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Off season topic: Who are you?


Where do you live/family: Denton, with my special gal who is also an alum.

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2011 BA Photojournalism

Favorite NT Memory: Discovering that former Provost Howard Johnson plagiarized the UNT Academic Plan and busting him for it / Falling in love with the most beautiful girl on campus.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: THIS :ass:


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Where do you live/family: Durham, wife is anesthesist at Duke

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: BM/1971-1975

Favorite NT Memory: tie between playing the Mozart bassoon concerto during the band's national tour and being named the outstanding student at the School of Music

Favorite NT Sports Memory: MVC games at The Pit

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Where do you live/family: North Richland Hills

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1998, TV/Film

Favorite NT Sports Memory: One semester, I used to sometimes skip an evening class to attend BB games- I would always sneak in a couple of beers in the inner pockets of my coat. I remember the Depaul game (mid to late 80s?) when they were ranked 1st or 2nd in the nation at the time... Mark Aguire hit 50 points (I think in the 1st half) Amazingly, we were actually in the game late- I think within about 3 or 4 points in the last couple of minutes, but ended up losing. Best football memory was the infamous UT game I attended in Austin in the late 80s when that touchdown in the corner was ruled out of bounds. I guess it is rather sad that my 2 memorable games in both sports were losses- but I do have hope for the future with the current direction!

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Where do you live/family: SnanAnonioTessus

Degree: Entrepreneurship

Favorite NT Memory: The time I insisted it wasn't raining while being soaking wet from the pouring rain outside of Andy's. Whiskey was involved in this memory.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: First thing that comes to mind is Josh White's runner to send the game to OT v Texas Tech. The most accomplished Basketball team during my time, in a packed house, getting things done down the stretch.

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Where do you live/family: Keller, TX - Wife, Grad NT 2000, 4 kids

Degree: BCIS (BS)

Favorite NT Memory: Probably all my fun times at the old SigEp house. Roaches and all. They became my little friends. :blink:

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Three way tie:

1.) Tthe two tech wins at texas tech in the 1990's,

2.) 2002 bowl win over cincy

3.) First game at Apogee.

caveat - I was not at the Texas Tech basketball win at the pit. I still kick myself for missing that one.

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Where do you live/family: Dallas, TX.

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1998 RTVF

Favorite NT Memory: Most are centered on Fry St. Working at Rips and Cool Beans, the Fry St. Fairs etc. But probably the best NT memory was - shortly after moving to Denton and feeling a bit homesick I walked out of my apartment on the edge of cement city and down Hickory St. As I got closer and closer to Fry I could hear music and people shouting etc. I got to the corner of Hickory and Fry looked to my left and there on the sidewalk in front of Zebra Head records was a full on funk band playing a show with about 200 or so people dancing in the street, beers in hand. My jaw dropped. Couldn't believe people would drink out in the open like that. While I was trying to figure out what was going on I ran into a guy Id known in HS. I asked him what the hell? He said Welcome to Denton. And then informed me you could drink on the street. A couple of quarts later I was back at my apartment no longer feeling homesick but rather feeling Id found a home.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Hard to pick a favorite but I'll list a couple:

1. Being a bit rowdy with a buddy on Bourbon the night before the 2002 NOLA Bowl and running into the Cincy's QB mother. We chatted a bit and then very apologetically I told her I was sorry about the 4 interceptions, 1 for a TD that her son would throw the next night as well as the multiple sacks. She laughed it off. The next night we picked Gino five times and Jeremy Pearl returned one for a TD. Around the third INT my buddy stood up saying "holy shit holy shit" - do you know what this guy said to the QBs mom last night? (pointing at me) "holy shit."

2. Stomping a mud-hole in Baylor at Fouts.

3. Watching Jamario vandalize Idaho with over 200 yards - specifically the run where he turned the corner, hit his second gear and ran out of one of his shoes and still no one came close to catching him.

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Where do you live/family: Dallas, TX. No wife, no kids, no problems

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: Economics 2013

Favorite NT Memory: Cant say on a public board

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Our tailgate for the home opener against Houston, planned a great fraternity tailgate, had an awesome time.

2nd would be our first trip to Hot Springs back in 2010, went on the bus trip. I persuaded 2 deans to let me get a hotel at the Austin to stay the night and ride back with them the next day. Took a lot of persuading but I got the job done and we left Hot Springs with our Belt.

