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Everything posted by TheWestie

  1. That's how it is when it's recorded in a studio. Whenever we played Stars and Stripes Forever in high school me and the rest of the brass section had to hold back so we didn't drown out the piccolo solo. All that being said, I think the problem is that somebody is using a crappy recording of the fight song. Sounds like it's being played from a 1997 GeoCities web site.
  2. Did anyone's voicemail or answering machine catch the first call? Y'all should send that to Vito.
  3. D1 football coach throws a cookout and mans the tongs himself? Hell yeah. I can't wait to see what this team does with him holding the reins.
  4. 7-letter personalized isn't available with the UNT plate. Only for A&M and Notre Dame(?) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Smatresk is very, very pro-athletics. He's spoken many times about how he personally is a sports fan and about how much he understands that athletics is a reflection on the university.
  6. I'm gonna go out on a limb and call Tyreke the next Marcus Trice. He's small for where they play him but he just flat out brings the wood. And like Marcus, he is a really nice kid and has a great attitude. Keep an eye on the DRC web site this season because he and Ryan QB Spencer Sanders are gonna make big things happen.
  7. As The Westie, I'm ashamed I didn't know we had a volleyball pit once upon a time.
  8. So this lists our QBs since 2004 who started at least 5 games: Scott Hall, Derek Thompson, Riley Dodge, Andrew McNulty, Giovanni Vizza, Daniel Meager and DaMarcus Smith. While the numbers of these guys are a downer, what gets me down is looking the total list of QBs we've put on the field since 2004.Take the above dudes and add-in Woody Wilson, Matt Philips, Nathan Tune, Chase Baine, Brent Osborn, Dajon Williams, Josh Greer, and Connor Means. This gives us 14 QBs that have seen the field in 12 seasons. We also know we've had trouble developing a consistent QB, but man those numbers hurt to see. In 2008 we had 5 QBs get game time. 5. Vizza as a sophomore played all 12 games and went 309 for 493 with 2758 yards,15 TDs and 16 INTs. Tune as a junior was 6 for 13 with no TDs or INTs in 6 games. Phillips as a senior went 2 for 3 in one game against Arkansas St. Meager as a senior went 1 for 3 over two games. Riley was a true freshman and had 1 pass in the LSU game, which was intercepted, and 1 pass against Rice. In 2015 Carlos Harris had more TD passes than Josh Greer (Iowa game).
  9. In case you can't find any of the throwback helmets, the Bookstore in the Union sells full-size Hayden Fry era kelly green Flying Worm helmets.
  10. Buda Hays head coach is Blake Feldt, former Pilot Point head coach. Father of former UNT players Cam and Boone Feldt, who both barely saw the field after never quite 100% recovering after injuries.
  11. I think that's what we all kinda hope for with Littrell. A Johnny Jones type situation. He'll bust his ass here and do good by us, lead the way to places we haven't been before, and stay here, holding out for his dream job, which he will be ideal for after his run here. And I'm cool with that.
  12. He was scheduled to hold a camp in Alabama's backyard. What the hell did everyone think was gonna happen?
  13. I did everyone a favor and combined your posts.
  14. Y'all are skipping over the most important part of this announcement: Beth Marie's ice cream will be served, and there will be a bounce house.
  15. I love you guys, even 90, and support 99.9% of what y'all have to say. But sometimes I can't tell if y'all are being tongue-in-cheek. If y'all are serious, lemme say this: UNT is a state institution. Ricky V has nothing to do with the sign physically. Neither does athletics. This is something for Facilities to deal with. And when you call them, ask them to MAKE THE DAMN SIGN DIMMER AT NIGHT. I'M BLINDED AT NIGHT WHEN I DRIVE PAST. https://facilities.unt.edu/depts/maintenance Phone: 940-891-6853 Hours: 7:30am - 5:00pm Monday thru Friday
  16. We got rings for our 2002 New Orleans Bowl win. And i believe also conference championship rings for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. Can't find the photos on Rick Yeatts' web site right now but he and I photographed them along with the NOB trophy. Which is heavy. Heavier than the Heart of Dallas Bowl trophy. I've held both. Memphis got rings from their 2007 NOB win, a sure weren't conference champs. Somebody needs to tell these folks they aren't supposed to get rings for winning bowls they got invited to without winning conference championships: Also unrelated but interesting, here's a 2007 Sun Belt basketball champ ring
  17. ... and safety Jamal Marshall running a 4.42 40. ... and safety Jamal Marshall running a 4.42 40. ... and safety Jamal Marshall running a 4.42 40.
  18. Come on y'all.... They never wore the black SOW green helmets with black pants while DT was still playing.
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