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Green P1

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Everything posted by Green P1

  1. Morris and Rutherford look like they've developed quite the chemistry. Rutherford looks like he's ready to be the big tall wr recruit that finally pays off.
  2. I don't think Vito's yellow legal pad has connectivity.
  3. I bet the first 5 pages of this thread were really good. I can only imagine all the new and fresh points being made! Can't wait to read a couple of its posts on page 10!!!
  4. Each one of those should be a billboard. Lazy lazy lazy. Ben'd
  5. And hopefully how to get it to stop falling out of those hands all the time.
  6. If within one calendar year we haven't replaced both Benny and Crappy Scrappy... I'm ready to donate to the banner that gets Wren right back out of town.
  7. First thing he need to do is walk in the AD, head to the lunch room, find the biggest sumbitch in there (probably Benford) and knock him the damn out. That way erbody know he mean business.
  8. I almost came to Apogee 5 times last year.
  9. Worst restaurant in town. People say it's gone down hill recently?? I can only imagine since there were already crickets in the food 8 years ago. Great location for a new place tho.
  10. No. If it wasn't for making fun of DT's Aggie loving that one time... I couldn't tell you anything I liked about the guy.
  11. Sorry Hank... this great news. I cant wait to check in over the next couple weeks to see where we need to aim our cannon of discontent next!!! Has to be Capper right??!?
  12. Public decapitation of Crappy Scrappy at halftime of the SMU opener = sellout.
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