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Wag Tag

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Everything posted by Wag Tag

  1. Very exciting I wish they were a lot sooner. Houston may be our first sold out game at the Ap. Especially with the buzz of the 2 qbs!
  2. BS! The article title leads us to believe it is about LB and the coaching of LB! This is using a lazy ass filler, because he needs so many words! He can do better.
  3. Does the affair need to come up on every article about this guy? Isn't between him and parties involved? I think it sucks! Go watch frig'n TMZ!
  4. 6’6” 220.. already has put on some lbs! Great starting point.
  5. TE in the game plan? Yea baby! Like his length at 6’5” this the size I would like to see at TE. Congrats to all! Gmg
  6. Great comparison! Like a lot of schools we loose our starter and we are in trouble. Bowman Is a stud and if he had stayed healthy Kliff would still be at Tech. Lucky for Kingsbury he didn’t!
  7. I feel like this should be Cas best team even with Wooly gone. Face it if we were not hot on the perimeter we kinda suck. I feel like we should now have an inside game and guys that can hit mid range jumpers.we will also have a better rotation for resting guys. Wooly is a warrior, but having a point guard that does not have an outside shot and struggles at the line is challenging. Very excited with our new line up! GMG
  8. Great move, especially after the Ark whipping!
  9. TCU They just got the Ohio State transfer to go along with the KSU transfer. They are crowded at the Qb position.
  10. Capacity 7-7500? Going smaller. Should of never torn done the PIT!
  11. You point why she should go is proven invalid, but it still proves she needs to go? You need to run for political office!
  12. I am sure we classify a player based on quality, potential and need. Maybe a guy that hits all 3 at high level may be considered an A candidate. I definitely think it is a fluid situation, but if you can hit all A guys I would say fill the class up!
  13. This commitment not only shows where we are, but more import where we want to go.
  14. We need to make it attractive enough where Seth only leaves for an upper dream job. I am sure KSU was a big dollar increase, and if it was about the money he would of been gone. How was the winter in Manhattan? More $$$ will be thrown at him but quality of life and stability for his family is also important. Wait for that OU, OSU, Auburn or FSU.
  15. Seth $2m man? Hope we can make it attractive enough where he would not go to just any P5 job. Like a KSU. He seems to really like living in the area. Recruiting with the IPF finished could be really exciting! GMG
  16. I could see Gibby going to point and Smart off the bench. Hope w e see the Smart of 2 seasons ago otherwise he will be on a short leash. Very exciting.
  17. I see him taking over from Miller but being 3-4” taller. We will see him and Zach on the floor at the same time. I don’t believe Smart starts with this line up based off of last year. If Smart isn’t scoring it could be tough because his D and ball handling skills are limited. The 2 new guards are good at the line which could limit Wooly in the last minutes of close games. Very exciting times!
  18. This is a good problem to have. Cas has proven big time he can recruit! Has to suck for some of the fringe guys on the team , not knowing.
  19. The 2 new guard signees are more of a threat to Smart for playing time than Wooly .
  20. Wrong! Thank God! I am so jacked for the first game just to see the size UNT has starting.
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