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Green Lantern

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Everything posted by Green Lantern

  1. Sadly, I know the answer to this. It is not Warren Moon. It is pro wrestler Norman Smiley (no kidding). In his 15 minutes, he was know for signature dance moves in the ring...his most famous was "The Big Wiggle". *gets gun and shoots self for knowing this*
  2. Almost old enough to be consider a full fledged MAN.
  3. Boy, after seeing that celebrataion, Jojo is one cocky SOB. After that jump, he's changed things...forever. There's no going back.
  4. CBL, on the topic of NT's front court...How do you see us stacking up on the boards this year? Seems to me that this is going to be a make us or break us unit this year. Do you think the incoming guys are up to the task?
  5. Oh, great...another year of basketball blowhard analysis. Just kidding. Nice writeup as usual. I'm ready to talk about something other than lackluster football & new stadium.
  6. Yeah Sea Bass. "Don't you DAMN post here again!!!"
  7. True enough. I just enjoy all of it cobbled together in one place while I enjoy Monday morning coffee. I still heart you.
  8. Not to be too critical of this weeks column, but there was sooooo much gold from this past week. Were you just really pissed that no one followed JoJo's Pizza Inn jump?
  9. This sounds like such a great bit. Probably not nearly as effective for drumming up interest as Quoner's "More Posters" campaign, but I applaud JoJo's courage in the momentous undertaking.
  10. Tell me more about this innovative "More Posters" strategy that you speak of.
  11. I can vouche for this individual's liberal, hippie, sports loving ways.
  12. Hard to believe that the NT Daily would come out against the stadium vote.
  13. Thank you. I appreciate it.
  14. I'm enjoying this image. See how many threads you can work this into.
  15. Don't you mean when you coached here from 1998 through 2006? *Sorry, that line of jokes never gets old to me*
  16. No, no, no... In keeping with the theme of the board this week, I think we need to bring this issue back up and hash it out.
  17. Me too. Especially with the noise that they made in the Conference Tournament last year. They look poised to have a really nice season.
  18. Best point made on this board in quite some time.
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