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Everything posted by greenjoe

  1. Do other conferences have such an award ? Is there really a piece of hardware called the Bubas Trophy ? And doens't Bubas sound a lot like Bubba and doesn't that sound a lot like rednecks and marrying cousins and missing teeth and sofas on front porches ? GO MEAN GREEN y'all
  2. Coach Robbins was the coach during the transition form the old Men's Gym to the Coliseum. From Snake Pit to Super Pit.
  3. If he's guilty, and a jury says he is, then he should be punished. Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time. At the same time, I wish we could stop hearing how this criminal played quaterback for North Texas. Where he went to school is irrevelant. And what activity he participated in is even more irrelevant.
  4. Stebo brings up an interesting point. If we weren't already in the Sun Belt Conference, would we be asked to join ?
  5. On one hand, I'd like to open the stadium with a win. A caged hunt if you wish to call it that. On the other hand, I'd like to have a lot of friendly and not-so friendly bottoms in the stands. I guess the best solution would be to beat a good team that travels well. Go MEAN GREEN
  6. Singing Glory to the Green (everybody) Singing Glory to the White For We Know Our U-ni-ver-si-ty Is Striving for the Right Down the Corridor of Years We'll Forget the Joys and Tears But North Texas, North Texas, We Love. Yahoo ......GO MEAN GREEN
  7. I think this violates the "one reference to masonary when describing either defensive or offensive line" statute. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I won't be happy with a 4 win season. I'm not sure it's reasonable, but I'd like to at least be qualified to play in a bowl should the situation present itself. And having said that, a 5 win turnaround woould be amazing.
  8. Alright. It's go time. It's a STYLIZED EAGLE.
  9. I found this ironic I just met an attorney that got their undergrad at SMU and went to law school at Oklahoma. Ironic becasue SMU has a law school and Oklahoma has an undergrad program.
  10. The only thing I know about Ball State is that David Letterman played wide receiver there in the late 60s or early 70s. I think Paul Schaffer was the kicker.
  11. Not a note card, an "ahh" or a "you know" in sight. And she seems to "get" North Texas. She's good for us. GO MEAN GREEN
  12. Is Dr. Bataille a personal (not university funded) member of the Mean Green Club ?
  13. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear S U M G also known as John, Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  14. Look at NT 03's post above Is the parallelagram area in the center the Club Seating area ? Mandy called me today and said she thought the Club seating would run from the 20 to the 20. Holding about 750 seats. My understanding was that Club seats would require a donation of $25K over a 5 year period and seats at $350 each per season. I missed the presentation Saturday so Mandy is mailing me the information. GO MEAN GREEN
  15. Renind me. What time is the Stadium announcement ? What time is kickoff ? GO MEAN GREEN
  16. Red seats? I did not know that. accually they were longhorn burnt orange, atleast thats what someone told me....that kinda of embarassing! They weren't burnt orange. More like an Oklahoma State orange. We formed a working committee and raised money by selling "subscriptions" to "buy" a Green seat. They seats were removed a couple of sections at a time and sent to a company in San Antonio to be recovered. It was at this time the wooden arm rests were replaced with the current arm rests with the cup holders. there's lots of rumors as to why the seats wre orange originally. None of them true. In fact, the truth is boring. Joe
  17. Listen to the news. Everybody wants to go Green. Buildings want to be green. Cars want to be green. Heck, even entire cities are anxious to go green. It took longer than I thought, but I think North Texas is finally in control. Luck 'o' the Irish to ya. whatever that means.
  18. Is there a record of giving by Dr. B and Chancellor Jackson to the Mean Green Club ?
  19. Look for the new hotel to offer sleeping rooms with an "interstate view" and a "stadium view." And before we go too much further, what does the "Q" stand for ?
  20. So our head coach's name is Todd Riley Dodge ?
  21. One of my favorite North Texas memories was waiting for the brackets to be announced with everyone else at the Athletic Center year before last. when NT vs Memphis was announced, theywhole place exploded. I hope to have a repeat of that next week. GO MEAN GREEN
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