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Everything posted by MeanGreen13

  1. Can someone provide a link to the full report? would love to read it!
  2. Technically, Fine can't start the season 3-2 because he didn't start the first game... Just sayin. He can go 3-1 though... which is better than 3-2 by my estimation.
  3. Yeah man... im on that green jungle juice HEAVY!!!
  4. looks like he hurt his knee before he was ever even hit as his left foot wasn't even on the ground when he got popped...
  5. Thanks!!! I'm due for another NT hoodie
  6. I predicted 4-5 wins this year before the season and I am confident in that now as I was then. We will beat Rice, We will beat Army, and we will beat either UTEP or UTSA. My bet is UTSA. If we beat both, this season wil actually hurt cause we would be close to bowl eligibility but there is no way we beat LAtech, Sotuhern miss, MTSU, Marshall, or WKU.
  7. We don't have a hope of competing with TCU and UH because of their success and they are way ahead of us as far as facilitiesand what they offer to student athletes overall because of their success. Now SMU we can compete with because they don't have recent success. They are way ahead of us in facilities as well and only getting further with their new indoor facility and training center being built now. That sentiment would have been true 20 years ago... but not now... we are very very far behind and it will take 15 years of consistent winning and spending to catch up.
  8. Some players are already callin him 6 god... Im sure he is super uncomfortable with that. I like the 6 shooter motif... I'll leave it to the more cultured and creative to find a suitable moniker.
  9. The sound effect is a screetch. The students saw caw cause it is even lamer to try to screetch... Idk why so many people have an issue with that. It is no lamer than pig souieeee or any other corny sound teams make. I promise if we ever have 50k fans cawing at once, it wont be lame then... Social principles darn near guarantee it.
  10. Louisville and SU was bone dry in the second half. 4 UofL turnovers are the only reason it was even close. 62-28 final and it was a more complete victory than that number depicts. I think Louisville may beat FSU next week.
  11. This was OUTSTANDING!!! I had a visceral reaction when it ended... I could watch this stuff for hours! Great job to all involved!
  12. i think this team is (hopefully was) kicking themselves after this game. There were two SMU touchdowns on simply bad play by individual players in the secondary. we had an opportunity to get a win in this game. On to the next I suppose but this game will irritate the crap outta me for a while.
  13. Im sticking with my 4.5-7.5 prediction... This team will make less mistakes as the season goes on. Major mistakes have been the downfall of UNT football the last couple of years.
  14. Wow... We did a thing! We have now done three things in a row. Looks like that Smatresk hire was a major move as we can see the cascading effects. I honestly never thought this guy would consider our AD opening let alone associate AD. Good job Wren Baker!
  15. I also think we are gonna wear the same uniforms we have already... All the pics the players have taken thus far, including picture day, have been with the same uniforms as last year.
  16. It look like they got rid of the black stripe that goes from the armpits front to back on the bottom of the should pad numbers. Also looks like they got rid of shoulder pad numbers all together. Cleaner look. I still prefer the boring old jerseys to this but if we go to a bowl game this season, look for an overhaul of the gear to more of a modern look (just a guess at what Littrell would want to do to make the program his own just a bit more). These look so much better. I still hate the freaking triangular patch at the front but that goes with the primary design of the jersey. I think we should just have that be green like the rest of the uniform and not worry about it but it is what it is. Short sleeves make me feel better about the uniform. I feel like the sleeves were a disadvantage last season cause it gives blockers a little something to hold on to.
  17. I think Chad Davis is great. i also think he is most likely to be drafted of anyone coming out this year if he has a good year. If Nate Brooks plays on Chad's level and Chad has improved, i feel really good about our Defense against outside receivers cause our safeties are pretty good as well.
  18. I am very excited to see what this looks like. It will be fairly hard to disappoint because of what happened last year but it will be nice to get a glimpse of what they are trying to do and see if it is possible to really excel at UNT!
  19. If I need to have one person in there for a series and the offense is going fast so as to let people sub out, i would probably take Minor over Preston. I think minor is good enough at pass coverage to warrant his size advantage taking precedence.
  20. If it is a close competition between Preston and minor for the nickle spot, i kinda hope minor gets the nod... 6'3" can do a lot more damage than 5'10". Plus minor has experience as a pass rusher in the past that could be valuable in that position... just saying. If Preston wins the job, his coverage skills will be a big help there too, obviously... but 6'3" 210 is pretty nice size for a safety/linebacker hybrid.
  21. 21,500... Quote me suckers! (JK please don't).
  22. I feel less bad about the new lockers now. at least they have locks on the. Ill just wait to see what the final product is.
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