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Mean Green win again


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whoever said I don't care about basketball? You assume that because I wonder why the bball supporters feel the have to post on the football board or their posts would be ignored? That's quite a leap!

You said it. Going back over a year, that post and your posts of "shouldn't this be on the basketball board?!?!" have been your only mentions of basketball that I can find. If you are a closet supporter of NT basketball, then I apologize. I'm not too worried about that though.

Also, like I said before and you have seemed to ignore, sometimes threads about basketball are allowed to be on the football board to create awareness of the basketball teams. You as well as every person on this board knows about how hard it is to create an awareness of the football team. Well, creating awareness for the basketball is exponentially harder, as evidenced by fans on this board who claim to be great supporters of Mean Green athletics yelling when basketball is mentioned on the football board. If those "die hards" don't care about basketball, then just imagine what it is like to try to get others interested.

Oh I see, so now it's those football fan's fault for us not being in CUSA.... Geez, you sound more and more like your hero Dickey. Blame the fans first. Especially the ones that show an interest, show up at games, buy season tickets, join the Mean Green Club. Yeah, it's those bastards that are holding this athletic department down <_< I guess those "supposed" supporters aren't true fans in your eyes because they like football more than basketball? I guess we should minimize the support they give because it doesn't meet with your preconceived conception of what a true fan is?

Where in the world did I say it is the football fan's fault that we aren't in CUSA? Thanks for putting words in my mouth like that, really, thanks. What I was saying is that people who trump themselves up to be big NT athletics supporters need to SUPPORT something other than football. It's not a matter if liking a sport more than another, it is a matter of neglecting other sports that are required for this entire athletic department to take the next step up. Conferences don't just look at football like many people believe they do. They looked at NT and saw that we have a solid up and coming football program with mediocre attendance, sub par basketball teams with abysmal attendance, no baseball team, etc....

Ok, I have to admit I can't see what is contradictory in those two statements? What's your point again????

My point was that your intent on making the post that started all this in the first place was to take a jab at DD, and nothing else.

Rational????? you're the one that flew off the handle on that little comment. Accuse me on not caring about the basketball team? Denegrate the support of football fans....Yeah, THAT'S rational <_<

Read the basketball board and you will notice the a trend of actual basketball talk. I know, it's amazing for those of you who don't venture outside the football board. I want to keep it that way, and I don't really care to have people who admittedly don't care about basketball here bringing the same old arguments from the football board. Keep that garbage on the football board, and let us talk about basketball over here.

BTW, I didn't fly off the handle. My reply to you was that JJ was not talking to you when he thanked the basketball fans. It was LoveMG who had to bring a personal grudge of his to this board. And I did not "denegrate" the support of football fans, because there are football fans who support other NT sports. I denigrated the people that claim to be great supporters of NT athletics, yet who only support football.

North Texas doesn't have enough supporters to have people specializing in one sport. We need every supporter of NT athletics to support ALL of NT athletics. That is the only way this athletic department will move up to the next level.

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There seem to be 17 different arguments going on at once.

1) I agree that Dickey could take notes from Coach Jones on exhibiting appreciation to the fans. I don't think it's Dickey's job to be a PR guy, but he could be better, and nobody is more classy than Jones in that aspect. Lifer put their differences well also.

2) I do think that the basketball board is better than the football, because for the most part, the regulars here actually talk basketball, and don't fall into the same old worn out arguments over nothing....like this thread. I really wish it would not have been hijacked, because it was a good win for our team to beat a team we lost to last season in an ugly game where shots were not falling. This win could really help us in the stretch drive.

3) I have been both critical and complimentary of Dickey because I try to call them like I see them, and I don't like how if I compliment him, I'm a sunshine pumper and if I have questions or critical opnions, I'm a bad fan and a "hater" (my personal favorite). With that being said, it does seem like LoveMG has an agenda, though it is the exact opposite of grad88's. Maybe it's the same person who has created two personalities on the board to liven things up.

4) Back to #2, I do wish the Dickey love/hate crap would stay on the football board so I can ignore it. If I feel like immersing myself in the drivel, I will, but this was like a suprise attack from it. But, in the true spirit of Baby Arm...

Souldn't this be in the football forum? ph34r.gif

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And I did not "denegrate" the support of football fans, because there are football fans who support other NT sports. I denigrated the people that claim to be great supporters of NT athletics, yet who only support football.

You denigrate anyone who doesn't believe what you do about DD, NT basketball, NT football, or whatever the subject. This whole thread got blown up because of you not liking someone's reference comparing JJ and DD's appreciation of fans. That is an OK thread on a basketball board. Who made you the post czar?

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You denigrate anyone who doesn't believe what you do about DD, NT basketball, NT football, or whatever the subject. This whole thread got blown up because of you not liking someone's reference comparing JJ and DD's appreciation of fans. That is an OK thread on a basketball board. Who made you the post czar?

My reply to Baby Arm was that JJ wasn't talking to him when he thanked the fans. It was you who had to take it further than that and call me DD. I was going to leave the whole DD bash alone until you had to come out from under your rock because you smelt an opportunity to bash DD.

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I have to issue an apology

Im sorry for posting on the basketball board. Evidently according to E-Bone I don't have right to post here because I don't do it frequently enough.

I never realized that one comment I made about an entire basketball thread being on the football board really means I don't support the basketball team or any other NT athletics. I didn't realize that one small comment revealed the bottled up hostility I have towards the UNT basketball program. I didn't know I had those feelings or realize they were so obvious until E-Bone took the time to point that out. I thank him for his insight into my thoughts, I wouldn't have known I hated basketball so much if he hadn't pointed it out.

I apologize for infering that E-Bone said it was football fans fault for UNT not being in CUSA.

E-Bone asked " Where in the world did I say it is the football fan's fault that we aren't in CUSA? Thanks for putting words in my mouth like that, really, thanks"

I mistakenly thought his own words provided the answer when he wrote: " Many supposed Mean Green athletics supporters only care about football, which is probably why we aren't in CUSA right now. "

I apologize for using a direct quote to put words in someone's mouth.

I failed to realize that when E-Bone made the assertion that supporter's caring about football is probably the reason we aren't in CUSA, he really didn't mean that supporter's caring about football is probably the reason we aren't in CUSA.

I apologize for even trying to demonstrate the different approaches to fans that our basketball coach and football coach take. I guess as it was pointed out that this thread should be on the football board even though I didn't start the thread, I only posted a reply about our basketball coach, my original reply did not even mention Dickey by name, or the word football. But I again I apologize for even posting anything here. It took E-Bone to make me realize my true intent was to bash Dickey, to muddy up the Basketball fourm even though I don't have a right to post here because Im not a true fan.

Edited by Baby Arm!
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