3rd our road trip to Clemson

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Where do you live/family: Denton, Single and don't plan on changing that

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2008 RTVF

Favorite NT Memory: Friday afternoon basketball games... pulling off the oop with my friend in front of a crowded gym at the rec to which we got a great reaction... i was on the passing end, which would be clear if you saw my height

Favorite NT Sports Memory: tie for the top 2... 1.) 7 OT game... i know it sounds ridiculous... but to those of us who were there until the end, it just felt like you accomplished something, just by being there...

2.) Apogee Opener... honestly, one of my most favorite days as a human being, from early morning tailgating until we shut down Lou's that night.. it was a home-opener with a homecoming feel to it

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Where do you live/family: Kingwood, TX (soon to be Austin again); Married into an OU family :ermm:

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2009 BBA Marketing

Favorite NT Memory: Playing basketball/raquetball at the rec, anything Fry St. related, and constantly making new friends.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Win over SMU in '06 (I think that was the year). Woodie Wilson was my hero for a week.

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Where do you live/family: Maryland, with wife of 16 years and 2 children

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: BA Political Science, 1997

Favorite NT Memory: anytime I walked into the Flying Tomato

Favorite NT Sports Memory: NO Bowl win over Cincy in '02. Was in Cincy right after the win- bragging rights are an awesome thing!

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Where do you live/family: Carrollton, TX ... Single and no kids ... Ladies :shifty:

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: Bachelor of Science BCIS 2003

Favorite NT Memory: Graduation -- It was time after 6 long years.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: MUTS win in 2001 when all the magic started. Haven't looked back since.

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Where do you live:Frisco,happily married When did you graduate:1966,B.B.A. Favorite NTSU memory: Being summoned to President J.C. Matthews office and told to quit writing to " Letter To The Editor " column of D.R.C. or else. Favorite NTSU sports memory: Basketball games at the "Snake Pit" when we were in the MVC. Those of you too young to have had that experience missed what it was like to be in a premier college basketball conference playing in a packed high school gym . We didn't win many games,but as a spectator we had a ball.

Edited by wardly
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Favorite NTSU memory: Being summoned to President J.C. Matthews office and told to quit writing to " Letter To The Editor " column of D.R.C. or else.

I hope you told him exactly where to stick his attempted abridgment of your Constitutional liberties...

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JesseMartin,this was a different time.Denton was still segregated,women could only stay out until 10:50 every night except Saturday,which was till 1:00,and we had no rights as a student. If you were a man and didn't like it, there was always the draft and Viet Nam.

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Where do you live/family: Conway, AR married, 4 kids

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2001 BA Geography, 2004 MPA

Favorite NT Memory: spending way to much time at EESAT and Maple Hall

Favorite NT Sports Memory: 2001 Spring Break Tennis Trip around Louisiana, 2002 New Orleans Bowl Win over Cincy

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Where do you live/family: Mid-cities. Married. Daughter (also an alumna, '05) and son-in-law, expecting 1st grandchild and new member of the MG Nation in October. One cat.

Degree/Year attended/graduated NTSU: 1970-1974, BA in RTVF, Journalism minor

Favorite NTSU Memories: the streakers, concerts in the old Auditorium Building. Movies in the Rock Bottom Lounge. Bill Mercer's announcing class. Meeting my future husband for the first time by the steps to Willis Library.

Favorite NT Sports Memories: The Snake Pit. Trip to the New Orleans Bowl and win over Cincinnati in 2002. Being in Hot Springs for the conference tourney win and going to OKC. Watching Johnny Quinn and screaming "Run, Johnny, Run!" Last game at Fouts, first game at Apogee.

Edited by NTEdgex2
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JesseMartin,this was a different time.Denton was still segregated,women could only stay out until 10:50 every night except Saturday,which was till 1:00,and we had no rights as a student. If you were a man and didn't like it, there was always the draft and Viet Nam.

i could not imagine living in that time...with the freedoms that we have today, it'd be weird not to have them and have to 'fight' for them, per se...

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Where do you live/family: Smyrna, TN / married another UNT grad and have 4 kids

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: BA Psychology 1991

Favorite NT Memory: Fry Street Fairs in mid to late 80's with New Bohemians and Ten Hands, The Library and Tomato, meeting and dating my future wife, living in Bruce Hall with no a/c because it was the only dorm I could afford (but absolutely loved it!)

