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Everything posted by ragpicker

  1. I have seen pretty good lines at all our games.
  2. If the players like it, I like it. GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. I would become a Commie for a win over Rice.
  4. Northwestern would be nice as we have some things in common with them. Both schools have large and outstanding programs in the arts and have produced many famous celebrities through the years. Even our names are similar and are sort of "directional" in a way.
  5. Because I am a mature (maybe not that mature)reasonably intelligent human being, why should I lose sleep over something that should not be that important in the overall scheme of things? I don't know why, Harry, but I have and thanks for informing me that I am not alone. I'm showing this post to my wife who is no football fan and thinks I'm crazy.
  6. I'm not going on record with anything about SMU until we beat them next year. We MUST beat them next year.
  7. I have a short lecture and a current events quiz. We are thinking alike curtisdaa.
  8. !-35 will be obsolete upon completion. That is the nature of these things. Trying to reduce traffic congestion by inducing more traffic with more and more and wider and wider highways is a great example of Einstein's definition of insanity. Take the A Train. The more it is used the more it will improve and at a fraction of the cost and inconvenience of highway building. The DCTA has wonderful potential for Denton and UNT and will become more efficient and convenient the more it is used. Don't forget the shuttle service on Homecoming.
  9. " Mighty heartily"? Come to the alumni side and see mighty yawningly.
  10. When they play "Fly like an Eagle" I fly to the restroom and snack bar. No one denies that our band is musically sound, its just that they don't seem to realize they are at a football game and don't seem to understand what they are supposed to DO at a football game. The crowd is just not into you Green Brigade. You are wonderful musicians, but you bore us to sobs.
  11. Get those kids out of the dorms. Entice them with booze and then give them Halloween candy once they enter the game. Even if they leave their attendance will count and they may just like what they see and stick around after all.
  12. Someone needs to tell Dale Hansen on CH. 8 that we are playing Thursday night. Except for his excellent expose' of the SMU scandal all those years ago, I think he honesty forgets that college sports are played around here.
  13. We need to soar like a comet and convert some of our apathetic students.
  14. I agree up to a point, but we must do a better job of reaching our DFW alums. Without them we are never going to reach our attendance potential no matter how well we do on the field.
  15. Except for a previous game and Homecoming, there were no plans for shuttle service to the stadium and regular service ends at 6:00 PM. This game should have been included. Harry is correct, this thing needs to be promoted. No one wants to get on 1-35 during the week unless it is absolutely necessary. Coordination between UNT and the City of Denton when it comes to UNT events is is a concept that neither entity seems to understand.
  16. We could fill Apogee up Thursday night with the right promotion. That said, let's not forget the A Train service with the shuttle service back and forth to the stadium. this has been an experiment and may not return if not used. Why not a simple ad in the DMN about this service for our Dallas area alums? For better or for worse and whether we like it or not, advertising works. This is a concept that seems to be lost on our promotions dept.(or whatever it is called).
  17. Perhaps he can be converted.
  18. Have we ever had a Samoan player? If so, I wish we could get somoa.
  19. My wise Uncle Ben thinks we should concentrate on USM this week and on Rice the next.
  20. Good point, Bla..., er, Green PI. On the other hand, Mean Joe Greene was black.(I just added that before someone else did).
  21. We are, after all only a touchdown and field goal from being 4 and 1. What's frustrating is that we often seem to be only something and something from being this or that.
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