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Everything posted by meanrob

  1. I’m not one for hyperbole and the opponent isn’t great but this is at minimum top ten QB performance at NT in thirty years.
  2. Hope Sides is back for the third game. We definitely have options.
  3. Just want to point out I changed TVs at halftime.
  4. Another knee jerk, our FG unit might not be good.
  5. Next knee jerk reaction. Our WRs might be pretty damn good.
  6. Haha, I can agree with that I should say I can relate to that.
  7. Out of 102 games from Week Zero and Week One, only 10 involve two P5 teams. Only one P5 team goes on the road versus a non P5 team (UCLA). If say 32-40 teams break away the leftovers could put them in a bind if they didn't schedule them. Almost all of the break away teams would lose two home games. Not to mention the empty seats at the end of season when half the teams are under .500. Wishful thinking but if this were to happen they would need that private equity money if it did. Then that would bring on a whole new can of worms.
  8. I have never seen our starting QB throw a ball wearing any kind of NT gear. I mean practice, scrimmage, or anything. It's probably out there but I haven't seen it. I'll admit my engagement has been low this year. When they run out onto the field I'll get pumped up but right now it's fairly muted. It's good ol' day syndrome and those times weren't going to last but it's a far cry from Harry and I leaving work early to watch fall practices and going to every scrimmage which led us to be DYING for the season to start. Oh well. Still have fond memories of watching Buckles, Booger and others tear it up in practice and the anticipation of seeing them for the first time on the field in green.
  9. We were 121st in stopping third downs, that can't happen. We were 102nd in red zone defense (rushing TDs in the red zone killed us although we have some strange company down with us). NT has to get off the field more often and force field goals. Can't just have plays here and there. Sorry to pick on one position but the LBs have to make plays at or near the LOS.
  10. Not seeing a lot of defense in this game. South Alabama- 44 Guys in Green- 38
  11. If you could go by how these teams were last year there would be some interesting and tight matchups. Have no idea about this year. Interesting that Florida State had a DL of much talked about transfers and they got worked over by Georgia Tech. Some of these P5s might be easier to pick off the first couple of games.
  12. Considering he didn't start the season if we get equal QB play this year I'll be very happy. Rogers' last year was basically equal to each of FIne's last two years. The winning formula for this year is the offense to stay the same and the defense cut off seven ppg and get a few more turnovers. Both are pretty good-sized asks. CMP ATT CMP% YDS AVG TD INT LNG RTG 262 421 62.2 3,382 8.0 29 5 80 150.1
  13. Somebody talk me off the ledge because I'm seeing 4-8. In thirty years of fandom this is the least I've ever known about a team.
  14. How is it switching between channels?
  15. There's a YT video of all the college pick sixes last year and I because I'm a junkie and watch college football highlights in the summer, I watched it. Aune was on there so much I had to turn it off early before my PTSD kicked in. Having said that he wasn't a bad quarterback, but you just can't play quarterback that way.
  16. Oregon State would lose three top 25 teams, two who travel extremely well. Washington State loses…..eh, not much. And to your other point BSU would be a WAY bigger addition than WSU. It’s not even close.
  17. All I know is Stanford really doesn’t know what “by the end of week” means.
  18. I'm not saying it's going to go this way but here's what I'm afraid of- This offense is going to be more ball control and shorter throws and it's possible we have a better defense or at least a bend but don't break defense. Both of these mean lesser possessions. So you have a QB that hasn't played a lot and you're going to take possessions away from him and put in a guy that isn't going to get enough possessions either to find a rhythm. Or worst case Earle starts feeling it and you take him out. If we were playing Texas Southern, I'm all for it. But this is a REALLY big game to start the season. I'm just a keyboard offensive coordinator and certainly not the head coach but the history of doing things like this is not great.
  19. Not exactly the formula for beating a P5 as an underdog at home.
  20. Saw the alert at the top of the football page and thought cool, we have a starter. Then I saw the second sentence above and can’t believe we’re doing this again.
  21. When we wear this I think two things- This is the perfect away uniform. Why can we create the green version (meaning perfect) of this?
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