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Everything posted by HoustonEagle

  1. UTSA coaches are giving us a recruiting smackdown. Go take a look at their Athletic Center.
  2. Congratulations! That's a fine looking lad.
  3. Attendance being considered Houston High and Army are a push. If it is as I think and we are alternating home and away games with Rice and UH thus giving us a home game every year in Houston, this is a win. The Houston area is the second largest source of recruits for us and our second largest concentration of alumni. Playing locally in front of friends and family once a year is a motivator for a lot of kids. Not to mention the local exposure it brings the program. I can safely attest that most of Houston knows little to nothing about UNT.
  4. My objection is that he has not shown he can recruit yet. The shit hole that is UTSA gave this staff a recruiting bitch slap. That after giving us a bitch slap on the field. After talking with Littrel I honestly believe he is the guy that will get it done around here. That said 4 FBS wins and and backing into a bowl has not proven much yet but shows promise. What should have been done was convey to him how you would like to improve his contract following progress made next season. More importantly the assistant pool should have been increased significantly this year.
  5. I don't think that is true. If so it will be very disappointing.
  6. I like Littrel but personally would have waited one more year for an extension. His recruiting has me concerned.
  7. That's how the coaches explained it so take it up with them. It makes sense to me on balance. I hate the Liberty game but it is important to them to spread the Army series out and there was not many choices. Dont shoot the messenger.
  8. After hearing the coaches reasoning at the Caravan I have to say I'm on board. The reasoning goes along these lines: 1. We recruit no one from the Northeast. Every OOC game should be looked at as a recruiting opportunity in that area. Army is not. Expect to see future scheduled OOC games to be with schools in Texas and the surrounding states. I.e. no more Iowa and Wisconsin games will be considered. 2. Every game on your schedule is a chance to get better at what you do. Playing Army puts the breaks on week to week development and forces game planning for a scheme no one in conference runs. It kills momentum in the learning curve. 3. Army runs a cut blocking scheme that can get your players injured. 4. They are not completely canceling the Army series. They want to get the games more spread out so they can play teams that help in recruiting and team building 5. Liberty was the best we could do to help accomplish some of these goals. 6. They are excited about a home and home series they are working on.
  9. I think people need to not read into things so much. I talked with a coach about English and came away super excited about the kid. The word unstoppable was used. I think they are trying to get him to reach his full potential as his upside is enormous.
  10. So I went last night and let me start by saying we had a great time. Some bullet points *we have to have the youngest coaching staff across all sports in the nation and I love it. Lots of energy in this group. *McCasland is a funny dude with non-stop energy. The best comment from him and I am paraphrasing 'I want to build this thing up and stay. This could be one of the best jobs in the US'. He talked to my group for quite a while and we walked away confident we made the right hire. He has a plan and its a good one. The guy is a winner. *Jalie Mitchell is such a smart polished woman. We all agreed that she was the best speaker of the group. *Seth comes off a bit like he would rather drill a hole in his hand than be at the event. With that said once we got him warmed up he was a straight shooter and I really enjoyed talking with him. His position on the Army series has changed my opinion of the matter. (not my opinion of Liberty but it sounds like that was a necessary evil to accomplish the changes they wanted in the schedule) He played along when we wanted him to make a video to send to our friend UNTexas about snapping that ball through the endzone at Oklahoma. Just a good dude that makes you feel like we have the right guy at the helm. *as to future changes in the schedule there is a lot of excitement in the AD about a future home and home. I am dying to hear who they are in talks with. Sounds like we will be happy. *Karbach was a perfect choice for a venue. Great food, great beer, and a good atmosphere. *Mike Smith has been my point guy in the AD for a few years now and I really enjoy talking and hanging out with the guy. I think he will go far. This was my first Coaches Caravan and I am sure it won't be my last. I highly encourage everyone to attend. Once this program finally takes off you wont have the opportunities to have such candid conversations with the AD staff and coaches. I learned a lot.
  11. I have always wondered if this was a bit. It's pretty cold and callous to make light of someone losing their dog.
  12. Just adding my .02. I also believe scheduling Liberty is disgusting. I will be at the coaches caravan on Wednesday and hope I can share my feelings on the matter with WB.
  13. Its a start. Considering how low season ticket totals have been, a 100% increase in his first year is a reasonable expectation. Certainly in his first two years.
  14. A public school like UNT's budget is ultimately a zero sum game. Financial security comes in strong enrollment demand and building the endowment. Athletics spending helps with each.
  15. I'm just excited that we have young coaches that came in on an upward trajectory. It will take youthful ambition to turn things around at UNT. McCasland and Littrell seem to fit the bill. (though Littrell's recruiting does have me concerned).
  16. I pretty much agree with everything you said here. I just want to point out that often we talk about the good times on here. So looking back 30 -40 years or so. Lets be honest, UNT has experienced better times but UNT has never really experienced good times. We have never been in a good conference. We have never been to bowl game any casual sports fan has heard of. We have never won a NCAA Tournament game. We are not often above .500 in most sports (hat tip women's soccer and JJ... I see you over there). I don't say that to be negative. On the contrary, I think the few stints of success of we have had around these parts have shown that people will come. JJ was pulling in pretty decent crowds relative to his conference. The low level bowl games we participated in have always been very well attended by UNT fans. I would love to see what some real success would do for this place. I still hold out hope.
  17. It is missing the point. Athletics is approximately 10 million a year marketing program that also greatly adds to fundraising efforts.
  18. I do and I asked him about a week ago if he would be joining the team for this season. He said he would be. We shall see.
  19. Correct me if I am wrong but the TV idea is not that expensive. I guesstimate the screens cost about 50k for 100 lockers. Not sure what you need to drive it but I will assume it is not over 5k. LED lighting is dirt cheap now. Its a lot of bang for the buck. In the end its the stainless steel that really does it for me.
  20. Livestock all over the world shake their head at the hypocrisy.
  21. The name does not make you. You make the name. Southern Cal is not called a directional school because they are an elite institution. If we improve our academics and athletics we will not be called a directional school as well.
  22. Anecdotally I see reason to believe the Mean Green are about to embark on a long streak of consistent success. Why? Because after 25 years of believing, I now have little optimism left in the tank. I am not someone that can abandon ship. Its not in my blood. Still I am as disconnected from the program as I have ever been. So if you like to buy low and sell high. Now is the time to go all in.
  23. UNT has good academic programs. They are not "prestigious". I am not casting aspersions upon the school just pointing out his hyperbolic word choice.
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