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Everything posted by TIgreen01

  1. Imagine being a recruit at either of our last two home games. I was thinking about that the most while someone behind me lost their crap for the entire 2nd quarter chanting for Kason Martin. I can’t ever remember open booing at a UNT game but it happened tonight. You aren’t supposed to boo your college team. That’s usually saved for the pros. It happening tonight shows that the fans are fed up.
  2. Right there with you buddy. Clean house. Everyone including the water boy/girl/they needs to go. Bring back Diet Coke boy.
  3. Well this thread didn’t age very well. So much negativity and we ended up pulling a sitting coach with a winning record at a G5 school. Some of the points are valid, but McCasland showed that you never know who is lurking out there wanting to get closer to DFW or back in Texas.
  4. We’ve only recently (last 10 years) started really funding football like we WANT TO WIN. Prior we were always just d1cking around. In that last 10 years we’ve had two coaches hired. They have had their moments, but ultimately both fell apart after key assistants left. Seth was on his way until the KSU fiasco. It could’ve been a big moment. We had a coach supposedly turn down a P5 job and stay at UNT, but the wheels came off instead. I still don’t completely get it, but crap happens. To answer the question, it’s absolutely a good job now. Expectations from the fan base are low, administrative support and funding is great compared to our peers and facilities are top notch. Basketball is winning and generating positive vibes. It’s all going to come together, eventually, as long as we keep up the support.
  5. I would think falling to 0-3 in conference would do the trick. No need to wait until after Liberty blows us away.
  6. Dumb question. Win and he stays, lose and he goes. At this point he can’t lose another game. …and no, I haven’t seen enough to think that is about to happen.
  7. I’m not going to go back and read posts from the first two weeks, but I don’t remember the consensus being that Ruder played well. He was inaccurate and couldn’t complete anything further than 10 yards downfield. There was hope that he had only been on campus a month and maybe he’d get better. But he did not play well.
  8. This right here. He gets measured on how well he can put a staff together that can go get wins. It is looking like Bennett will count in the good hire category. But he’s clean whiffed on two OCs and QB coaches since Harrell departed. We also haven’t been able to replace Filani. It happens to even the best. Mack Brown was eventually undone when he tried to chase Alabama and changed up his offensive approach and staff. With Bennett here and on a two year deal, maybe they give Littrell one more chance at getting the OC/QB right. I don’t know. What we’ve seen thus far this year is DMac levels of offensive ineptitude. That’s petty inexcusable from a guy who just last year was touting a top ten offense. Maybe taking over the playcalling again this year will help, but we’ll almost certainly lose Bloesch.
  9. Why are you guys jumping to doom and gloom? For weeks everyone here has switched to clamoring to go west. Going to a watered down MWC was never a good option. So this means that if we do go MWC that it is not just the old Big West. I, also, agree with the poster who mentioned smu as an option for MWC. It is clearly the better conference now. I would think schmoo would have interest in joining the strongest possible conference. It wouldn’t surprise me to see schmoo and Tulsa go MWC…Then at least UNT, UTSA, UAB leave for AAC. Or maybe schmoo and Tulsa stay put, and UNT and UTEP go MWC? Who knows…but UNT is in a good position regardless.
  10. You and I have a completely different approach to competition, I guess. Smu gets killed on the reg by tcu. Michigan gets owned by Ohio st. 20 years of losing in both series. Guess they should admit they can’t compete and just go find someone else to play. Never mind that 90% of their fan base cares only about that one game every year.
  11. This is so insane. Yes, let’s play more games against schools and teams that we don’t care about …because when we lose we won’t care?!? WTF.
  12. Maybe you’re not caught up on current events. The meltdown happened last week.
  13. A shootout, though?? I agree we lose, but if we somehow score 31 points I think we win. I just don’t believe we can score 10 points, let alone 31.
  14. I’m still shocked he came out of the locker room after halftime.
  15. I watched him closely last night, as well. I saw the same thing and came to the same conclusion. I’m not sure how he behaves during big wins, but I’m guessing it is the same. It’s probably just his style, but it is something he needs to change. Esp if he doesn’t get in players faces regularly. It would be a big wake up call when he does. I was looking at all of the coaches, and nobody on the offensive staff did much either. Defense was a different story. They didn’t play well, but I thought the effort was there and at times they made plays. Offense appeared to be a total give up…at least watching the sideline behavior of players and staff.
  16. This. Aune vs Ruder is the wrong conversation. Last night there was never anyone open and like GrandGreen is saying, the blocking didn’t allow for the qb to make it beyond his first read. This was a total team failure on the offensive side of the ball. The new OC got thoroughly outcoached. Our players seemed to not have the belief they could win.
  17. Is anyone else having trouble seeing their tickets on the mobile site? It is showing that I have no upcoming game tickets, even though all game tickets were there a couple of weeks ago. No idea how to resolve short of going in person to the ticket office. This is why I like printed tickets.
  18. Exactly. Everyone expecting the team to get blown out by schmoo is not an excuse to keep him off the hot seat. It JUSTIFIES why his seat is hot in the first place.
  19. So July 1, 2013 was the date our invitation was announced. So you’re right it wasn’t that same year. Now we know 2013 turned out to be a great year, but we were 5-7 in 2011 and 4-8 in 2012. Hardly showing that we had turned a corner. Looking at 5 years leading up to that July 2013 date, we were 3-9 in 2010, 2-10 in 2009 and 1-11 in 2008. So we were slightly up, but the thing that people were really latching onto was that we had gotten out of Fouts and we hoped to see UNT match that with increased spending. We hadn’t really kicked up spending, but we have now. Today there is no question that UNT is committed to being a top tier school at least at the G5 level. Back in 2013 it was a hope.
  20. There are a lot of longtime posters in this thread who seem to have forgotten that we got “promoted” to CUSA right on the heels of the Dodge fiasco. We were UNQUESTIONABLY fielding the worst performing football team in FBS. It didn’t matter. We had built Apogee and finally appeared to be committed to athletics. Now we have 10 years of history showing continued commitment through facilities going up, coaching salaries that are competitive with the top of G5, new sports that win (softball) and have a basketball program on the rise. Everyone needs to settle down. UNT is more attractive today than it has ever been. Certainly MUCH MORE attractive than we were the last time we were promoted. My bet is we go west, or that crazy total regionalization of g5 finally happens.
  21. The downfall of NT football? You must not have been around in 2015 & ‘16…or missed the entirety of Todge? You could say it was the start of the decline for SL, but beyond that is a bit much.
  22. The only thing that has changed is that the kids who might have been rules followers and wouldn’t jump at money to transfer (see Mason Fine) when offered now don’t have a moral issue to navigate. It’s no longer against the rules to be open about paying players. But this isn’t new. Alabama doesn’t have a 3 deep of NFL bound linemen by just being being good or having a track record. They have the best network of boosters and corporate contracts/partners who pay the most in combination with being good. The story I’m waiting for is when someone finally is able to trace the money trail back directly to ESPN.
  23. UAB and utsa being at the top of anyone’s list is crazy. Do people not remember the state government of Alabama was responsible for killing that program when they thought it could take resources from bama? How much will they actually be allowed to grow? Utsa is just …. FAU had all the hype it was ever going to have a few years ago when they had Lane Kiffin, a 10+ win team and a brand new stadium. They still drew under 10k. I just think anyone hoping either of the F_Us ever amount to anything is lying to themselves. Here’s to hoping that the MWC goes on the offensive and blows that aac plan out of the water. I don’t see the MWC being attractive at all if they lose anymore than just Boise, and especially if they lose their top 5. I’d pick suckbelt over the leftovers.
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