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Green Otaku

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Everything posted by Green Otaku

  1. How much is it though? And are we at least competing with our conference peers? Those are the questions I'd like answers to. I find the turnover pretty concerning. The only other program I can think of that's going through the same thing we are that didn't lose their coach is ECU. They've lost 8 players.
  2. We did choose RV to run it so.... Joking aside I know someone on this site knows some insider info. I'd like them to at least say if those numbers are close or way off. If you have the real numbers let's see them?
  3. FIFY I feel like a broken record. The NCAA has tried to enforce rules and has lost anti-trust suit after anti-trust suit in the courts.
  4. Not if this is accurate: https://nil-ncaa.com/aac/ Bottom of the American by a good margin.
  5. Extensive work at ESPN/ABC and CBs, got Rutgers into the B1G, and most importantly: The AAC needs someone to sell it and create sponsorships to continue to raise its profile. This guy looks like he knows how to get that done. For those worried about the Rutgers scandal: Seems like he should have fired the basketball coach instead of suspending him. He wasn't involved in the incident.
  6. Yeah the flip flopping is pretty embarrassing. It's a coping mechanism.
  7. Following. I hope we can capitalize on the portal since losing so many starters should open up a lot of opportunities for play time.
  8. Yup, sometimes being the only ticket in town has it's upsides.
  9. They have a pretty hardcore and loyal fanbase.
  10. Neither the amounts raised or the amounts paid to players are required to be reported. Correct, they are not employees.
  11. I'd bet he ends up at Michigan. FAU is losing their coach, so it's natural that some of them would transfer out. I think it's more telling that none of them didn't when May stayed last year.
  12. None of us like this new NIL era, but we have to play in the system that's in place. The top spenders in our conference in Memphis, USF, and most likely Tulane, have the most history of success over many years. ECU is strange, they are definitely not getting their money's worth considering how much they are spending. The loss of so many good players in FB and now BB makes me worried we won't be able to compete in the long run.
  13. Since NIL is a major focus right now, I posted a topic in the FB forum, I didn't want to make a duplicate topic for the BB forum so I'll link it below.
  14. I ran across this and wondered how accurate is it? https://nil-ncaa.com/ The site itself admits it uses what's available to the public as well as guesses based on what they see. If this is accurate and we are bottom of the AAC that's a huge problem.
  15. Out of everyone this one is the only real surprise to me. I feel like we all thought he would be here next year.
  16. That does seem a bit strange, but in this day and age it seems rare for players to enter without having a solid plan already in place.
  17. Did I hit a nerve? So with your name all you think about is old women and old royal dudes? Which one gets you going? King Charles? Or are you more of a Harald guy? Lucky for you we are pretty open at GMG, there's no shame.
  18. How sad must your life be that you spend your time on another team's fanboard?
  19. What Z said. And if for some reason he wasn't he'd have a long line of big name suitors with deep NIL pockets.
  20. I think we all saw it. Good luck to him.
  21. A true center is the top of my wishlist too. 6-11 or 7ft, just so we can see for once what someone with that size can do on this team.
  22. Well Edwards is out. Cotton redshirted so I can see him staying around this year to see if he can fit into the team.
  23. Buyout clauses for NIL would be great for us. If we are going to develop and find them, might as well get a chunk of money for it. Promotion and relegation would never happen in a million lifetimes. Why would any SEC team volunteer to be relegated and lose tens of millions of dollars? You'd never get any of those schools to agree to that.
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