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Everything posted by Jonnyeagle

  1. I feel like we must land at least one decent big. Every program worth anything has that. Heck Seton Hall had several.
  2. Not really very interested at this point.
  3. I am pleased with how the season is going overall.
  4. We are on the ropes here.
  5. Adam Scott having a good game
  6. How can you say that when we lost our best offensive lineman?
  7. He didn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete.
  8. Good question as I think we may count online in that number.
  9. Seems like LSU is regaining their confidence in the 2nd half!
  10. Also Jones has no fouls
  11. One of the best games of the season!
  12. Just a fantastic run led by Rubin!
  13. They are showing good respect for the program
  14. Wow this is fantastic news!!!
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