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Everything posted by MeanGreenTexan

  1. I agree. I think all games outside of maybe Clemson (no more Spiller though) are win-able. 6 home games and only 1 'body bag' game is about all we can ask for with our current situation.
  2. Though I'm very excited about his experience, I think I'm happier about his recruiting abilities. The guy already has ties to DFW coaches so he should be able to hit the ground running...
  3. So this frees up another scholarship. I think we had another scholarship to give as well... I wonder who can be picked up? Or, is there a Casey Fitzgerald on the practice squad somewhere?
  4. Gotta love this hire with all of the experience. Going from a 6 years total of College Off. Coord. & Wide Receivers coaching experience to almost 50 years of College/NFL experience should bode well for the Mean Green. Congrats Dodge/Villareal on two fantastic hires!
  5. I hope they take time to enjoy that cake along the way, because it's nothing but PAIN when they get to the finals!
  6. Pretty favorable schedule to get back to a bowl. We'll see if the departure of Franklin will hurt them at all... I hope it does on Nov. 13th, otherwise, I don't care.
  7. I would definitely be up for tailgating and meeting some of you guys at the spring game.
  8. I wonder what kind of sign the guy on the bottom right is throwing? You would think the Athletic Dept. would chose another picture, or demand they take another one?
  9. So does this mean we should see an announcement today? We know Peterson interviewed, but the article said two candidates interviewed. I wonder who the other candidate was?
  10. Looks like the late '90s swimming/diving team jackets. Congrats on the collectors item! Rick Yeatts Photos
  11. What was going on in the Mean Green nation on this date that would cause a total online record at GMG.com? I would have thought that the day after the '02 bowl win or the '07 SBC conf. championship/NCAA tourney game would be the records... I was not yet a member of this fine board at the time, I'm just curious. Online At Once Record224 On 04 August 2005 - 04:55 PM
  12. I certainly hope coach Gandy decides to stick around, but he may just be waiting around for other options to develop and in the meantime, he's "planning to stay at North Texas." He deserves the attention...
  13. This would be yet another Fantastic hire! His resume is very impressive: Greg Peterson
  14. What is the story on Tyren Johnson? That guy looked like he could suit up for any AQ school. We played really nice defense on him in the first half, but then when UNT started to pull away in the second, it became the Tyren Johnson show. He's the only reason that game was close. If he wasn't so sloppy with his feet (travelled 2-3 times), he would have had more pts too.
  15. I always enjoy a win much more when the team we beat is at full strength, but this makes the road a little easier. My one worry is that with playing weaker teams going down the stretch that the guys may settle into a groove and will be overconfident heading into the tourney.
  16. I would expect this number, or slightly higher, only because of the K-State game. It will be nice to have this game over T-giving than a game with ARSt. or another SBC school over T-giving.
  17. Depends on the student turnout... Good showing from the students should put us up maybe just over 6K. If we get a normal student turnout, then probably around 4800 or so. Lets hope the flyers and on-campus promotions are working!
  18. This is much funnier if you imagine your avatar speaking these words.
  19. Oh boy. I hope Bartolotta is not let down too much when JJ leaves in a few years (or after this season with a final 4 under his belt ) for "Money, Power, Prestige"...
  20. Rick, you're probably the most recognizable supporter of UNT athletics period. The respect for you is there my friend. You've been on the block much longer than I have (BA '05), so you know the history first hand. To me it's history, and I really appreciate history. For me, Patrick Cobbs is the best RB I've seen here at UNT. Brandon Kennedy is the best D-Lineman I have seen at UNT. My appreciation of history tells me that maybe Abner Haynes is the best RB ever, and Joe Greene is the best D-Lineman ever. That doesn't diminish my thoughts of Cobbs & Booger. It's not a lack of respect by any means... I just didn't see those guys. I'm sure other 'youngbloods' are the same as me. We love the guys that we saw play!
  21. Did you walk 2 miles to school in the snow with no shoes, and uphill both ways when you were a little boy?
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