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Wag Tag

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Everything posted by Wag Tag

  1. Went by Friday and nothing had changed except they finished the far end steel arc! GMG
  2. I agree but I think he would get one of the top OC jobs in the country. Plus we don’t have a helicopter 🚁
  3. If Morris does not finish at least at 500 he will be gone this year. Alumni $upportets were pissed with the hire and last season was a total embarrassment. I Also believe Seth is high on their list. UNT could be a great final landing spot for Gus. With the success in BB the pressure just became greater.
  4. Great size and also throws the Disc in track. GMG
  5. UNT hires Malzahn? Arkansas would be perfect for Seth. He wouldn't be expected to win the SEC every year and would still be close to family.
  6. Interesting negotiation point. The more we increase the buy out amount the bigger raise he gets? Gmg
  7. Size size size! Need to get some 6’6” , 6’7” athletes! Zach in the second half of the season looked like he digressed. Might be because he had very little support and no one to rest him off the bench. We are going to miss Miller.
  8. Going to love me some TE action! Congrats to all! GMG
  9. I think you will see Martin and Austin this year. GMG
  10. Great company but keep an eye out for the duo F-D! Fine - Darden won’t be able to slide coverage his way! GMG
  11. Martin was the best qb on the field today. Two drives 2 scores, had some great long balls. We definitely have a number of quick backs. Tre and Addaway May be the bangers! Norvil in the middle and Hamilton on the edge looks to give us a good d- line. Will definitely have the size! GMG
  12. Where is the money going to be for schools like ourselves? Can not stress enough to become a season ticket holder! Even split with a buddy if need be. This allows the AD to at least have planned revenue even with poor weather.
  13. Will streaming minimize the TV contracts and therefore the TV conferences?
  14. Man that would suck! I don’t see Tulsa, SMU and Tulane being adds. I could actually see us in a conference with them. SMU may not have a choice.
  15. What is the TV market for Iowa State and Kansas St? We need to be a top 8 G5 school and hopefully we move up to AAC once the breakup starts!
  16. This year he has to be above 500. Let’s hope he makes it because Seth would be at the top of the list.
  17. Had a chance to watch practice a few weeks ago and every qb including the freshman was throwing strong wide receiver out patterns. I don’t think that play was an option with Mac! Great group!
  18. Can Houston buy their way into a P5? Holgerson $5m, Sampson $3m will this make the difference for realignment?
  19. Rated 17th in top centers and is from Kentucky!! Congrats to all! GMG
  20. If you can't get TV revenue then you have to fill the stands with regional competition to be able to make $$. We really just have to do everything we can to put us as the premier team in C-USA. Is there any team in C-USA as attractive as UNT? We will have the facilities, coaches and location that should be attractive. Now win!
  21. Comish is only as good as the product! We need to win big and consistently to separate ourselves from this conference!
  22. Size, Size, Size in watching some of the NCAA Tournament games how many plays are off a forward at the free throw line setting picks and the center staying underneath? Majority of the teams we played had long and athletic forwards.
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