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North Texas Shep

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Everything posted by North Texas Shep

  1. I had to miss two games again this last season. One for health reasons and one for something I had to do with my daughter. Last, year I think I actually missed three because of health reasons. Think I am going to have to do single tickets this next season. I will still donate the $250. Lastly, I wish there were more handicap parking. I can barely walk around the stadium to my seating from the parking lot. They need to address this. I am in the same boat at other stadiums at B12 schools, but a school like ours that is begging at times to get people in the seats should figure something out and help the broken man and woman out there. Tired of parking on the moutain and walking in the snow both ways...
  2. I have two schools, because I graduated from two colleges. Doesn't mean I am going to type "Go Frogs", when TCU comes up. GMG is for the Mean Green. Same reason why I do not wear a UNT hat on the TCU campus and vice versa. It is silly.
  3. Blah, blah, blah, and some more of the same ol crap. We get it Mike. We all get it.
  4. If we get him, I will do a jig. Before I said it would never happen. I hope I am wrong.
  5. I got a call from a nice young woman on the cross country team. Regardless, the state of the program, it was nice to get a call.
  6. No clue. My buddy who works at TCU told me that. Would it be surprising if he did? Those guys at TCU thought going into the season they might be playing for a national championship. Hell, they still could be.
  7. Probably, -1 you because Meacham and Cumbie were both offered P5 head coaching jobs before this season and both said no. So it mostly would not happen. We can offer and try.
  8. Great article! Wish I had something more to say, but he got it right.
  9. Got the TA drunk a few times (To cultivate a friendship where she could not wait to help me) and lived in the tutoring lab to pull a B off in that class. Worth it. However, I would never want to experience that class again. Plus, I forgot it all the moment I turned in my final, and walked to Lous and drowned my brain in booze.
  10. Thoughts and prayers to Smith, his family, and friends. I am sorry for this horrible loss. You are a true warrior to show up and give your all on the field, on a day like this.
  11. Who gives a shit what this guy says. Not sure why it matters. The articles they write there are a joke. Also, look when the damn thing was written!
  12. I could not agree more. Wallace is not doing the job, by any standards. For the most part, neither is anyone else. At this point in the season get other guys in there. Mix it up and find something that works. I am very unhappy with Cosh. He does not make adjustments worth a damn and just keeps putting something that does not work on the field week after week.
  13. I have been out of the loop the last couple of weeks. Fly the dang banner! RV is our biggest problem and has been for years. He should have been fired years ago. Not sure how he stays around. The banner is not classy and everyone knows that, but it is not about class. It is about leaving no doubt in the minds of the powers that be that RV should be let go. A new hire should see the banner and understand this school is ready to win, and ready now! The fact that it was funded so quick just helps to show how wanted it is.
  14. Big improvement. He needs to cut down on the jump passes and relax a little more. Honestly, this defense is just sad. They can not tackle and have zero gap discipline.
  15. Sark will get out of rehab and need to go somewhere. I say we have a guy contact him the second he gets out.
  16. Thanks for the positive vibes. Looking forward to the game this week.
  17. I believe I will be getting a Mean Green Battle Flag tattoo soon. Be looking out for the photos..
  18. and they have a better 2015 recruiting class...
  19. Well said. This seems like common sense to me... Amazed when people do not understand. Yes, allowing people to have the rights that never should have been questioned in the first place. Both cases, same thing. He had the ability and got to play football in college, like it should be. She showed more spirit, loves her school, and had the respect and votes of the majority, and won, like it should be.
  20. Trice always seemed like the kind of guy you would want fighting any battle with you. He is a beast, who does not show fear.
  21. I truly am sorry for your loss Kishawn. It is amazing of the Featherstones and the NCAA for letting them help. Also, it shows how much he loves this sport, his team mates, and UNT.
  22. Glad to hear they brought it back. It was weird telling people we did not have it. Bud is doing a good job.
  23. He has some speed. I also like that he is 6'1. Good get.
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