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Everything posted by akriesman

  1. Flyer for president You are the man my friend. Thanks once again for all the hard work !!!
  2. I am holding out the excitement. After all the negativity, it just seems too good to be true.
  3. If an outsider were to predict the vote based on what has been said in this forum, then he/she would think the stadium vote would have failed miserably by a large margin. Let's just hope everyone here is being paranoid, because the rumors that have been trickling are in no way positive.
  4. I totally agree on both points. Instead of making enemies of the "No" voters, we need to educate them as to the need for an athletic fee. You never know, we might need their votes again soon.
  5. Thanks for the update Flyer. Now we can relax a bit until tomorrow......maybe.
  6. Adler, you just added another knot to my stomache.
  7. Soon, we will start to analyze the length of time it is taking to count the votes and leak the information. Oh hell, why wait My opinion is that the longer it takes for information to be leaked to the board, the more likely that the NO votes came out ahead. If the YES votes win, one of our breathren will not be able to hold back the excitement.
  8. I would expect by the end of today, we will be up or down by 2 touchdowns with 2 minutes left. The game won't be over. But, it will pretty much be in hand one way or another. However, the possibility of an onsides kick to the gut will be there until it is official next week
  9. For me, it is 4 years. I am willing to take a risk and rely on the potential upside that TD brings. He is a household name in Texas. I just hope we can get thru these excruciatingly tough times without a team implosion. One more thing..... Right now, Fitz is the only real weapon that we seem to have. So, the team had better improve before the season is over, because they won't be able to rely on Fitz next season.
  10. My take on TD is that he is a smart coach that will make adjustments as he becomes more familiar with coaching at the college level. This may take several more years. But, to me, he seems like a guy that will eventually succeed at whatever he does. He may need a longer rope than usual. But, I think it will be worth it in the long run. Also, TD and his style of play puts butts in the seats. This may be the most important factor of all.
  11. I wish the vote were a single day event. Having to go thru 5 days of this is just maddening. And, we are only 1/2 way thru the week. Please, please let this vote pass......
  12. Nice job OGS for getting that post on the Daily !
  13. The online voting concerns me a bit. I hope we did not make it too easy for those that are on the fringe.
  14. "That being said, i'd be willing to bet that we have a relatively fat lead today, the biggest we'll ever have." Absolutely true ! Time is not on our side in this respect.
  15. "Points breed excitement, and excitement breeds attendance. " IMHO, this is the exact reason for the 17k at the last game, instead of the generally expected 12k. I know that the offense was struggling prior to the last game. But, you just have a feeling that they can break out at any time. A dominant run based offense can be very successful when you have superior talent. But, most fans just don't find it as entertaining.
  16. Right on about the "Keyboard Cowboys" Scott. You can find these characters everywhere these days, not just here at NT.
  17. Maybe I have missed something. But, I have yet to see these specific athletic fee numbers from other universities presented to the student population. Why would we not use specific examples to show how far our athletic funding is below our peers ? This is more of a question than a suggestion. I know that there must be a good reason if we are not doing it.
  18. Great job Flyer ! Your work here will make a difference.
  19. I have to agree with TIGreen01 regarding Adler's post. Why wouldn't those specific numbers be published for the students to see ? What am I missing here ?
  20. E-Bone, I don't think I can be considered a negative poster. But, having fans that show interest, good or bad, is probably better than fans that have no interest at all. North Texas has had enough fan apathy over the years IMO. The day that the program is in real trouble is the day that the fans stop caring.
  21. 16k+ people showed up to watch a game that features probably two of the worst D1a football teams in the country. That fact alone is what makes this the most disappointing season in my 24 years as a fan of NT. The fan support is here right now. But, at the time of our peak fan support, we end up with a team that may go down as the worst in the history of the school. I give TD all the credit in the world for helping to bring an excitement to this program that I have never seen before (Hayden Fry was before my time). But, all the momentum is about to go into a complete tailspin, if it has not already occurred after the last 2 weeks. Last week was the most embarrassed I have ever been. This week I just feel very, very sad as the apathy starts to settle in I agree that next week will be 12k at the most.
  22. 17k attendance. I have no clue on the score. This game will depend on the fragile pysche of the NT defense. If the NT defense makes a couple early stops, and they realize they can play with another team in 1A, then they could turn this thing around at least for a day. I just can't believe that we lack that much talent on defense. And, we know defensive coaching is not the problem. At some point, I expect a light bulb to go off on the defensive side and our 50+,60+ and 70+ days will be over. If FIU cuts thru our defense on the opening drive, then LOOK OUT BELOW........ This game may be determined on the very first FIU possession. I suspect our offense will put up 24-28 points this week. So, in the end it will fall on the defense.
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