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Mad Hatter

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Everything posted by Mad Hatter

  1. Could the hurricane cause problems? Reschedule the game or anything?
  2. I see those guys wearing yellow jackets in the stands. Are they there to stop you from throwing tortillas?
  3. Set up a UFC style cage fight in the center of the stadium right before or after the Pep Rally. Fired up.
  4. This is the closest thing to a rivalry that we have, so I'll say: UTA sucks. Even if we lose at least I didn't go to UTA. That's about all I have. Anyone else have anything good? I am trying to get a crew together to come up for this game. The Super Pit CAN give us a great home court advantage, but we need folks there. Bleep the bleeping Mavericks!
  5. Every fan for any other team in every other conference looks at a Sun Belt school as a win on their schedule. Sometimes that doesn't work out so well for them, but the menatlity is there. I have to say my brain's in the same place. Any time we lose a Sun Belt game it's incredibly disappointing. We should beat them all. Every time. Are we going to be a big time program some day, or not?
  6. Touchdown! You see?!?! He's NOT a machine! He's a MAN!!!
  7. I think the idea of a black out (or white out) game would be great, if it coincided with a free t-shirt give away. People will go into the game to get a free t-shirt, and they'll stick around for a while to see the results of everyone wearing them. Having a winning problem fixes most attendance problems, but it's nice to have something different to look forward to. I have always thought that our drum line should be heavily involved in the tailgating atmosphere. 2 Cents - Delivered.
  8. Planning to head up from Fort Worth with one of my kids to watch. Anyone know if they'll call off the game because of the overnight rain? Or can they still play if the fields are muddy?
  9. Do the ranking folks just see a loss? Or is there any chance we'd get top 25 votes for playing so close? I'm not sure how it works.
  10. So is the logic by the SCOTUS that since Congress has the ability to set/levee taxes, even if they're based on bad reasoning, they still have the ability to do it? Does that mean that with control of the House and Senate, Repubilicans wouldn't have to overturn Roe vs Wade, they could simply levee a $50k tax for having an abortion? Then it doesn't come down to the constituional argument of someone's "rights", it only comes down to "Hey, we can pass taxes for anything we want to dictate behavior"? Slippery slope.
  11. Just looking at the picture I assumed that one of our guys had made it to the NFL with the Redskins. After I skimmed the advertisement, I thought, wow a UNT player who gets to play for the NFL where his Dad played. The one nagging thought I had was that I'd somehow missed a guy getting drafted. So I read the advertisement again, and figured it out. It's a really cool picture, and it's a great NFL tie-in, but aren't advertisements supposed to be easy to understand? Then again, I was a history major.
  12. "If anyone here thinks that after one year and a 5 win season that 4 & 5 star recruits are going to be flocking to UNT, you are NUTS!" You can't spell NUTS without UNT.
  13. It's true, pro-gun conservatives, are historically very Anti-Police, so a jury would probably let them walk.
  14. I don't find this scary at all. Anybody who's going to shoot a police office for pulling them over doesn't give a crap about the laws surrounding it.
  15. Where is the button on the DRC page to "share" this to Facebook?
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