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Green Lantern

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Everything posted by Green Lantern

  1. Maybe I've just never seen Denver exectuing their offensive system in the preferred manner (never seen them play at home). In the last few years I've watched them play in person several times. I've not been really impressed with their offensive system as much as I have thier ability to slow things down, junk up the game, and make the other team play a pace/style that's uncomfortable for them. All that being said...I hate their style of hoop. Just my opinion, but in my experience with them, it's been a boring, plodding thing to watch.
  2. They've been good so far, but man do I hate that style of basketball they play. Plodding, junk up the game hoop.
  3. Agreed. NT is now officially a basketball school. JJ's job is most definitely on the line in this one.
  4. Mean Green Football 2010: We Do Keep Score! Great tagline for next year's poster.
  5. There were a ton of DISD kids in there today. Not a bad crowd considering the day/time.
  6. We looked a bit sloppy and uninspired out there today. Lots of lazy passes & virtually no solid defense. That Evans for Southwest had himeself a nice game. At times, it seemed like it was him against the Mean Green.
  7. As frustrated as I've been in recent weeks, I'm actually calling for the win on Saturday. Last opportunity of the year to make a positive impression on the fans at home. Somehow they find a way to win this one.
  8. Maybe TCU is considering an official game watch at Ghostbar and Republic? It would be a prereq for entry.
  9. You hear that everyone? Green P1 didn't even wear pants to the game...only a short sleeve golf shirt! Hats off to you sir.
  10. Blame the Greeks! Tasty, I'm looking in your direction.
  11. "You saw the Black Dawwwg didn't ya?" "He's tryin to hijack the load!!" Black Dog is a must see bad movie. Anything with Meatloaf and Randy Travis on screen chewing up scenery is almost too good to be true.
  12. Gagree. Now, for movies that are so bad they're good, I'll submit Carnosaur (w/Clint Howard), the Ambulance (starring Eric Roberts and James Earl Jones), and Yor the Hunter from the Future (starring Reb Brown) for your approval.
  13. I enjoy the fact that these recaps make me feel so sweet/clean and dirty all at the same time. A true talent.
  14. For Texas State...my idea is that it should simply be for a Scott Bakula and Sinbad autographed copy of Necessary Roughness.
  15. Gagree. Solid night punting for the Mean Green Saturday.
  16. TCU was one of the best home crowds we've had in years outside of the OK State and Indiana games. I wish we had them on the schedule every year...either here or at their place.
  17. We were all quite entranced with the magical brownie pan as well. Now that's a commercial that sells a product!
  18. Oh , yes you damn well will. You get Playmaker into that stadium!
  19. And it's the Greeks fault when he wont go into the stadium!
  20. *High five* He really does have an early Bill Parcells shape to him.
  21. I'll add a few in no particular order: Blowing up the Death Star in Star Wars. "Bi%^$#s Leave" scene in Robocop. "Wait till they get a load of me" scence from Tim Burton's Batman Deflating auto pilot in Airplane Pete Venkman and Walter Peck argument in the Mayor of New Yorks office from Ghostbusters Anton Chigurh and the old man at the convenience store coin filp scene in No County for Old Men Beetlejuice's World's Leading Bio-Exorsist comercial Batman interrogates the Joker - The Dark Knight
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