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Everything posted by VideoEagle

  1. Try the using the "ignore" feature on this board to avoid reading messages without meaning. It's a great feature and can keep you from being tempted to respond to those messages. Remember - don't feed the trolls!
  2. Come on, are you telling the rest of us you actually work during the day rather than read a message board? Where are you priorities man?
  3. Didn't the head of the DEA under Nixon go on national TV and announce the highest concentration of drug users in America was on Fry street in Denton?
  4. No, there was quite a bit of information floating around the last two months. Not at the pieces, of course, but a lot of smoke. Someone with some time would have started to dig. I've no doubt one of the players (who passed) probably would have told his parents and then it's out. College coaches really can't control the media. Barry Stwitzer thought he could and it didn't work out that way. And in case you didn't know it, the reporter who led the investigation for the Daily Oklahoman got a promotion.
  5. I think that if an employer forces someone to take a drug test, it can not be part of their official medical records. An employer can not force an to employee to accept a medical procedure they do not want. I think a variation of this applies to students. Obviously, depending on how the contract (for a scholarship) is worded the employee (or scholarship athlete) can be required to give up certain rights.
  6. I wish I could find the actual study, but companies that have negative articles written about them in the Wall Street Journal always have an immediate drop in stock price. But within about 3 to 5 month, a huge percentage have their stock increase in price to a level higher than it was before the story. Again, I don't remember where the study was done - one of the big business school grad programs.
  7. Actually, yes he would have. That would have made local headlines as well - coach drug tests the entire time and all of them passed. Not sure if it would have been national, but certainly local news.
  8. These guys are young and don't always think things through. That's why I think kicking them out for a first offense is too harsh. Suicide sprints till they drop everyday for a week, plus a warning that this is their ONE and ONLY second chance. Basically, try to put the fear of God into them so they don't make the same mistake again. Be sure and tell them if they were in a real job, there are NO second chances for that kind of thing. Insist on some kind of counseling and require their attendance. On a second violation of the drug policy, then kick them off the team and give the scholly to someone who deserves it.
  9. Have you ever worked on a coach's show? I remember Hayden Fry was mad just because of footage of him missing a single tackle when he was a player at Baylor. Off the air, he made it completely clear nothing negative about him - even as a joke - would ever be allowed on the show. (Mercer's book has a toned down version of the story.) Have you ever seen Brad Sham seriously question ANY of the Cowboy's coaches during their coach's shows? During the awful last few seasons at A&M, if you saw the coach's show you'd think they were on the verge of a National Championship. A coach's show is suppose to be about the warm fuzzies, that is why you do the show!
  10. Certainly not yet. Over 18000 people showed by based on a ticket scanner count to watch an 0-8 team. NT sold more season tickets over the last two years than every before because people wanted to watch Todd Dodge. The Mean Green Club has more total donors and more donors at higher giving levels mainly because Todd Dodge is the coach. The student body just voted a fee increase on themselves at historically apathetic NT. This year is burning up Dodge's overall good will quickly, but he had more to start with as far as the total fan base than any coach since Hayden.
  11. Actually, there have been a number of studies that show just that. Make sure they spell our name correctly!
  12. That's ridiculous. First, the testing was done well before we were 0-8. Second, as Tasty pointed out, there was undoubted a FOI request made that had to get through an appeals process. I'm disgusted they get FOUR chances before being really punished. They need to learn you in the workplace they will get fired on the FIRST failed test. How stupid do you have to be to do that during the season when you KNOW you are likely to be tested.
  13. Just making sure I understood. In the past, they took the questions before the show started, then they read them during the show.
  14. Did they really not allow questions? I know there were a number of posts on the board from the show on Oct 6th that they "didn't allow question" when people actually there reported no one asked any. That's a huge difference.
  15. Maybe because he is a Sophomore and not trained to speak to the press?
  16. There is no way Mangino stops at a mere eight cheeseburgers!
  17. I want to make sure everyone knows that Dr. B. sent out a special email to the President's Council level donors about the stadium referendum passing and how thrilled she was about it. I'm personally hopeful this will dispel uninformed rumor that some how one of the leading proponent's of our football team is some how "opposed to athletics." Nothing could be farther from the actual truth.
  18. If it wins, the editors of the Daily might not carry it at all!
  19. Ad time on WBAP goes WAY beyond any spending limits of a student election! Ads and Promos are two completely different things though. If it is an ad, someone paid for it. A promo is used to promote a program or event by the station or the station group or network, etc. I can't believe they would be running it as a public service announcement since it obviously advocates for students to vote a particular way. If it is a news story, someone from the University needs to call them correct their bad information.
  20. Clemson did give him 10 years to win the conference first.
  21. Actually I think you are both right. Teams in transition are in a world of their own. They are not eligible for either bowls or FCS playoffs. But if a FBS teams beats a transitional FBS team, the win can always count as a FBS win. If a FBS team beats a FCS team, then there are limits on how that win can be counted for purposes of getting 6 wins to be bowl eligible. It confusing, especially so if you try to type FBS and FCS instead of 1A and 1AA.
  22. It depends on what you call "inflated" numbers. The attendance numbers we have are based on a system the NCAA has approved. Our tickets are scanned and if you leave and come back in, it doesn't count twice. Now, I have two tickets and always have both scanned even if it's just me coming in. We didn't make up the rule, we're just going along with it an trying to use it to our best advantage. Our teams should be doing that on the field and there is no reason not to do the same in the stadium.
  23. No, we have a long way to go to match the sarcastic humor of the old "Moan and Groan" board. On the point of the thread, of course it is not time to change head coaches. Special teams coaching needs to be seriously evaluated at the end of the year. On Defense, Deloach has done enough in the past for to show he can do probably do something in the future.
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