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Everything posted by VideoEagle

  1. They scanned my tickets so are you saying the scanners are not accurate?
  2. In his post game interview, Todd said he told Meager he'd play the 3rd series of the game and told Philips he'd play the 3rd series of the second half no matter the score. He said he played every Senior, although I think he qualified it with "who wanted to play" so someone might not have.
  3. There is a large headline directly under the login box that reads "Game Day At North Texas." If you click on that you get all of the game day information about the football game. This is where the game day information has been for every football game this season.
  4. The latest weather is now partly sunny with temperatures in the upper 50s. I've never seen an NCAA stat about "People in attendance as the game ended." Do we really need to manufacture stats in which to be disappointed?
  5. Are you seriously suggesting a "linked to mgs.com" podcast would be equivalent to a live radio broadcast? The best podcasts have a live listener to download rate of less than 1 to 100. I understand you hate TD and the North Texas athletic program, but this was not their fault. Give it a rest!
  6. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. And I hope everyone will be there for the game Saturday!
  7. That's great news. It's good to read the nattering nabobs of negativism who think the sun won't shine until we fire Todd Dodge are wrong. A lot of positive things are happening although they insist all is lost.
  8. I thought they had to send out 10 copies within the next 10 minutes to get the good luck.
  9. First there were complaints the University didn't have letters ready to send the day the student fee passed. Now there are complaints about the wording of the letter that was sent.
  10. No, without radio, the coach's radio show would not have happened no matter the record. The audience is there to be part of a live radio broadcast, not as part of a booster club. If you are missing the "radio broadcast" part of the radio broadcast you do not have a show. Why are some people having a difficult time with such basic concepts?
  11. No, this not nearly the old "Moan and Groan" board. First and foremost, the quality of sarcasm is not nearly as good. With just a few exceptions, the black humor here is just not up to that level. Second, I haven't seen complaints about the win, or complaints about people attending the games or going to tailgatings. On the old board, anything that was even slightly positive was bad since anything positive could delay the eventual firing of Dickey. By the time DD was fired, just writing some academic program at NT was good was met with extreme derision. People who wrote those things were "enablers" who were hurting the program.
  12. You certain give a lot for 2 cents! It is also a very logical answer to what happened and makes more sense than the official story.
  13. Big XII Championship games aren't held on any of the campuses. Between St. Louis, Kansas City, Dallas, Jerry World, Houston and San Antonio they have that covered. But, yes, I think this article is in the Waco paper to get the developers to buy more ads, not as a legitimate news story.
  14. I think at this time last year, Dodge was also saying he didn't plan to make any changes at Defensive Coordinator. I know several times during the season he said that, but after he evaluated the coaches after the season, he changed his mind. Coaches are evaluated after the season.
  15. I believe the same group that handles the Sugar Bowl now is in charge of the New Orleans Bowl. It was the Greater New Orleans something or other. When they were running it, the Bowl didn't even have it's own office, they worked out of the Sun Belt Conference offices. The new system allows for cross promotion and fund raising. Sponsors can get both events with a single deal now. By the forth one, the people working in restaurants and the cabbies seem to know the difference between the two. The hotel employees certainly did!
  16. Not if he got caught in the Von Eric Claw.
  17. Words cannot express the profound gratitude Americans feel to our Veterans. We owe you everything. And if not for the Greatest Generation, we'd be forced to watch Soccer!
  18. First, let me write if we only have one or two wins at this point next year, a reevaluation is in order. That doesn't mean an automatic firing, but there need to be pretty extreme extenuating circumstances not to fire him if we are still only getting one or two wins at the end of three years. Yes, the head coach is responsible for the product on the field. But the head coach is vital to a football program's PR, not the AD. When was the last time you saw an athletic director's TV show? No, you see a coaches show. Do athletic directors go on the radio before a game? No, coaches do. If you are a report, the guy from whom you want a quote is the head coach. How many staff members at NT have had Bill Parcels mention the idea of hiring them to the press? One and it wasn't our AD. The AD also doesn't run a summer camp for high school players that draws some of the best players in the state. If you google for news stores about both you get 599 for Todd Dodge and 137 for Rick V.
  19. Of course, they already count in basketball!
  20. This is the only part of you post with which I disagree. The regular posters on this board don't make up enough people to the lower part of section E, much less sections D and F. I know of at least a dozen people who sit around me at the games who never post on this board. I have seats 29 and 30 (or are they 30 and 31, can't remember right now) on row 18 (or is it 19?). But that's at least 570 people in front of me and I'm not even at the half way point of the section. T
  21. Wanting players like that is why OU fired Barry Switzer even with a winning record. And the reporter who led the charge got a promotion. I know this is a alien concept to some, but it is the UNIVERSITY of North Texas. Lots of very successful programs insist on reasonable behavior from their players and still win. Years ago, Maimi didn't and is still recovering from the aftermath. We have another thread on this board about a UT player who couldn't behave and got bounced just for writing the wrong thing. Tolerance for bad behavior actually has given some of our former coaches and their assistants something to hold of the heads of the administration when they should have been fired.
  22. First and foremost, many is not most of those currently calling for the firing of Dodge were demanding Dickey's firing in much, much more strenuous terms. DD was not the worst coach in the history of NT. I personally think that was Bob Tyler, although when fans were clamoring for HIS firing, a couple of his players who were RTF majors told me he was "as good as Hayden." But, DD had to go as total attendance was down, season ticket sales were down, Mean Green Club donations were down and total donations to athletics were down even counting Mattress Mac. I, personally, would have waited till the end of the season to fire him, but there is no question about the actual firing. Right now, total attendance is at an all time high, season ticket sales are at an all time high, Mean Green Club donations are at an all time high and athletic donation appear to be doing well. Yes, there will be a decline next year, but it doesn't appear any of those key factors will drop to the DD level. Remember, we had over 18000 people get their tickets scanned to watch a winless Dodge team, more than showed up for many of DD's wining teams.
  23. Improving a team doesn't have to take four years, but it does usually take at least three. Sometimes teams get lucky and it happens faster. I think it is better to count on a rational building program rather than blindly firing the football coach every two years until one gets lucky enough to win. And the university administrators and BOR thinks so as well. If it doesn't improve in a year - not to a winning record, but an improved record - then they will start to consider alternatives. It's unlikely they would do so before that. I don't remember exactly, but weren't Tasty's statistics based on coaches with just two wins? Dodge now has three and does not have a winless season so I don't think the analysis still applies to his situation. As for people not recognizing the logo on you car, I guess you aren't around many real football fans. I have a North Texas sticker on the back of my car and almost everyone knows who we are. I usually get comments about while NT is in a tough time, "you guys hired a great coach."
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