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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. That would make two games this season, not the three you mentioned in your original post.
  2. Sure, but anyone can jump from D1AA to Ohio State and be succeddful with all of their assets. Same with SDSU, but we should never expect the same a little ol' NT.
  3. Just amazed at the difference in Dodge considering being the HC at NT is a little different than being President.
  4. Jay Dub, many coaches can do what you are asking, but Leach isn't the answer to our needs.
  5. Pictures #2 and #17. Wow. My link
  6. Sumlin took over a program that Briles, a former position coach, turned around, but they do not have a new stadium. Stoops: True, OU does recruit itself, but Blake almost ran the program into the ground, the same program where he had coached. Pellini: Callahan's results were worse each year, and Nebraska went after an up and coming coordinator to take his place. Leach: Again, the point is that he had no head coaching experience prior to coming to Lubbock. Here are a few other "non-BcS" schools that have hired position coaches or coordinators that have been successful: East Carolina: Ruffin McNeil; currently 4-2 and undefeated in conference. Southen Miss: Larry Fedora; currently 5-2 and 2-1 in conference. Rice: Graham prior to bolting for Tulsa turned that program around was previously a coordinator and assistant HC. My point is that we don't necessarily need a coach with prior head coaching experience, just the energy and know how to lead a program.
  7. Sorry Kram1, I couldn't resist the Jackson comment. Now, to get back on track. I will support this program, to the best of my ability, forever.
  8. But, what if Lee F. Jackson appoints himself head coach?
  9. How do you explain the following: Kevin Sumlin: Houston (career assistant) Gary Patterson: TCU (defensive coordinator) Mike Stoops: Arizona (career assistant) Bob Stoops: OU (career assistant/DC) Bo Pelini: Nebraska (career assistant) Mike Leach: Texas Tech (OC at OU) You all act like hiring an up and coming assistant is beneath us, yet the above schools did hire assistants and they all worked out just fine. Requiring that the new coach has HC experiecne should not even matter.
  10. I don't harbor the disdain for Bower that many of you do, but I would not be excited by the hire.
  11. Good posts TFLF and I wish Coach Dodge nothing but success. I just wish that success would have occurred at North Texas.
  12. Then go somewhere else. Winning at all and any costs is not something the majority of the alumni want for North Texas. For those of you wanting Leach and calling him a "winner," please define winner. There is so much more to being a winner than just winning ballgames, and Leach holds none of those characteristics. Note: The area in bold is why I mentioned supporting another school.
  13. Good for RV!!!! For those that disagree, how does RV justify to his bosses, who are all state employees, that he wants to hire a coach that currently has pending litigation against another "state supported" institution, and the litigation is for the mistreatment of a player? You can't and you don't. Leach is too much of a wildcard.
  14. Holgorsen would be my first choice with Fuentes a close second. No to Fran and Leach.
  15. If the Rangers make it to the World Series, then there is definitely hope for North Texas. Oh, and Ruth Ryan looks great.
  16. A couple of extremely good coaches are the HC at some pretty good D1 programs in this area that were not former Head Coaches, but effective assistants or D1AA HC's. For example: Kevin Sumlin Bob Stoopes Art Briles (when at UH) Bayless at Rice Graham at Rice and now Tulsa Peterson at BSU Patterson at TCU Just hire the right person to lead our team. Every former HC that we've listed has baggage that I would prefer we not take on (Leach, Franchione, Levitt, etc...
  17. If I am counting correctly, and I've always been pretty fair with numbers, this makes thread number 82 in regards to the coaching situation at NT.
  18. I think you need more information on how the injuries happened before you can point the finger at anyone. There are just too many factors that would play in to the cause of an injury, rolled up on by another player, foot "stuck" in the turf, etc..., before anyone can point blame at Coach Char.
  19. Daddy, you just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, your level of knowledge. Now I know how seriously to take your posts. My first reaction was, "Really!?"
  20. Just never been a fan or Franchione.
  21. I would really like to see NT give him a shot if our coaching position comes open, but I also get the feeling that he is tied to that area of the state and doesn't really care to move up the coaching ladder.
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