the chasm between us and Florida resembles the grand canyon. We went 1-11 last year. We have 68 scholarship players and not many of those were highly recruited. For me I went into this game praying we did not get blown out by 60 and looking for signs of a hopeful future. Well the score stayed respectable most of the game and man I see some competitors on this team. Mason Fine has that IT factor in him like I have not seen around here in a long time. Now the big question is, can SL keeps these kids playing through all the loses? Can he keep Fine from becoming shell shocked? We shall see.
  18. Sun Belt looks to be stronger than CUSA this year.
  19. The frustration of the Dickey years. That incredible defense often felt squandered.
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