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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2010 in all areas

  1. Meanwhile, the left wing faction is trying to make it the fault of Republicans. See the original post of this thread for an example. And didn't just about everything get blamed on Bush for the last 8 years, even crap that had nothing to do with the office of President? Sucks being in the Big Boy Chair sometimes, doesn't it?
    3 points
  2. Looks like the only one trying to "spin" in this thread is you. You are somehow trying to make this a Republican/Conservative problem. Last I checked, everybody in America, with the exception of maybe Ed Begley, Jr., uses oil and natural gas and wants it cheaper. The way you make it cheaper is to increase supply and try to decrease demand. Since our population continues to rise and we consume more and more electricity, I doubt we can do anything other than slow the growth of demand. Accidents happen. Oh well. Sorry about the little fishies and the fisherman, but again things happen. There are over a half million producing wells just in the U.S. and I read one estimate of 30 million wells worldwide. That's 30 million wells pumping oil 24/7. The number of accidental spills considering the scope of production is miniscule. But for some reason, you want to jump up and down on your soapbox like a madman and make this political. I don't get it at all.
    3 points
  3. Oddly enough, I think that there are things going on behind the scenes that ultimately will make us happy. Johnny has a strong hand to play and will do so.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. It's been a federal law since 1940. JJT is just race-baiting, as always.
    2 points
  6. I heard on NPR the other day that the Louisiana County projected to be hit the worst by this well blowout had the lowest unemployment rate of any county in the country before this hit. I couldn't find a source for that, but, according to this, Louisiana had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, better than Texas, in March. Unemployment by state for March, 2010. Of course, as mentioned on NPR, a lot of that work was in energy and fishing, and we all know what will happen in the foreseeable future for fishing. So, any wonder they might want some "economic damages" from BP? Still, maybe what you're talking about is some kind of multiple offenses of irresponsible behavior by the state of Louisiana, and by extension, those residing there. Honestly, I just don't see the great similarities between Katrina and this well blowout; if you see that as two indicators leading strongly to that conclusion, then I guess I'm that much closer to admitting that I link the behaviors of BP in this and the explosion at their Texas City refinery. With either of those scenarios, I'm still seeing one big problem: With Katrina and the Texas City refinery explosion, there were warnings that were ignored and with likely consequences that were well known. If anyone here can claim that they could have, or did, foresee a well blowout such as this, I'd have to see some prediction they made about it without the benefit of hindsight. I certainly hope to God that BP can get this thing under control, and soon. Still, I think I'm being realistic to say that the cause of offshore drilling has been set back for years, and that we'll be eating a lot less shrimp and paying maybe another dollar a gallon for gasoline by the end of this summer. Our only real hope is that we can learn a lot more about what will work to provide our future energy needs. At this point, I'm more convinced than I had been as to the abundance of near shore petroleum reserves in the Gulf of Mexico. How we can balance economic and environmental factors still remains an unknown. Sorry folks, we've got to have both, and, yes, we'll end up paying more as consumers. The bright side is, as prices go up, we conserve more. When that happens, sometimes I end up standing while riding the train to work. No big deal, since I mostly sit while working. I hope we can all find transportation and power options that work for each of us.
    2 points
  7. Flux Capacitor! Katrina? Take a historical look at how much money New Orleans and the state of Louisiana took from the federal government over the years to take care of and improve their levy system and then ask them where that money went. I think more than a few folks lined their pockets and walked away. Was the federal response to Hurricane Rita, Ike, etc... any different? What about the Iowa and Tennessee floods, or the Arkansas/Mississippi tornados? Seems some folks wanted others to take care of them and were looking for a handout while others got to work and took care of themselves.
    2 points
  8. I'm going to North Texas, Period
    1 point
  9. I consider it a small victory that the Mayor Of Denton was on the list...and not the Mayor of Dallas.
    1 point
  10. I agree Tech has been taken care of by other Texas schools but also in the legislature. I believe they were admitted to the SWC because of politics and their reps in Austin. Fry tried to get NT into the SWC and had some support from member schools, but not enough.
    1 point
  11. The Airport Solution Here's a solution to all the controversy over full-body scanners at the airports. Have a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you. It would be a win-win for everyone, and there would be none of this crap about racial profiling and this method would eliminate a long and expensive trial. Justice would be quick and swift. Case closed! This is so simple that it's brilliant. I can see it now: you're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers we now have a seat available on flight number..." Works for me!
    1 point
  12. Mr. Frosty is awesome if you hate your tastebuds.
    1 point
  13. JJT: Sports commissioners should vow boycott if unjust Arizona law takes effect And 'Los Suns' jerseys set for Cinco de Mayo
    0 points
  14. eeally, you can purchase an electric car today, in the USA, if you want to. San Diego, along with other western cities have electic hook ups around the city for green minded people. with the drawback of battery failure you (as another poster cited in a similar post...)will spend a few thousand for a battery. the government would have to do something really draconian for all americans to drive green. Subsidies? what doesn't the government subsidize....should be the question. RR, Airlines, Welfare, Agriculture, Auto, Banking, Nursing homes, MHMR....oh yea, soon to be Insurance.....the list is way too long. The government tightly controls just about all aspects of all companies but gives you the impression (at times) that you have control. Kinda like socialism light....think about it....the government wants you to regurgitate the pavlovian response that america is a republic, the land of the free...home of the brave and cite how many freedoms that we have while they enforce socialistic policies. it is like the story of a frog who is inticed to take a warm bath by a hungy hobo. before long the frog is cooked and was not even aware of the danger. There are layers of safeguards in all these industries, as has been already pointed out in this post and other similar posts. how far do you go with system redundancies? the problem with this along with other industries is that when something happens people want greater safeguards....and....the government responds by taking greater control. does it matter if it is airliners, amtrak, tainted peanut butter, agrarian diseases, immigration, drugs or anything else? I am sure the fine that BP will pay will be dependent upon how much they will contribute to the democratic party and how many hands will be "greeeeezed."
    0 points
  15. Your face is awesome if you hate your eyeballs.
    0 points
  16. -2 points
  17. Nice job BP...no sense in investing in Green Energy...We have Oil Reserves floating all around us. Potential negative impact on Gulf Coast Economy is going to be enormous. Hopefully a war will break out or something. I am sure BP will pony up for this disaster. Or will the tax payer...huh!!!
    -2 points
  18. Don't worry, the right wing faction will find a way to make it all Obama's fault. Even though the difference between Katrina and this disaster is that there was plenty of warning (it's called watching it on radar) about Katrina and there wasn't any forwarning about this. Plus BP initially said that they had it covered.
    -4 points
  19. yea stuff happens. Like the death of the electric car. Govt subsidies to the Oil Industry despite its 4 top companies being in the top 10 of Fortune 500. Hey we need it OIL but when your slogan is Drill Here Drill Now and you can't cap your wells?? I don't know. Tell it to the fish and better yet to the Fishing industy. Have fun spinning this one....lets look to Rick Perry for his analysis. Act of God.....I guess its as good as any other explanation.
    -6 points

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