Favorite NT Sports Memory: 2002 New Orleans Bowl victory and Bourbon Street following, watching Jamario in his breakout performance at Folsom Field in Boulder and hushing the crowd for a while even though we ended up losing, and the opening of Apogee after what seemed like would never happen

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No wonder we have trouble with attendance...no one lives around here!

Where do you live/family: Coppell. Married for 26 years to a UTA Movin' Mav, 2 girls

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1986 BS Accounting/Business Control Systems

Favorite NT Memory: Graduation

Favorite NT Sports Memory: 2002 New Orleans Bowl Win over Cincy

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i could not imagine living in that time...with the freedoms that we have today, it'd be weird not to have them and have to 'fight' for them, per se...

I grew up in lower middle neighborhood in south side of Ft. Worth[south of hospital district],and never went to school with a person of color until I enrolled at NTSU in 1961. There was a 1 hour blow off class called "coaching in football 'that I took my sophomore year,and sat next to A.D.Whitfield, our star running back,who was black.I wanted to crawl under the table when an old assistant football coach teaching the class starting rambling on about making "n----r shooters" as a kid. You just had to be there.

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Where do you live/family: Denton with my wife of 17 years (also a UNT grad) and two sons

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1987, BA English; 1994, MS Biology; 1998, PhD Microbiology

Favorite NT Memory: Wow - too many to decide from. I guess I'll go with my "famous people" whom I've personally encountered while on campus: George W. and Barbara Bush, 1984; Dr. Ruth Westheimer, 1987ish; H. Ross Perot, 1987

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Listening on the radio when we beat Texas Tech in football in the late 80's, win over SMU (and front row seats to the big halftime fight) in 1990, 7 overtime win over FIU, 2002 N.O. Bowl Victory over Cincinatti, taking the kids to meet Johnny Quinn on the field after football games when he was playing here

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i could not imagine living in that time...with the freedoms that we have today, it'd be weird not to have them and have to 'fight' for them, per se...

It wasn't all bad and it was a much simpler time.

Parties at Shahan's Point (Lake Dallas), pantie raids at Oak Street Hall, racing to get your date to her dorm before curfew. Remember racing like mad one Saturday nite to beat curfew & the Highway Patrol chased me into Denton. When I told him why I was hurrying, he took my license & let me get her to the dorm. I then met him at the old Y Café.& got my license back. Of course he also gave me a speeding ticket.

Freshmen were to wear "beanies", but being a vet and as old as many seniors, I didn't & was never challenged. During pledge week there were numerous outrageous sights on the downtown square.

Side note: My first year was '56, also Abner Haynes (#28) freshman year.

Edited by MeanGreen61
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It wasn't all bad and it was a much simpler time.

Parties at Shahan's Point (Lake Dallas), pantie raids at Oak Street Hall, racing to get your date to her dorm before curfew. Remember racing like mad one Saturday nite to beat curfew & the Highway Patrol chased me into Denton. When I told him why I was hurrying, he took my license & let me get her to the dorm. I then met him at the old Y Café.& got my license back. Of course he also gave me a speeding ticket.

Freshmen were to wear "beanies", but being a vet and as old as many seniors, I didn't & was never challenged. During pledge week there were numerous outrageous sights on the downtown square.

Side note: My first year was '56, also Abner Haynes (#28) freshman year.

Guess it depended upon whether you were black or white. On p. 66 ot 62 Yucca you will fine K.A.'c in black face performing at "Sing Song" at Main Auditorium during Greek Week.But,you were right,simpler times,perhaps simpler minds, as NTSU did not experience[at least to my knowledge] Civil Rights and Anti-War Protests. We were in a cocoon of our own.

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Freshmen were to wear "beanies", but being a vet and as old as many seniors, I didn't & was never challenged. During pledge week there were numerous outrageous sights on the downtown square.

Today that would be called hazing.

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Where do you live/family: Carrollton TX, Wife of 1 year and 2 big yellow dogs

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: graduated 2006 Hospitality Management with business minor

Favorite NT Memory: Too many to list, not appropriate most of them, but Living on Hickory street less than half a mile from Fry in a really old house with my three best friends for three years, don't think it will ever get much beter than that.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Tearing down the goalpost after rushing the field early in my college career. It was a great day when we clinched the conference title and carrying the goalposts around the field, then to the admin building to light the tower and then on the Fry... That was an amazing night.

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