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Coffee and TV

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Everything posted by Coffee and TV

  1. It is kind of pathetic that on the gomeangreen message board there's 17 pages dedicated to SMU's conference movement.
  2. Someone on the letterboxd app puts dril tweets as movie reviews and it's the funniest thing possible.
  3. Tried watching the new episodes they put out on Paramount plus and they stink. Hope the same isn't gonna be true for King of the Hill now.
  4. In the long term this will be where much of your sports ends up whether it's Apple or Amazon or HBO streaming, but when all the other P5s are on network TV, does the PAC really think your average college football fans are going to then switch over to a streaming service to catch their games? Doubtful.
  5. Keep limiting those music students long enough until the Green Brigade looks as pathetic as SMU's band. Good thinking.
  6. Whole lotta people in this thread pretending they wouldn't be just as happy with a PAC12 invite as pony fans are. Stop lying to yourselves, it's not healthy.
  7. I see you guys have found my alt account What about this for intro music? http://youtu.be/P5ZJui3aPoQ
  8. Were these women sex trafficked? Were they underaged? Was some pimp beating them and holding them hostage? No? Then why do all these guys need their names flashed through the news, charged with serious crimes and have their lives ruined all because they were paying for sex? Gotta keep the faux puritanical mindset in place I guess. Thanks for all the brave and noble work you did here blue. 🙄
  9. What if we get some sort of canopy overhang built to protect the alum side from sun and rain? Lotsa dough upfront but might pay off.
  10. They kind of already do that? That's what all those silly dice roll games are in the TV timeouts are for I thought.
  11. When you forget that there's also male cheerleaders.
  12. Guy with twice as many posts tells me to get a life.
  13. 14 posts in this thread and he still won't reply to either of yours.
  14. And yet they're all owned by billionaires so it's funny to me when they cry about how low their budgets are every season. That's a whole other topic though and Moneyball is a great movie for the simple fact that they actually conceived a decent storyline from that book.
  15. I think out of 101 only 3 of us ended up at UNT. There were probably about 10 or 15 people each that went to UTA or Navarro College. Despite my mom's suggestion, I wasn't going to attended Ferris Senior Senior High.
  16. I feel like one of the biggest issues we have when it comes to licensed gear is that nobody seems to agree on the same green. If you attend any sports event you can see 40 different shades of green sometimes. School really has to get stricter about what green we are and keep it that way. UCLA actually has their official colors on the pantone, and I've never seen UT gear that was the exact shade of burnt orange those goobers love so much. Be careful with buying stuff from fanatics that's not a major brand like a Nike or Under Armor. I've gotten a few tees from them and they fade and wear out incredibly fast, just wal-mart type of quality on their stuff.
  17. I'm nothing close to a D1 athlete but when I was looking at colleges I specifically chose the ones that I knew I wouldn't see half of my high school graduating class at. Might be a factor for some, might not.
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