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Everything posted by HoustonEagle

  1. Lot of work to be done in the passing game but this whole season is dedicated to working and building. I think BC was a decent test. They had some good athletes on that squad. If we did not have such a brutal CUSA schedule I would think 5 wins could be achieved if we improve the passing game which we will.
  2. Good write up Rick. I did not like the call on 4th down either but it's one of those high Beta plays that you either look like a genius or a goat. The fact we can say anything good about Morris shows just how bad the QB play has been around here. He needs to make quicker decisions and quit guiding the ball. Still I think he has enough tools to get the job done for us. Maybe I would have to go look at the stats but I feel like we ran the ball more than you think. We were also down from the start so I am sure Seth would have like to run the ball more. The offense looked Dodge-esque for sure but then we knew that would be the case. Still if that was a Dodge coached team we would have given up 60 (it feels like we did) and had three kicks blocked. I will say this for a positive. I flew down to Miami to watch Macs first game and we got beat like a red headed step child. It was the worst football I had ever seen. Yet the improvement over the next few games was an amazing thing to watch. Let's hope for the same with Seth.
  3. I have loved your optimism all along the way. It's probably misguided but I don't care. It's refreshing.
  4. Welcome Blake. Just remember no matter how much someone on here pisses you off in the end we all bleed Green. Good to have you.
  5. It is pretty much impossible to have your starting QB in every game start to finish even on the the healthiest of years. By naming Fine the number 2 I fully believe that Litrell plans on burning his redshirt. Don’t be surprised if he is put in for reps in the event of a blowout.
  6. Possibly the two worst teams in college football going head to head. Why are either team owed anything? If it could sell ads on TV it would be on there. Sadly it can't. Let's fix that.
  7. How about we get our own house in order before we start worrying about others.
  8. I'll take a different tack. We don't have a rival. We have never earned one. Perennial losers dont have rivals. When this football team becomes a real program. The kind that rarely, if ever, finishes below .500. Our rivals will become clear. As to potential rivals. I think SMU is a natural fit with the poor kid/rich kid story line. We just need to beat them more for it to be a rivalry and we need to beat them when both teams are good. La Tech would make for a good rivalry. a lot of Dallas area kids choose to go to school there. Having a friend in the opposing stands always helps to creat rivalries. Still none of this matters as of yet. 4 winning seasons in 20 years. You don't have rivals.
  9. Great event with great turn out! We did not do this back when I was there. Good to see they know how to take the long road now when it comes to building school pride.
  10. I have seen Alzheimer's up close and personal and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. I hope like heck they find a cure.
  11. Are my eyes deceiving me or are there a lot of folks in the stands?
  12. Yes it has become disgusting. As to the money, most of these stadiums are built after a bond issuance which sadly would never have been approved under the banner of academics. Further, participation in youth football is actually on the decline. Priorities are not in order.
  13. When I imagine that I see thunder dome.
  14. I sure hope you are right. I could use a Mean Green shot of adrenaline. With that said I am not going into the game with any optimism. I am having flashbacks to Coach Mac's first game. My wife and I flew down to Miami to catch us play FIU. I was so fired up to have a real coach after the Dodge debacle. I went in looking for a win or at the least a close game. What I got was total humiliation.
  15. Mid day internet ramblings. Being a child in the 70's and 80's I can remember seeing folks driving with one arm on the wheel and the other holding their beer. It was illegal then too but not stringently enforced. The national crack down on drunk driving in the mid 80's necessarily changed this and was overdue. Do others here have memories of the same? It just gives me pause sometimes when I think how much things have changed.
  16. That's about where my head is at as well Rick.
  17. In the long list of AD responsibilities, the most important is raising funds. P5 teams require a guarantee or its a 2x1. We can dance around the issue all we want but in the end we have to find more money for this program. Lets hope WB is the man when it comes to fundraising. Lets hope he negotiates better than Jesus and can actually get the athletics fee raised to peer levels. I don't ever shout down the 17 as they have kept this ship above water with bubble gum and bailing wire. The HUGE issue we have is there are only 17 (which I think the number is well lower considering the fundraising events I have attended). RV was king of doing "just enough to keep his job". His fundraising was a perfect example of this. He trotted out the occasional million dollar donor and we would get very excited but the pipeline was so dry behind those donations. As we all know MGC numbers are worse than pathetic. They illustrate a program that should drop sports quite frankly. WB has a big job to do.
  18. Yes and no. To paint with a broad brush I would say G5 schools often have hungry young coaches out their recruiting. Maybe their sales skills are less honed but the extra effort is there. The bigger obstacle to a G5 recruiter is budget. Flights are expensive. Hotels are expensive. At UNT I am guessing most of our recruiting is done on the road. That eats up more time and limits your ability to get face time with more recruits. In the end it's money that makes the world go around.
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