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Everything posted by drex

  1. SMU brings a lot of money and glitz, but no real fan base. Their attendance will not improve significantly with their new conference alignment. I am talking about actual butts in the stands, not ticket purchase that is never used by their fans.
  2. We must be a real pushover for teams to con us into a game on the road with no return game. Toughen up Mean Green. Also, why not get Army or Navy to Denton? A lot more name recognition than some of our home game opponents.
  3. I am mystified as to why NT doesn't concentrate on Denton County....good population base, good salaries and many great athletes. It would require all members of the athletic staff to fan out and make many many contacts in the Denton area. Why go to Houston, San Antonio and Fort Worth when we have a large enough population base in Denton county to support the Mean Green? Working the DISD, LISD and outlying schools could give us the bump we need.
  4. Actually it is tan...I will shut up. Any hint of Baylor drives me nuts.
  5. Since when is gold a color for UNT? We are not Baylor.
  6. To be blunt...if you do not donate, if you do not buy tickets and if you do not follow the Mean Green, we are not interested in your thoughts. Enticing fans of other programs to join us is far fetched, as they already have an agenda and that agenda is to demean North Texas and poke fun at those who do care about North Texas and its future.
  7. Any hire is a crap shoot....just hang on and see what happens.
  8. Heard through the grapevine that the finalist has been found...they are doing some last minute checks on him/her and it will be announced very soon.
  9. Well, I am sure playing time was a big factor in their decisions.
  10. So, since it is perceived that the players are not loyal to NT, we should abandon our alma mater and thus become disloyal, too? Makes sense.
  11. I am fascinated that May will take the chance.
  12. I have always been fascinated that Rubin, with his hamstring history, was even courted by Michigan.
  13. After much thought, I have decided to enter the fan transfer portal. I have already been approached by universities that offered money, as well as lots of comp tickets...the one in Dallas is the chief bidder, but I have not made up my mind to commit.
  14. Green and White, Flight Flight Flight.
  15. New men's basketball colors for North Texas....Green and Flight.
  16. Sissoko not in the portal? I am stunned.
  17. I am told there are over 2,000 players currently in the portal. Looks like we might have a chance at six or seven...time will tell.
  18. The amusing thing to me about the commercial is that there is an expectation by SMU that more than 150 people care what conference they play in.
  19. Take a good look at the Seton Hall and game and ask yourself if we can't do better..time will tell, but the sky is not falling, as it is an opportunity to upgrade. Will we be able to throw enough money around for the upgrade? Who knows.
  20. Just another passenger on the SMU train that is travelling at 800 mph only to hit a brick wall in two years.
  21. For all you youngsters out there, the environment that we faced today was very similar to our old days at the original pit...very small facility with people packed into it and REALLY REALLY LOUD. In fact, that was the reason that Maury Johns of Drake dubbed to snake pit back in the 60's. It was nightmare for visitors and it won a lot of games for us, due to the intimidation we created.
  22. I was always under the impression that there is a bid situation between competing venues, but I could be wrong.
  23. I am one of those weird art students and I will put my NT pedigree against any of you. Having said that, we need to spotlight fans at the games. Any organization that alerts the athletic department in a timely manner should be recognized at the game, either through announcements or on the video board. Many years ago we recognized the 'starting crowd at today's game' and all student organizations got a shout out. Also, bring back the idea of having alumni stand up and be recognized by decade that they graduated. Everyone likes some attention at the games. The bottom line is that whoever has the game day participation job at NT needs to eat, breathe and sleep North Texas. You guys have touched on some great ideas and many of them are quite doable if the departments works at it.
  24. So now the drum roll begins about whether SMU will make a run at grabbing Ross Hodge away from us..this will go on for awhile, I fear.
  25. Playing at their place won't help either.
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