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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. Crap, the fans are as injury prone as the players. Wish I could be there but will be following the game via the internet out here in West Texas. I feel win #2 will be our's tonight.
  2. Actions speak louder than words, and their lack of action speaks volumes.
  3. Maybe somebody else should be responsible for these traditions. Heck, add a couple more cheerleaders and let them be responsible for the flag and Boomer. The Talons dropped the ball on lighting the tower, didn't bring the flag and have let Boomer fall to less than pristine condition tells me they don't care.
  4. True and they don't even have a trailer park disguised as a recruiting center.
  5. Yep, I'm taking Tobi's advice over the years of experience that Deloach and Nelson have under their belt.
  6. But a security officer in charge of this duty since it is obvious The Talons aren't going to do. NTPD has officers on campus all day/every day and they probably already have to meet a representative of The Talons to light the tower anyway.
  7. Who is responsible for this? If it is the Talons, then an answer is deserved for not taking care of this last night.
  8. Does Richard Bridges have any eligibility left?
  9. That is an excellent point and could also be a cause of the knee injuries.
  10. Hypothetically, neither. I am a fan of Dodge, and thought this would be the year we had the pieces in place to succeed. I'm not a fan of Leach or of how he runs his program. I am friends with someone who's stepson plays for Tech, and he had nothing good to say about Leach. I think he is a poor representative of himself and of the university. I think Dodge deserves every opportunity to reach 6 or 7 wins this year, but with the current injuries, I just don't see him getting there this year.
  11. To ensure the removal of a thread dedicated to a "Star Trek Convention" is not seen on the front page of the forum board by rival fans.
  12. They won their opening tournament by something in the neighborhood of 20 strokes. That is unheard of.
  13. I think it is the fault of the strength and conditioning coordinator that Keenum tore his ACL and the backup broke his collarbone. I also think RV should be drawn and quartered for scheduling anyone but Paul Quinn College for the first game. Oh, and regarding the new stadium, the portals are too small, the north endzone looks ridiculous, the midfield logo is facing the wrong way and all of the $100.00 I find are wrinkled.
  14. Somebody start a political, sexually explosive, racially segregated, cuss word filled rant to celebrate the big day for the moderator.
  15. I had to work Saturday so I didn't watch the game, only followed the updates on my phone. I have a question for those of you that saw the game. Did any of you attend the Rice game a couple of years ago in Houston? Was our performance worse than that?
  16. Especially when you have 6 TE's on scholarship and aren't using any of them to catch the ball.
  17. No Slocum and No Franchione unless it is his son.
  18. Stebo, I know you are the defender of the "Mean Green" nickname, but we are still and will always be the Eagles. Plus, the new eagle logo is on every uniform including the current one of the football team with it located on the pants and the soles of the shoes. All RV has done is emphasize the nickname, not eliminate the mascot.
  19. Bet MTSU is pleased with her wearing a U of Tennessee cap in that last photo.
  20. I have wondered why Dodge has never done this, and had this thought over the weekend. It is quite obvious that Fry wants to see NT succeed, and I am sure he would embrace this type of involvement with the program. He did so much with so little during his time here, that I am sure he would have a million ideas considering the facilities now available to a head coach. Heck, hire me for half of TD's salary. I'll stand on the sideline with direct connection to Coach Fry in the pressbox and just do what he says.
  21. Only on Saturdays in the Fall.
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