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Everything posted by DeepGreen

  1. "Outside of bombing away with the passing game, North Texas doesn't do much else right."
  2. (In my best sarcastic tone) That's because it's the beginning of basketball season!
  3. This was a quality win for North Texas.
  4. No luck for me either. No sense paying for this stuff if you can't watch it. Even when it does come on, mine is very choppy video and audio.
  5. You gotta love this quote- “The shock value comes when you look at the drive chart and it’s two pages long. The scoring part to begin the statistics is two pages long.” I guess we could say the same thing about Navy's offense.
  6. My sentiments too. What a sad commentary when universities have to change mascots and sports names for the sake of a few idiots. Why can't stuff like this be put up for a vote in the states where they occur? Sad, sad.
  7. Dickey played the loyalty card with Flanagan and look where that got him/them/us.
  8. I would really like to have a copy of that invocation.
  9. That is correct! A "klick" is slang for a kilometer, or 1000 meters.
  10. You can't really see the entrance, but I have always like the East Carolina stadium. Capacity: 43,000
  11. What else is scary, that mapquest can zoom right to your house. However, when I tried, it pointed to the wrong house. Also, you can remove you phone number if you wish. Nothing like invasion of privacy.
  12. Rick, I used to compute the firing data for the 105mm howitzers back in the day.
  13. Our tax dollars probably pay for Paul Johnson's $1 million annual salary!
  14. Is that like a 13E20 in the U.S. Army? For you non-military types 13E20 is Field Artillery.
  15. This post was on the Navy board- tphuey wrote: "I wonder if NT will be doing anythhing in honor of the Marine Corps Birthday during the game?" I wonder if the NT band will honor the Marine Corps in any way? To a lot of folks the war in iraq in not popular and I certainly don't want to get political here. But the Marine Corps has been instrumental in providing the freedoms we all enjoy today. I would like to see NT honor them in come way.
  16. Did you email the lad? Way to go SilverEagle
  17. GMoney, thank you so much for speaking up and being the voice of reason, the voice of honesty. My appreciation goes out to all former players, black and white, who will back Coach Dodge.
  18. Kansas 76 Nebraska 31 Lot of time left in the 4th quarter. Will this be the curtain call for the Nebraska coaching staff? I think so.
  19. I'm probably older than many on this board, so it's hard for me to relate to what is going on with the youth of today. I see this "hip-hop" culture as a cancer that is hurting this country's youth. You can label it the "Dumbing Down of American". No morals, no respect, no dignity, and certainly no future. Pretty much the same as a 3rd world country.
  20. "Burbs". Is that kinda like a bunch of "'hoods"?
  21. I'm of Sicilian desent. When people make remarks about my ancestry or Sicilians/Italians in general, I usually have them whacked.
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