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Everything posted by SAGreenFan

  1. I was at the OSU game as a student and I could tell from the RADIO that this game was AMAZING and by far passed our past OSU game. My only regret is that I couldn't have been there.
  2. WE WIN! I left work early just to listen to this game in Austin. HELL YES! I have friends coming to the Texas State game in San Marcos. Anyone else coming?
  3. Alot of our major buildings on Campus were built in the Monolithic style. Our Library, the Pit, the GAB, the Union, the Art Building, the newer wing of the Music building, Kerr Hall, Wooten Hall, and the Language building. These are some of the biggest buildings on Campus, they're stark and not "pretty" at all, but they they are noteworthy for being... big?. If it makes anyone feel any better... UTSA's whole campus was built in this stile. Every time I've been there if feels like I'm visiting the set of the Planet of the Apes.. Its all cement walkways, cement stairway... the only green spaces are planters and post planned squares of greenery.
  4. Been there. I lived in an off campus apartment the last couple years I attended ('08 grad). and the Bernard St. bus would pass us by a couple times before one would let us on to sort of stand on the bus, but really in the stair wells. So, UNT obviously needs more parking and a larger bus fleet. Wasn't there a parking garage planned on the Fry Street mud pit for a while?
  5. San Antonio: 8/26/10 My alma mater Clark High School vs Churchill High School. first annual game of the season dubbed the Gucci Bowl (they used to be the 2 richest high schools in SA) Clark lost. I hate Churchill.
  6. I don't get what the problem is. It's a great Logo and definitely better than what we've had in the past. No one knows the Sunbelt enough to refer to us as the SBC. We're way too young, and since this is only the 10th anniversary of this conference I think we should wear this new Logo with pride. We may not have done all that much in the last few years, but we were a founding member for Football, but have achieved a lot in other sports. I think, as a conference, we have something to be proud of what with being 10 years old, and making a statement. Look at the WAC where it stands now. Yeah, we're looking for a better home, but in the mean time...In the immortal words of this board... I'm not sayin...I'm just sayin.
  7. What's going to be built in its place? I haven't heard much about the hotel plans.
  8. Was the game not on Mean Green Premium... Ive been looking forward to watching that all week! Don't tell me I have to wait until Friday..
  9. To my Alma Mater *does a jig* Go Coogs!
  10. 5A Clark High School in San Antonio is in. Go Coogs!
  11. For some reason "Down the Corridor of Years" really stuck out to me. I'm a recent grad so i dont have any kind of monetary pull to put into it yet. But I think some kind of Official "Corridor of Years" would be GREAT to apply to the stadium/athletic complex as an actual walkway. Its just has a good pride giving ring to it. call me crazy, but i like it.
  12. Where would yall think the new Bonfire location would be? Assumptions welcome :-D
  13. Yeah, I was about to say, MTSU is a fun rivalry... where as WKU can suck it.
  14. I have also seen us referred to as the Greenie Weenies, and the Crayolas
  15. Ooh me too! UNT Should build one that has a capacity of 30,000 and could be expandable. That would be sweet. Gee I wonder how the masses will take it. Fouts at 30,000, or a new expandable, state of the art that seats 30,000. I understand the resentment at the thinking of this plan, we DESPERATELY need a new stadium now. Is it a carrot being dangled in front of us? Maybe yes, but at least its not rotting carrot on the ground.
  16. I thought it WAS trade marked... how can a trade mark be used even if its ambiguous. With the new "Green" trend going on, the University is going to have to do something to stop them from using our Mean Green name (however unlikely that is). Don't get me wrong I really like the new Green Building trend going on, but UNT needs to protect its name from it, or ever better $$Collect Royalties$$. Though Eco Friendly Stadium does sound kind of lame.
  17. All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.
  18. I think you're equally delusional to think that a decade is a lifetime. I really don't care if it costs 20% more now, if it saves money in the long run. Its a stadium that can be expanded, and if anything we've learned from having our relic of a stadium now, the new one is gonna be in for the long haul too. And what the hell is wrong with having a multi-purpose stadium. They're not talking about having a track, baseball, football stadium. Whats wrong with it being a music venue, like a whole lot of buildings on campus already are. If a multi-purpose "green" stadium means adding revenue, saving money, and not having a $50,000,000 structure sit idle for the majority of the year, I'm all for it.
  19. 14 years is a long time, but Fouts has been standing for half a century. Not to mention most other buildings on our campus, and some others will be reaching that age soon. Yes 14 years is a long time to wait for a monetary turn around, but in the long run Green Buildings will cost us less. And being the first Green Stadium is a HUGE selling point.
  20. I miss Plumm. God bless UNT, Denton, Texas, USA.
  21. "Some historians argue that when Henley dies (along with any other famous musical alumni), his ghost will be sent back in time to haunt Bruce Hall..." I believe this is actually true...
  22. Excellent point. I don't think anyone would blame Dodge for leaving, if that were the case. However, we seem (as usual) to be putting the cart before the horse. Dodge has to get us there first. I have no doubt that he will, but I say we see what happens in his SECOND season to start speculating where and when he'll go.
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