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Everything posted by UNTcrazy727

  1. According to Vito, expecting anything more is delusional. We’re going to a bowl. We need to shut up and be happy.
  2. I know what you’re trying to say, but 90% of the teams in the country would kill for a chance to beat a bad team the last week of the season to make the conference championship.
  3. Don’t worry. He’s gone if we lose to UTSA. Won’t even be on the sideline for the bowl game.
  4. Yep. And if we lose to UTSA expect an announcement on 12/3.
  5. Littrell now has to win out to keep his job. Beat Rice, beat UTSA, win bowl. Anything less, he needs to go. This second half performance is inexcusable.
  6. Do you expect us to lose to UAB? Because that's the only reasoning for wanting Rice to beat WKU. We want Rice to lose vs WKU so we can clinch with a win. Even if we do lose vs UAB, it doesn't matter what happens in the Rice vs WKU game. We'd still have to beat Rice to make the Championship.
  7. This isn’t correct. If we lose on Saturday we cannot clinch on the bye week. If WKU beats Rice and we lose to UAB then WKU could clinch a spot in the championship with a win over FAU and a UNT loss to Rice in the final week.
  8. They've also lost to two teams (FAU, WKU) we blew out. I think UAB tried to make their last stand against UTSA and could be mentally broken.
  9. Agreed, which is why I think its likely for the 9/9 opening. We were probably working on this before the new AAC format was finalized.
  10. Good point. They still haven't scrapped their scheduled games yet. Who knows what it will look like once the CUSA scheduled is announced. I'm guessing they'll keep 4 games already scheduled.
  11. Nice research! As much as I want Georgia Tech, I think New Mexico State is the most likely option. They only have 2 home games scheduled next year with 9/9 still open. And they have plenty of openings in the coming years for a return trip to Denton. Good catch with Jacksonville State. That's certainly a possibility. With ACU already on the schedule, another FCS opponent is off the table. You can only count 1 win vs FCS towards bowl eligibility.
  12. This is better than what CUSA currently has, IMO. They turned down a similar deal years ago in favor of the Stadium/Facebook model, which helped reduce the conference to what it is today. *EDIT- did not realize they were shifting ALL conference games to midweek (Tues-Friday). That really sucks for fans. I figured it was just a couple games per week.
  13. My dream is we sign a home&home with Georgia Tech and bring them in for a 7th home game next year. It would really send a message that we're entering a new era of UNT football if we hosted 2 P5s. My quick and hasty research last week showed they were one of the few teams still needing an OOC game next year with an opening on 9/9.
  14. We have rivalries with both. Just makes more sen$e to have it with SMU due to the close proximity.
  15. Rice @ WKU - Toppers by 14 Charlotte @ MTSU - MTSU by 6 LA Tech @ UTSA - UTSA by 24 North Texas @ UAB - UNT by 13 FAU @ FIU - FAU by 21
  16. 0% chance. Much better chance of Rice upsetting them in a quiet, sleepy, and empty Rice Stadium November 19th.
  17. I agree our standards are too low. IMO, for a player to be inducted into the HoF they need at least 1 all conference team. If a player wasn’t one of the best at their position while playing they don’t deserve to be inducted.
  18. If he leads us to a conference championship, he'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame in a few years. *This is not a joke
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