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About Ibleedgreen

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  1. Our current facility is fine. However, I agree with NorthTexasWeLove, it brought back fond memories of the old Snake Pit.
  2. SMU is embarrassed because they are leaving the AAC for a “better” conference, and couldn’t even win what they considered the inferior conference.
  3. Channel 8 hasn’t mentioned the tournament or our women. On the other hand, they broadcast three stories about TCU bringing in walk-ons.
  4. That explains it. Thanks.
  5. I’m not hearing the basketball band this year. Are they there? Are they playing less this season? Is it the telecast?
  6. Is this game televised and if so, what time?
  7. Is there no basketball band this year?
  8. Our guys are rattled. The offense has lost the confidence they had earlier.
  9. I personally remember that Gretchen Bataille was extremely excited about the Dodge hire. Remember that he was considered a football god at the time, albeit at the high school level.
  10. The outcome has been disappointing, but the games have been exciting. Memphis was heartbreaking; but, encouraging, too, because we showed spunk. Noticeable improvement after California, which was when Morris initiated his own schemes.
  11. Give Morris time. I think he’s going to be good.
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