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Everything posted by UNTMike81

  1. Ossy's getting the shaft. I hope for his sake he leave at the end of the year. If he thinks he'll ever be in an even competition at UNT for QB much less waterboy and he's lying to him.
  2. If true and I've watched our QB situation in amazement, what away to treat a 20 year old young man who was recruited prior to new HC. Life isn't fair and Ossy's getting a first hand view of how fair things aren't. If I was an Andrew Smith fan back in the day I might have said the same thing. I like Smith a lot, but thought Hall should start. Having said that A. Smith was light years ahead of McNulty!!!!! Freaking Light years!!!! Oh, Dickey couldn't recruit QB's either!!!! He was all Stealth!!!
  3. Yep, Rice with a lesser QB hung 77 on UNT several years ago. I have good friend who's grandfather was the team Doctor for the Rice FB team back in the day. My friends family would always watch the Rice games from the press box level and I was invited to that game verses Rice. The food was great, but the game was a real bummer and I'd been drinking the Green Kool-aid. Needless to say the game was humiliating experience. Now I don't talk to much smack about UNT FB. UNT BB is a different story, but I'm going to tone that down a bit. Go Mean Green!!!
  4. MWC/C-USA. Utah St.. Utah St. is the best team in the county that's lost 3 games. If you think our FB is having competition issues in the SunBelt wait until we get into C-USA. I hope it happens but UNT FB rebuilding is going to be a head-ache for our coaching staff. At least the coaching staff can use MWC/C-USA will allow us to recruit better in the future. Go Mean Green!!!
  5. I usually don't get caught up in the NTSU, UNT name issue since I went to school in the NTSU days, but when professional organizations, ESPN, and current collage GAME ANNOUNCERS can't get your name right, sort of gets on my nerves. Seeing Texas State University just irritated me more than usual look at SA's media release info.. Go Mean Green!!!
  6. The football team's website say's Shavod Atkinson played his last 2 years at: Texas State University. Give me a break!!!
  7. Like I noted in previous post the NBA scouts will be all over UNT because of Mitchell and now their here early to take a look at other talent. That's one reason I believe our team will be motivated to gel quickly and play there best ball as soon as possible. The NBA scout wasn't here to see Mitchell unless he wanted to see a before Mitchell arrived at UNT and after picture to see what deference Tony makes to the team once he's on board. How many times in the past has an NBA scout ever been to a UNT BB practice? Go Mean Green!!!
  8. No reason to really even discuss QB, O-line, WR, or any other position(s) on the Mean Green board. We're not the coaches and they're going to do what they do no matter how the fans react to UNT's position players on the field. it's clear coach Mac will attempt to rebuild this team and he and his staff have job security. I'm sure a lot of things will change over the next few years here at UNT. Hopefully the new football stadium won't be the only thing to point to changed in the next few years. More W's would be a plus. Just seems like the attitude of our team was different when Coach Canales and the old staff were all fighting like drowning rats to save their jobs. The enthusiasm and since of urgency on our FB team seemed to be much greater then, than now. Can you believe we stayed even and almost beat K-State who's 6-0 or something this year. If we played them this year they'd beat us like a drum. Go Mean Green !!!
  9. Cooley. I wonder if JJ will be able to coach J. Williams into a better outside shooter, or if Williams doesn't have shot know then we should expect improvement. If anyone had the answer to this I felt like you might. My eyesight hasn't been the best from a young age, so as much as a tried I wasn't going to be a "good basketball" player. Thanks, Go Mean Green!!!
  10. Well I was going to say it would be nice to have Coach S. Leftwich back, but his Panthers are 3-3. Go Mean Green!!!
  11. Looks like Edwards might be a step or 2 quicker than he was last yea? Go Mean Green!!
  12. You guys blame NTEX1990 for requesting Coach Mac. not to experiment? Then you want source documentation. How about UNT playing Alabama and our defense plays pretty well. Then bring in our I guess 3rd string QB who played JUCO ball and he drives UNT down to inside the 10 yard line of Bama. Then, we put the QB that produced drive and put in I guess our 2nd string freshman QB, and Oh well. Guess it wasn't OK to score against Nick Sabin. Maybe Coach Mac. has to much respect for Coach Sabin. I have seldom if ever seen a coach pull a QB in that situation. Guess we wanted to build McNulty's character, but crush Osborn's for producing a productive drive on the #2 team in the land. Then, Oh well!! What do we arm chair QB's know anyway. In the DD or Dodge era there were plenty of arm chair QB's not questioned about their posts on the message board. God forbid you read Scotty's board back in the day!!!
