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Everything posted by TreeFiddy

  1. I am pretty sure we still hand out tickets. Students have to stand in line earlier in the week (somebody please confirm/deny). If we do, we need to figure out a way to put the tickets on the student's ID and simply scan the ID at the event. This is not a new concept or new technology.
  2. I am going to have to throw a flag on wearing college and pro gear at the same time. No, no, no, no, never, never, never, never, no
  3. Mizzou must really be F'd if he is leaving there to go to Baylor.
  4. Well, if you got it from the horse's mouth then it is probably right. With these juco guys it is kind of hard to know for sure. These Rivals and ESPN pages make it look like he was a 2014 HS graduate: https://n.rivals.com/content/prospects/maple/151806 http://espn.go.com/college-sports/football/recruiting/player/combine/_/id/160559/michael-sewell Looks like he went to Minot State out of HS: http://msubeavers.com/news/2014/5/27/FB_0527144718.aspx And these pages make it look like he is a 2016 juco guy: https://rivals.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/recruit-search-results?sport=football&year=2016&highschool_text=Los+Angeles+Valley+C.C.&school=Los+Angeles+Valley+C.C.&state=California I also saw where he got a couple of offers back in the Jan/Feb time frame. No big deal either way. At this point, he will count for our 2017 class if we sign him, but I was thinking there was a chance he might be here in the Fall with 3 to play 2.
  5. At least Snoop is an alum. Can't say that for many. Still wish @Cooley would chime in.
  6. Are you sure about that? I read some information that seemed to contradict that and say that he is a 2016 with 3 to play 2. If so that makes him even more attractive.
  7. I see 5 teams that seem clearly better than us on paper, but I believe we get 3 of those games at home. I look forward to see what we roll out there on both sides of the ball.
  8. Curtis Hollis from Mansfield. Committed last year then changed his mind, decommitted, and went to prep school to reclassify his recruiting year. Played well and picked up some P5 offers. @greenjoe http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/2016/07/one-time-unt-commit-curtis-hollis-names-top-5-that-does-not-include-unt.html/ http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/2016/02/hollis-has-decommited-from-unt-considering-options.html/ http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/2015/11/report-curtis-hollis-will-not-sign-with-unt-today.html/ http://www.dentonrc.com/sports/colleges/north-texas-headlines/20151014-mens-basketball-mansfield-forward-picks-unt.ece
  9. I took my daughter to her orientation at Ole Miss earlier in the summer. Many of the things that are listed in that blog are things they have implemented at Ole Miss. There is tracking of student attendance. There are points that you earn for attending various athletic events, football certainly, but even more for non football. Prizes are listed that can be earned. I like the fact we now take the freshman to the football field as part of orientation, but that should not be the end of the story. We should engage the Greeks heavily. Give them incentives to get their people in the gates. Same thing to other groups, dorms, associations. Even if it feels a little over the top for a while, make athletics a part of everyone's student experience. There are a lot of students who would not otherwise go to an event. Make it worth their while. Build relationships with faculty. Put athletic related items around campus. We have a receptive President for the first time in a long time regarding athletics. There is so much that can be done, but it will take effort. Effort that had long passed the prior AD by.
  10. It has been scientifically proven that the AD cannot produce anything without at least one grammatical error or misspelling.
  11. Give him a break. He's got like 14 tweets. That's almost 15. 15!! Maybe they are going to split duties. New guy will take recruiting and social media and Conley will keep the rest of the stuff? Who runs @MeanGreenFB? Capper?
  12. So, this is one of the hires that Littrell mentioned at the meeting? If so, one of the things the position was to address was kicking up our social media game a couple of notches. Does this mean we have a director of HS relations AND a director of recruiting?
  13. Hopefully McCarney will be named QB coach at Iowa in the next few months.
  14. Louisville definitely pushed their way into big time sports. Congrats to them. However, when I think about example of a clean program I do not think of Louisville. Their athletic program lives in the gray area. It comes with the territory. They are a former city college that has clawed their way into big time sports. I expect their to be some dirt under their nails. As an added detail to the infidelity story, he cheated on his wife with the wife of his equipment manager. No doubt she appears to have been batshit crazy, but the fact remains. Please don't try to absolve Pitino from any knowledge of the recruiting issues. He is the man in charge, he is responsible for what goes on just like all the other head coaches. Don't forget, it was an admin at smoo that did the cheating, that's why LB got suspended for half a season. Here is some light reading regarding the governor having to step in and replace half the BOR (but was able to keep the coaching staff in tact) among other juicy tidbits: http://csnbbs.com/thread-782330.html
  15. The question above I was responding to wasn't regarding when the hire would be made. The question I was responding to was when the audit was going to be completed and submitted. As far as the hire goes, I recall Trip saying something along the lines of hoping to have something done by July 15th, but don't recall he said anything about a drop dead time frame. I also remember Trip saying that he and Sicuro were not making the hire or performing the search. The search/screening/interview process was being handled by the search firm and that Smatresk and Ryan would be the primary decision makers. At least that's what I remember. Slept since then though.
  16. Unless we go full Dodge, we will need to be able to run occasionally when the situation calls for it.
  17. The consultants said that the audit will not be finished and the final summary sent to Smatresk until sometime around August/September. I can't remember exact date, but definitely was not anytime during July. However, they said they would have some preliminary findings/notes that they would share before the final version.
  18. Louisville is in the middle of an investigation involving hookers for recruits. He was also involved wth sanctions at Hawaii early in his career. And he famously got caught having sex with someone not named Mrs. Pitino in a restaurant a few years back.
  19. He would not be my first, second, third,etc... choice either. Definitely not an advocate, but he (and his family) were mainstays in Dallas basketball for years. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. @cooley would be interested in your opinion on Mr. Snoop.
  20. Agreed, his recruiting and other black hat tactics are what got him in trouble and eventually fired from the HS level. At least recruiting would not be an issue at the college level, but he has shown he is quite capable of bending the rules. Unfortunately, you can say the same about many great coaches (Brown, Calipari, Williams, Boeheim, Pitino, Majerus, Sutton, on and on and on and on). Not advocating it, but you are naive if you don't think most coaches out there are looking for an edge and pushing the envelope. Coaches get fired every day for not putting up enough W's. I will not be shocked to see this happen. It seems like Benford and Johnson had some history together when Frazier decided to come to UNT.
  21. Johnson would definitely deepen ties into the DFW AAU scene. Recruiting is such a ruthless business. I don't think there is any doubt that Johnson could help land a few players.
  22. If memory serves, we were picked 6th in our division the year we went to HOD bowl.
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