  13. I'll be praying our FB team finds some offense so a bowl game will be a reality. Our BB team shouldn't have trouble on the offensive end, or defense in my mind for that matter. Go Mean Green!!!
  14. Yes...having Tony for TTech and Texas would be assume. No thanks to the NCAA, but if it weren't for the Big XII rules and NCAA Tony might never have made it on campus. Considering that I'll be glad when he's allowed to play with the team. Go Mean Green!!
  15. I'm hoping Tony Mitchell meets the love of his life here at UNT and doesn't declare for the NBA draft until they both graduate. Then they'll have their degree's and Tony can go onto dominate the NBA after he's thrilled us at UNT with the ability and led our team to National Championship. Then Tony and his sweetheart can enjoy the lifestyle of the NBA once they've left UNT. I know this is far fetched, but one can dream. Like KRAM1 said I'll appreciate Tony Mitchell for as long as he's a part of the BB at UNT.
  16. Thanks, I'm just a fan and not a basketball insider like yourself so I appreciate your wise input!!! Glad to have you here in the Mean Green Nation. Our board can get kind of lively so I'm sure you'll enjoy everyone's opinion as we'll as us looking forward to yours. As others will attest I drink from the Green Kool-Aid fountain when it comes to Mean Green BB!!! Go Mean Green!!!!
  17. Bono...how long has T. Mitchell, Chris Jones, J. Williams, and Mr. Norris been playing ball either on the same team or against one another?
  18. Yep...my financial situation has been dismal for last couple of years or I would buy season tickets. I'm in sales and have some deals that could change my financial position greatly. If that happens I'll buy season tickets and give the tickets to the games I can't attend to friends that still live in Dallas. If everything works out I could make the trip to Cali. to see UNT in the tournament!!! Go Mean Green!!!
  19. How much do you want bet that Tony's final paper's or test's are the first to be graded by each professor or PA assistant in each class? If grades in these classes have to be posted as a group I'd bet each professor or PA's assistant will be putting in overtime, tenured or not, so grades can be posted!!! If not, then RV and Mr. Rawlins need to have some "come to Jesus meetings with our professor's.
  20. I called UNT ticket office this morning about Mini plans because I'm in Houston and will have to plan each game I attend. Ticket office said they were finalizing several Mini ticket packages and should have that done internally by the end of the week. Ticket office told me to call back next week ie Monday the 10th. I inquired about LSU game and they said ticket office was working on package to include LSU in Holiday Mini package. I forgot to ask about WKU game, but I'll do that next week. Go Mean Green!!!
  21. I've been reading Vito ever since with lost Tim M. because I believe Tim M. had run in's with RV/Dickey over questions he asked. Or accused of being critical of UNT athletics. Vito hasn't dodged asking questions and he's been on the outside looking via several of our HC's over the years. If you look at Vito's men's BB write ups Vito seems to have good relationship with JJ.
  22. Hat's off to SMU. Good win. TCU and Baylor both took it on the chin, as did UNT. It has to be really hard to be an Aggie fan now. Aggie's blow up SMU and then lay big eggs after that game. If the Aggie's think competing in the Big XII was hard just wait until they walk into the nightmare that is the SEC!!!!
  23. I watched the game on Tulsa feed, for free I might add which was cool based on my finances. Tulsa announcers said only some of the players when Osborn was in were reserves. There were plenty of first stringers on the Tulsa side in the game when Osborn was at QB. Tulsa announcers kept saying their coach would like to have put in all reserves, but because UNT was making yardage and scoring on the drives Tulsa couldn't put all of their reserves in. Do you really think Tulsa wanted UNT to score with about a minute left on fade route to the end zone. That was one of the best passes Osborn made by either QB all game. The point has been made that McNulty was playing because his is more mobile that Osborn, but I didn't see Osborn get sacked when he was playing Tulsa. I even saw Osborn making plays with UNT receivers I'd never heard of before. You'd think UNT would put our best players on the field to win games. In Tulsa last night it appears to me our best QB was on the bench until about 5 minutes to go in the game. Doesn't matter if Tulsa had 11 waterboy's in on defense when Osborn was in he still engineered drives that led to 14 points and didn't throw a int.. McNulty, 2 int's and 7 pts.. We're pulling for our college team, so someone please do the math. This situation is odd at best because our new coaching staff and there big time salaries have been sold to the UNT faithful based on our coaches "skins on the wall". Based on that the current QB situation we witnessed in Tulsa seems odd at best. What do I know. I'm sure a stupid uneducated fan!!!
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